4/26/2000 By Christopher Erickson 11/27/2000 Updated Rebuilding Omnibook 600C, 600CT and 800CT LiIon battery packs. Because of the difficulty in finding replacement LiIon cells, rebuilding these battery packs is not presently possible. It is speculated that LiIon cells are not generally available to the public because they pose a fire hazard if improperly handled. This includes shorting cells, excessive heat from soldering and other dangers. NiMH and NiCd cells have different charge and discharge characteristics than LiIon and it is assumed that the battery management circuit inside the battery pack is fully incompatible with all but LiIon cells. One last note is that LiIon cells are about 3.7 volts each, not like Alkaline, NiCd and NiMH cells, which vary from 1.2 to 1.5 volts each. This means that it would take twelve NiMH cells to replace four LiIon cells. If someone were to find LiIon cells for sale somewhere, I would recommend ones with solder tabs. This would protect the cells from excessive soldering heat to a large degree. Common sense and soldering heat-shunt clamps (hemostats) would not be a bad idea either. As for good candidates for NiMH cells: www.Digikey.com, www.alliedelec.com As for LiIon cells: E-one Moli Energy, SONY, Eveready, ABSL, Envoy