======================================= Remember the goals: no configuration near 1:1 relationship to SD card (like a console flash cart) quality over quantity (don't seek to answer the question "can it run?" but rather "is the resulting experience worth having?") easy to maintain (for me because I only have limited time, and of course for the user) there are other, better options for tinkerers and archivists ======================================= Please see the readme.txt in the zip file for installation instructions. - increased font size in Commander.pak (created my own pixel font, Commander-11) - fixed Roms sub-folder support for Game Gear and Master System As always, thanks eggs, neonloop, gameblabla, and christianhaitian! ======================================= TODO: versions of Christian's pull requests Repair SD.pak (see notes in ~/Desktop/repair-sd.txt) TODO: make the percentage increment configuable (1-5) for a max volume of 20-100%? TODO: make sure Cave Story and VVVVVV sync on save too? TODO: some emulators aren't wiping the screen on quit (is this a regression?) sometimes the wipe flips back to the last rendered screen (separate bugs?) TODO: buttons pressed when entering menu stay pressed upon exiting (this is kinda useful as an auto-hold feature :sweat_smile:) pokemini picogpsp picodrive sms_sdl snes9x2002 temper under consideration new noise es? http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/ (might unzip rar too) https://github.com/kornelski/7z recognize neonloop's dynamic-libs.zip and automatically unzip into /System/libs? will it get nuked on update? no MinUI+libmmenu support localization localized strings files most text is in images not just text but all the button prompts are hardcoded too... eg. USB Bridge.pak eg. the QR code in Tips.pak some strings are built programmatically eg. System/Update.pak would need an alternative to bin/show, bin/confirm, even bin/flipbook :weary: I don't think the current typeface supports anything beyond ascii :sob: modes just text, centered (manually wrapped), eg. wake.png prompt, centered text, buttons at bottom, eg. USB Bridge.pak layout, centered text, centered header, buttons along bottom, eg. Tips.pak multi-paged :cold_sweat: libmsettings - libmmenu switch to MinUI's Input_* API MinUI continuously scroll long names? BUG: if Games only contains subfolders (no paks) it won't appear eg. if you only add Doom (which contains paks for each wad) and no other game paks remove Color versions of Game Boy and Neo Geo Pocket paks? add variations like this to an Extras folder with its own readme is there a way to remember the MinUI name for a pak? so a pak can be updated even if renamed? if .pak/default_name.txt doesn't exist write to it do shell scripts have arrays? hashes? maybe before updating each we build a list mapping default to custom then when updating we look up the custom path from the default one in that file? look at how GMenuNX launches emulators uses exec() to replace itself with the emulator could allow me to get rid of next.sh file system based settings? checkboxes (eg. enable screenshots, enable suspend/resume?, enable tips on boot) select menus (eg. sleep timeout/disable, language, choose console names?) emulators all standardize bios locations I would prefer they all live in the emu folder not the rom folder but... pokemini should power off before exiting (or add note to readme that that's how games save to sram?) see https://github.com/libretro/PokeMini/commit/fa58158436d989d2ae51e24746f24767dada5487 picogpsp noticing audio issues that persist across save slot save and resume could this be caused by resuming a slot before audio is ready? oswan - picodrive BUG: Streets of Rage music is slightly off BUG: restoring state of a CD game doesn't work reliably do CD games need a delay before restoring from menu? I'm using a built in load state flag so I don't _think_ this is my bug... Final Fight CD states created after entering the subway car will load but only play music fceux - pcsx_rearmed - sms_sdl - snes9x2002 https://git.crowdedwood.com/snes9x2002/commit/?id=1aca018a2212d69fe38fda260ab76da0b4e8373e temper - handy - race - gngeo see alias-support branch save states don't restore audio paks Tips explain USB Bridge + webadb.com? mention USB headphones and impact on performance Dead Pixel Reanimator.pak just need to fork, branch, commit my changes, submodule and potentially add to makefile https://github.com/retrofw/pixmassage probably more of an Extras thing Commander.pak merge in latest additions from (or just switch to entirely?): https://github.com/od-contrib/commander/ general remove old paks from archive add a quickstart section to readme make clear the `Roms/Console Name` and `Emus/Console Name.pak` connection add info about USB Bridge + webadb.com to upload files over USB mention GBA, PSX, and 32x using dynarec which may have performance issues initially that go away after playing for a bit and it caches instructions? document new REMPAP launch.sh for multiple rom types that use the same emulator document no-update file in paks wrap functions shared by MinUI, utilities, and libmmenu into a shared source file? yes, please! this is tricky because libmmenu is a submodule it might need to be a submodule itself? document submodule upstream urls (for myself) since they get lost when cloned automate somehow?