WP22DOS Plus copyright © 1989, 1990, 1991 Chris De Herrera
WP22DOS Phus Thanslators copyright © 1990, 1991 Gene Wilburn
WP22DOS Plus User's Guide copyright © 1991 Club 100
This guide was written and laserset by Wilburn Communications Ltd., 91 Inglewood Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5G 1X9. (416) 271-3011.
The body text of this guide is printed in ITC Bookman
The following trademarks are used in this guide!
Tandy and WP-2 are registered trademarks of Tandy Corporation. WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. WordStar is a registered trademark of WordStar International lncorporated. Microsoft, Word, Word for Windows. Rich Text Format, RTF. MS-DOS. QutckBASIC. and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Aldus and PageMaker are registered trademarks of Aldus Corporation. ITC Bookman is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation.
In addition. WP2DOS Plus converts your WP-2 DO files to WordPerfect, WordStar. Word, PageMaker, and ASCII fonnats. Linked together with WP2DOS Plus, your WP-2 and your PC become a dynamic, flexible team for your word processing needs.
WP2DOS Plus was designed for businessmen, professtonals, writers, students, teachers, journalists, secretaries -anyone who writes. You can use your portable word processor at home, in a meeting, at the library, or on assignment, and later transfer your files to your PC word processor.
Your WP-2 is a portable electronic notebook you can take with you anywhere. Your PC becomes a heavy-duty finishing station for printing your files to devices such as laser printers or sharing your files across a local-area network.
Keycaps symbols e.g.,(F10) represent keys you press on your PC or your WP-2.
The (ENTER) key is the key you press to end a line or a statement on your PC or your WP-2. On some PCs, this key is labeled (ENTER) or (RETURN)
There are special combinations of keystrokes represented by two keycap symbols separated by a hyphen e.g., (F2)-(=) or (CTRL)-(Z). Whenever you encounter these, hold the first key down (e.g., (F2)) and while you're holding it, lightly tap the second key (e.g., (=)). Then release the first key.
If you're unfamiliar with creating subdirectories, here is a model you can follow:
Turn on your PC. At the DOS prompt C:> or C:\> type the following:
While you are in the WP2DOS Plus subdirectory, insert the WP2DOS Plus diskette into drive A: of your PC and type
If you are installing from your B: drive, substitute B: for A: in the above example.
This will transfer all the WP2DOS PLus files into your subdirectory.
Because you will want to invoke WP2DOS PLus frequently, we suggest that you create a DOS batch file to automate this step. If you are not familiar with DOS text editors and DOS PATH statements, type the following to create a batch file called WP2 BAT:
Once this batch file is created and saved on your hard disk, you simply type WP2 to invoke WP2DOS Plus.
When you run WP2DOS Plus from a floppy disk, your files will be stored on the same floppy disk as the WP2DOS Plus program unless you use the (F7) function to change directories and drives.
(F1) Help
Help displays an overview of the functions available from WP2DOS Plus.
(F2) Rename
Rename allows you to rename .DO and .DA files stored in your PC's WP2DOS Plus subdirectory.
(F3) Delete
Delete allows you to delete .DO and .DA flies stored in your PC's WP2DOS Plus subdirectory.
(F4) Xlate WP-2 to PC
Xlate WP'2 to PC converts a copy of your WP-2 .DO file to WordPerftct. WordStar, Rich Text Format, or ASCII. See Converting Fites for details.
(F5) She11 to DOS
Shell to DOS allows you to temporarily enter DOS to issue DOS commands and then resume WP2DOS Plus by typing EXTT.
(F6) COM Port
COM Port lets you switch between DOS COM1 and COM2, the two serial ports that WP2DOS Plus can use.
(F7) Directory
Directory lets you switch to different DOS subdirectories. This feature allows you to maintain multiple subdirectories for WP-2 files. This can be important because WP2DOS Plus emulates a Tandy Portable Disk Drive 2 exactiy, allowing only 40 WP-2 .DO and/or .DA files to be stored tn each subdirectory.
