WARNING: Many of these tools deal with creating (or removing) various executable format "envelopes". Due to the nature of how these tools work, THEY CAN APPEAR TO BE VIRUSES TO MOST VIRUS-SCANNING TOOLS. If you wish to download and use the material in this archive, your anti-virus scanner WILL flag these programs erroniously; you may have to disable your virus scanner both to download these tools, as well as work with them. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Disclaimer: These tools deal with DOS-era .EXE and .COM files and are meant for experienced professionals only. If mis-used, they can damage the files you use them with. If you use these tools, you do so with the understanding that anyone responsible for bringing these tools to you is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any loss of data or personal harm. You use these tools at your own risk. ============================================================================= This archive consists of ANORMAL's DOSEXE tools pack and compilers pack, both of which are being offered as a service to computer historians. These tools are valuable to researchers looking into how DOS/PC .EXE and .COM files were: - Created/Compiled - Compressed/Packed/Decompressed/Unpacked - Encrypted/Protected - Debugged/Traced - Disassembled/Unassembled The tools are from the same era as the files they work with, which means they themselves are DOS-era .EXE and .COM files, and will only work in similar environments. No support whatsoever is available for these tools; you use them at your own risk. The password for some of these archives might be "dosexe".