This page (and the registration page) are hosted here as a mirror for the original pages that were once hosted on the Earthlink web server. I had been linking directly to the original pages, but since they are no longer available, I am hosting these mirrored pages here so that this fantastic project does not vanish into the void. I have tried to contact Dave Bradshaw for permission to host these pages using the address shown. My email was returned undeliverable. Since you can longer reach the author using the address shown anymore, I doubt you will be able to get the software registered. I will continue to attempt to contact the author and will leave these pages until/unless requested otherwise.

All of the files that you will need to use this software can be downloaded here as a single .ZIP archive.


I've finished version 1.0 of Redbeard Webtalker,MP3. It's a web browser with text to speech functions, where the speech can be saved in mp3 files. So download Redbeard WebTalker,MP3 and start listening to your ebook files.


During the early 90's Sony introduced a new handheld device called a data discman which could read electronic books from 3 inch CD-ROMs. Though somewhat successfull in Japan, sales were very small outside Japan, and they were taken off the market outside Japan(remaining units were dumped at low price). I will list the major reasons for failure at the time and show these reasons for the most part no longer apply:
1) Insufficient ebooks available. A large number of people own CD writers and can make their own electronic books from Internet today with the program available below, unlike the situation in the early 90s. Plus the blank CD-R is much cheaper.
2) Cost was too high. Now there are used DD selling on ebay for 10-20% of the new price.
3) The batteries ran down fairly quickly. The new NiMH rechargable batteries last much longer.
4) People find it difficult to adapt to reading on an electronic device. This is the most difficult obstacle and I can only point out some advantages to reading books from CD-R: A) Scrolling is easier than turning pages and reading is easier in general. B) The space for ebooks on CD-R is a thousand times less than the space required for paper books. C) Many now prefer reading ebooks to paper books including myself.


  • DD8 HELP-(this page)
  • DOWNLOAD PAGE for DD8 Authoring and DD8VC (Viewer/Converter)


Windows98, NT4, or Windows2000Professional, 486 CPU or higher with 32Mbytes RAM, mouse, VGA display, and 10 Megabytes of free hard drive space plus space equal to the size of the image (iso) file you wish to create(on the drive you install the program) plus additional space for the iso files you create (on any drive).


Minimum requirements listed above plus CDR drive, plus free hard drive space equal to at least two times the size of the maximum image file you wish to create. Also a data diskman reader, naturally!


If you have a CDR drive and a windows compatible computer (see requirements above) you can create your own Data Discman compatible (EBG) CDR with this mini CDR authoring program. The unregistered trial version of this authoring program is free for download and can create disks holding up to 4 million bytes of text. After registration the program will allow creating disks with upto almost 200 million bytes of text. This is roughly 100,000 pages (300 books).

The purpose of this program is to rapidly convert large groups of text files(we'll call each file a book)and image files(jpg,gif, etc) into a file (iso) suitable for burning to a mini CDR. I use Nero Burning ROM program to burn the iso file to the CDR. The CDR will then be readable in Data Discman book readers. (I've tested models DD-1EX, DD-10RE, DD-10EX, DD-8). Simply insert the disks into a caddy ( some models of discman readers don't require a caddy such as the DD-1EX, just be sure to push in the caddy ejection arm).

All changes from previous version are associated with the groups (group pages). The changes for this version are the addition of the ability to add images as described below plus the scanning of the text files during compilation if the "compile clears list" checkbox is checked for the group.


If the "compile clears list" checkbox is unchecked the old (version 1.3) method of compilation will be used(which is faster).
The newer method will scan the text for illegal characters and replace the characters with valid equivalents, and also break pages (insert page numbers) only in spaces.
Breaking the pages only at spaces will prevent image links from being broken. If image links are placed at page boundaries there would be a chance the program would insert the page number into the link(preventing the link from working).
However if it doesn't matter you can save time by using the faster, old compilation method(uncheck the "comile clears list").
In other words, there are 2 methods of compilation of a group: the slower ; more complete checking, and the faster; more prone to errors.