(F8) Xlate PC to WP-2
XZate PC to WP-2 converts a copy of your WordPerfect, WordStar, or ASCII files to .DO format. See Convenrting Files for details.
(F10) Exit
Exit ends the WP2DOS Plus session on your PC.
If your PC has an older 25-pin RS-232C receptacle, you will need to add a 25-pin-to-9-pin adapter. These are available from Radio Shack (part no. 26-287). Attach the adapter to your PC's RS-232C receptacle and attach the connecting cable to the adapter.
If you created the WP2.BAT file listed in the Installation section, type WP2 at the DOS prompt. Otherwise, type the following at the DOS prompt to start WP2DOS Plus:
(If you are using a floppy-disk PC, simply type WP2DOS.)
Your PC will display a screen similar to this... WP2DOS Plus Startup screen displaying fiies stored on a PC Note: WP2DOS Plus provides two optional startup switches. Typing WP2DOS /M forces WP2DOS Plus to display in monochrome. This is ideal for the LCD displays of portable PCs, Typing WP2DOS /2 connects WP2DOS Plus to COM2 instead of the default COM1.
Turn on your WP-2. Go to the Files Menu by pressing (F2)-(=).
If you are transferring files from your WP-2 to your PC, move the cursor to MEMORY and press (ENTER).
If you are transferring files from your PC to your WP-2, move the cursor to DISKETTE and press (ENTER)
Your WP-2 will display a screen similar to this...
WP-2 Screen displaying Files and Devices Menus.
A DEVICE pop-up menu will be displayed requesting you to choose a target device. Select DISKETTE if you are transferring a file to your PC. or choose MEMORY if you are transferring a file from your PC file to your WP-2. You will see the prompt:
New File Name: MAILX
To accept the name, press (ENTER). If you wish to change the name, type in a new name and press (ENTER). If the file already exists on your target device, the following prompt will be displayed:
(MAILX.DO) FILE EXISTS - Overwrite? (Yes/No)
Type Y to replace the file on disk with the new one.
The file is now on its way! If you watch your PC screen, you will see the number of characters being transferred,
You may repeat this procedure for every file you wish to transfer.
When you Copy All, your WP-2 will still alert you when files already exist on your PC. Simply answer Y to Overwrite them, unless you wish to change the name.
The Copy and Copy All functions also work with the RAM DISK device if you have an optional 32Kb or 128Kb RAM chip installed in your WP-2.
You now have all the basics you need to use WP2DOS Plus. If you will be using WP2DOS Plus for file conversions, we recommend that you read the next section, Conferting Files, for further information about using your WP-2 with your favorite DOS word processor.
B | boldface |
U | underscore |
I | italic (the WP-2 font attribute) |
T | tabs |
p | page breaks |
C | centering |
Export | WP-2 .DO to PC |
Import | PC to WP-2 .DO |
Filetupe | B | U | I | T | P | C | Exp | Imp |
WordPerfect 5.x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | - |
WordPerfect 4.2 | x | x | * | x | x | x | x | x |
WordStar 5.5/6.x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | - |
WordStar 3.3/4.0 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
RTF - PC | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | - |
RTF - ASCII | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | - |
ASCII | * | * | * | x | x | x | x | x |
WordPerfect 5.x files cannot be directly imported to .DO format. To import a 5.x file into your WP-2, save the file as a Wordperfect 4.2 file using the (CTRL)-(F5)-(4) sequence of 5.0 or the (CTRL)-(F5)-(3)-(3) sequence of 5.1.
If your Wordperfect 5.x files contain italics, these will be lost when Wordperfect converts your file to 4.2 format. if you wish to preserve italics from WordPerfect 5.x, use the WP5XIT.WPM macro contained on the WP2DOS Plus master diskette before converting to 4.2 format. This will turn your italic attributes into SGML symbols (see ASCII) that will be correctly translated back into italic on your WP-2.
