GUEST Requirements/Issues

* V20 CPU, or later, is required.
* Minimum DOS versions apply.  The actual minimum useable DOS version appears to depend on the version of GUEST in use.
One example is shown in section 2 of the document here (for a particular GUEST version), which specifies, "MS-DOS version 5.0 or higher, and PC-DOS version 6.0 or higher".
* If specifying a drive letter to GUEST, there must be a LASTDRIVE statement in the computer's CONFIG.SYS file that specifies a letter later in the alphabet than that used with the Letter option.  ( Info source: Section 4.3 at here )
* If CONFIG.SYS contains 'LASTDRIVE=Z', then lower the drive letter specified (e.g.  try 'X').
* You may neeed to try different versions of GUEST.  On a 486, I remember going through about three versions before finding a version that worked.
* When GUEST loads, GUEST will try all of the drivers specified in the GUEST.INI file.  One of those drivers may lock up the computer.  If that is happening, then try commenting out all unneeded drivers.  That process is described in section 4.2 and 5.2 of the document here (where the term 'ASPI manager' is used instead of 'driver').
* In setting up a parallel port ZIP100 drive on an IBM 5170 (IBM AT), I discovered that I had to set the 'speed' parameter to zero before GUEST would successfully load.