Tseng ET3000AX Jumperbelegung

JUMPER Setting: JP1 "Display attached" Pos1&2 = TTL Monochrome operation Pos2&3 = Color operation (default) JP2 "IRQ2 Line Status" Pos1&2 = IRQ2 disabled (default) Pos2&3 = IRQ2 enabled - VGA Configuration - (VGA-Card as primary Adapter, MDA-Card as secondary Adapter) Switch Setting !! Type of Display attached and Initial Mode Selection ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 !! Primary Display ! Secondary Display ================++========================================================== on off off off !! Color 80x25 (IBM 85xx) ! Monochrome (IBM 5151) or None ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- off off off off !! Multisync analog Monitor ! Monochrome (IBM 5151) or None - EGA Configuration - (VGA-Card as primary Adapter, MDA-Card as secondary Adapter) Switch Setting !! Type of Display attached and Initial Mode Selection ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 !! Primary Display ! Secondary Display ================++========================================================== on on on off !! EGA-Monitor (IBM 5154) ! Monochrome (IBM 5151) or None ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- off on on off !! EGA or Multisync Monitor ! Monochrome (IBM 5151) or None - CGA Configuration - (VGA-Card as primary Adapter, MDA-Card as secondary Adapter) Switch Setting !! Type of Display attached and Initial Mode Selection ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 !! Primary Display ! Secondary Display ================++========================================================== on off off on !! Color 40x25 (IBM 5153) ! Monochrome (IBM 5151) or None ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- off off off on !! Color 80x25 (IBM 5153) ! Monochrome (IBM 5151) or None - CGA Configuration - (CGA-Card as primary Adapter, VGA-Card as secondary Adapter) Switch Setting !! Type of Display attached and Initial Mode Selection ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 !! Primary Display ! Secondary Display ================++========================================================== on on off on !! Color 40x25 (IBM 5153) ! Monochrome (IBM 5151) or None ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- off on off on !! Color 80x25 (IBM 5153) ! Monochrome (IBM 5151) or None - Monochrome Configuration - (VGA-Card as primary Adapter, CGA-Card as secondary Adapter) Switch Setting !! Type of Display attached and Initial Mode Selection ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 !! Primary Display ! Secondary Display ================++========================================================== off off on off !! Monochrome (IBM 5151) ! Color 80x25 (IBM 5153) or None ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- on off on off !! Monochrome (IBM 5151) ! Color 40x25 (IBM 5153) or None - Monochrome Configuration - (MDA-Card as primary Adapter, VGA-Card as secondary Adapter) Switch Setting !! Type of Display attached and Initial Mode Selection ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 !! Primary Display ! Secondary Display ================++========================================================== on on on on !! Monochrome (IBM 5151) ! Color 40x25 (IBM 5153) ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- off on on on !! Monochrome (IBM 5151) ! Color 80x25 (IBM 5153) ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- on off on on !! Monochrome (IBM 5151) ! EGA Monitor (IBM 5154) ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- off off on on !! Monochrome (IBM 5151) ! EGA or Multisync Monitor ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- on on off off !! Monochrome (IBM 5151) ! Color 80x25 (IBM 85xx) ----------------++--------------------------+------------------------------- off on off off !! Monochrome (IBM 5151) ! Multisync analog Monitor
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Impressum nach § 5 TMG