WP2DOS Plus exports boldface as the WordStar ^B pair, underscore as the ^s pair, and italic as the ^Y pair. Soft carriage returns in the .DO file are converted to WordStar soft carriage returns. Centered lines in the .DO file are centered with spaces, as they are in WordStar 3.3/4.0.
Tabs are exported as ASCII tabs. They can be expanded into spaces within WordStar with the (CTRL)-(Q)-(A) search-and-replace function. Page breaks are exported as the WordStar .pa dot command.
After opening a DO file that has been translated to WordStar 5.5/6.x format, it is recommended that you issue a (CTRL)-(Q)-(U) (reformat) command to assure that tabs and centered lines are adjusted to your document format.
WordStar 5.5/6.x files cannot be imported directly to .DO format. To import a WordStar 5.5/6.x file into your WP-2, first save the file as a WordStar 4.0 file using the built-in WordStar facilities.
WP2DOS Plus converts .DO files to both formats. All DO file attributes are translated into RTF notation. including boldface, underscore, italic, centering, tabs, and page breaks. RTF files are exported with a .RTF filename extension.
The WP-2 shares the same extended character set as the IBM PC. WP2DOS Plus preserves the full IBM extended character set when it translates files to and from ASCII. ASCII files are exported with a .TXT filename extension.
WP2DCS Plus treats 0 in a special way, exporting each paragraph to a single line. This allows your target DOS word processor to preserve paragraphs.
If you intend to use an ASCII file with a DOS or mainframe text editor, you should select the line-by-line Option by specifying a line length between 20 and 127. WP2DOS Plus will wrap your words accordingly, ensuring that no line will exceed your specified maximum tine length.
SGML, or Standard Generalized Markup Language, is used by several U.S. and Canadian government agencies to create portable text documents. The attributes are preserved as follows:
<b> | begin bold |
</b> | end bold |
<u> | begin underscore |
</u> | end underscore |
<i> | begin italic |
</1> | end italic |
Be aware, however, that your WP-2 lets you to use characters in your filenames that can create illegal names in DOS. To prevent any difficulties, use only valid DOS filename characters when naming files, You may use any of the following letters and symbols:
A-Z a-z 0-9 $ % ' - @ { } ~ ` ! ( ) &
1 | ASCII |
4 | WordStar 3.3/4.0 |
6 | Wordperfect 4.2 |
The translation routines in WP2D0S Plus were added by Gene Wilburn, a programmer/analyst/writer based in Toronto, Canada. The translators are an enhanced version of his earlier TWPKIT. It is Gene's extensive experience with word-processing conversions that gives WP2DOS Plus its seamless interface to DOS word processors. Gene is also the president of Wilburn Cornmunications Ltd., a communications consulting company.
Rick Hanson, president and founder of Club 100, is the producer/coordinator of WP2DCS Plus. Rick has been the force behind getting WP2DOS Plus to market. It was through Rick's insight and encouragement that Chris and Gene joined forces to create the most unique, powerful program of its kind in the world. Club 100 is the exclusive distributor for WP2DOS Plus.
Club 100: A Model 100 User Group
P.O. Box 23438 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-0438
(925) 932-8956 fax (925) 937-5039 rick@club100.org bbs (925) 939-1246 (300/1200/2400 8N1)
Requtrements: | MS-DOS 2.X or later |
Baud Rate: | 19,200 bps |
Sertal Ports Supported: | COM1, COM2 |
Maximum Nwnber of files: | 40 .DO or .DA files per DOS subdirectory |
Disk Space Required: | less than 200K |
Memory Required: | 256K |
Command-Line Swttches: | /M (Monochrome) /2 (Serial Port 2) |
Rtch Text Format | .RTF |
WordStar 3.3/4.0 | .WS |
WordStar 5.5/6.x | .WS6 |
WordPerfra 4.2 | .WP |
WordPerfect 5.x | .WP5 |
The Original Laptop Computer . . . 1983