Scripts for Various ISPs

These scripts were contributed by customers. Where possible, the script was set up in a format that allows direct import of the script from a file into the WWW.CFG file by using WWWSETUP. This facility in WWWSETUP incorporates a file (with a script in it) into the WWW.CFG. PLEASE NOTE: The Setup for the ISP is still needed. A Setup can either be created by adding one in WWWSETUP (press the + (plus) in the main window) and adjusting its content, or by manually editing WWW.CFG (not recommended, unless you feel very confident in doing this!).

We have not tested these scripts to ascertain their accuracy, please make sure to test them.

We wish to thank all our customers who permitted us to use these contributions.

NetCom Script

Provided by our customer who experienced extreme difficulties connecting using the CHAP script. Click here to download this script. You must use the login in the form of "#joey", and not the form recommended by Microsoft for CHAP.

Here is a sample of the Netcom SETUP from the WWW.CFG:


MCS - a Chicago/Milwaukee area ISP

Provided by Alan H Peres, 10-May-1998. Click here to download the script.


This is the Israeli company that provides Compuserve access in Israel. This script, provided by Alan H Peres, 11-May-1998, enables the connection to CIS' Internet PPP Gateway. Click here to download the script.

Concentric (or CRIS)

Use the ISP_SLIP setup, and for user name, use "YourLoginNameHere@SLIP". (Kerry Batchelder, 17-OCT-96). Click here to download this script.

Login to Sun Unix System

Provided by Bob Scott, 22-Oct-96. Click here to download this script.

NiftyServe Setup and Script

NiftyServe is the equivalent to Compuserve in Japan. This setup and script was provided by Hiroshi Masuda (Hiro) in Hiroshima, Japan (23-Oct-96). Click here to download this script.

Mr Masuda comments that he uses WWW/LX to access internet via the "NIFTY-Serve FENICS-ROAD4".

The following values were used for Domain Name Servers settings:
DNS_IP=, and

Telepac (Portugal)

This script provided by Antonio Menezes (25-Oct-96). Click here to download this script.

WELCHLINK John Hopkins School of Medicine

Regretfully, the name of the contributor of this script and setup was lost. Click here to download this script.