To add images one or two steps are necessary before compiling your group:
A large variety of image files can be dropped using drag and drop anywhere onto the programs main window. The conversion may require several seconds(hourglass appears during conversion) before the file/files are added to the list.
Internally the dd8 program converts the images into a data discman compatible format (bmp format).
The image file formats you can drop include jpg, gif, tif and several others.
If the image file converts successfully it will be added to the "bmp file" list in the lower right hand corner of the group window. Usually you can view the converted image by double clicking with your mouse on the entry in the list. It may appear upside down because that is the compatible format for the data discman. The internal viewer will flip the images upside down to make them appear correct, however in external viewers/editors will appear upside down.
The image conversion to bmp is slow because the number of bits per pixel displayable by the data discman is only one bit per pixel and the program will dither higher resolution images to simulate more bits per pixel. Also the images are scaled to fit the 256 X 200 pixel resolution required by the data discman.
The only user selectable options are the "external", "split" or the "invert" checkboxes. External unchecked means to use the internal bmp viewer to display the bmp whenever a bmp on the list is double clicked. External checked means to use whatever program is associated with bmp files whenever one or more bmp files are doule clicked. Split means to generate two images by splitting along the shorter dimension. Invert means the negative image of the original. (Try out these options if they aren't clear.) Also you may delete any undesirable images from the bmp list with the delete button after selecting(clicking) one or more files. Merely select one or more images in the list and then press the delete button.
Once you have added your images to the bmp list using drag/drop you will then be ready to copy and paste image tags within your text files. (NOTE: Group limit of 127 total images.)
This is similar to image tags placed within html files.
Tags to the images placed anywhere within the text allow the user to be able to view the images. A file (all illustrations.txt) is automatically created for the group with all the image tags placed within the file.
By selecting one or more bmp files in the list you can then copy tags from the window identified as "bmp tags". Then open a text file by double clicking the text file in the text file list in order to paste the tag within the text file. Save the text file(might need to turn off word-wrap before saving). Later compilation of the group will result in a link to the image being placed at the location of the tag. Any number of tags to an image can be placed within the text files however there is a limit of 127 total images per group.
(NOTE: Don't expect high quality images because the data discman can only display 256 by 200 pixel at 1 bit per pixel. This is most appropriate for graphics.)
Upon sucessful compilation of the group all images in the bmp files list used in the compilation will be removed from the list (unlike the text files).
There is a demo iso file available for download which has a variety of images at: demo.htm


After the user defines which books go into each group and pushes the COMPILE button, the DD8 program automatically subdivides each book (file) into 4 kbyte pages and creates a menu for each book with links to each numbered page, plus a menu for each group of books. After creating a disk with the DD8 program , locating a page of a book on a data diskman reader consists of selecting the group where the book is located from a main menu, then select the book name from a group menu, followed by a page of the book from a third menu. Up to 8 groups of books may exist on a disk. The 8 in DD8 comes from the max number of groups.

The book names are automatically derived from the name of the text file. If you'd like to change the name of the book simply change the name of the text file before inserting the file into a group. Each CDR will normally hold hundreds of books.(almost 200Mbytes of text) I've tested the program using 300 text files between 30kbytes and 2 megabytes in size apiece for a disk total containing over 170 million characters of text. For text files greater than 2 megabytes I recommend dividing the file into smaller pieces before using the DD8 program because the menu generated becomes excessively long(greater than 500 pages). When the size of the file exceeds 32 pages(128k) additional links are created for movement within the book's menu (marked +32).


Almost every CDR drive can write to a mini CDR (8cm). Three of the four brands of mini-CDR I've tested read well in all my data discman readers(8 readers). The 3 brands that worked well were Maxell(210MB), Imation(185MB), Memorex(185MB). The Jensen(195MB) brand disks generated errors in some of the discman readers. Though I cannot guarantee sucess with any particular cds. Simply download the trial version of the program and try it out on your computer. If it doesn't work you can just uninstall the program by running unins000.exe. The space required on the CD is the size of the iso file plus about 15MB for runout. DD8 won't check to see if there's enough space on the CD, nor will it work with anything other than a blank CDR. One session per cd only. You can't add to a cd that is not full later; the data discman reads one session only.
A blank mini CDR typically costs under $2. I just bought a 10 pak at Walmart for $8.: A cost of less than one cent per megabyte for the storage medium.

Page 1 of group pages
Group tab page


Upon running DD8.exe you will see ten tabs along the top of the window; eight Group# tabs,one ISO tab, and one REG tab. Each tab may be used to select one of ten pages. (note: All the sizes shown will be in bytes except the MAX SIZE limit which is in megabytes. At the end of this readme file is a list of all buttons giving their purpose.)

GROUP PAGESSelecting a Group# tab will display a page allowing you to create a list of files(BOOK LIST) for that group and compile the list(COMPILED LIST). The BOOK LIST box in the upper left area of the page will display the list of files prior to compilation. Pressing the COMPILE button will compile the files and move this list down to the COMPILED LIST box in the lower left area of the page. Once a list has been compiled the red icon will turn green and the group will be active on the ISO page. The CLR button will delete the compiled list and deactivate the group(turn the icon red). You may select one or more books(files) on the BOOK LIST and press the DELETE button to remove them from the list.

There are five methods of adding text files to the BOOK LIST, whichever you prefer:
1) Drag and drop one or more files to the window.
2) Drag and drop directory(ies) to the DD8 window: this adds all the text files within the directory or directories to the list
3) Locate the files (within windows explorer) and right click on the files, select send to->GROUPS->then whichever group you wish. This is the only method that will work whether you have DD8 running or not.
4) Push the DIRECTORY button, then select a directory. All the text files within the directory and all subdirectories will be added to the book list.
5) Use the tree control in the upper right area of the page to select a directory. Then push the button with the <-. This will copy all text files within the selected directory to the BOOK LIST. Double clicking on a directory (or drive) within the tree control will expand(collapse) the branch of the tree.

There is only one method of adding image files to the BMP FILES LIST
1) Locate your image files in an explorer window and drag/drop them onto the dd8 window. The conversion may require several seconds(hourglass appears during conversion) before the file/files are added to the list. You may select one or more images(files) on the BMP FILES list and press the DELETE button to remove them from the list or double click the file on the list to view/edit the bmp file. (For more info on adding image links to text see New Features section)

All operations are limited by the MAX SIZE setting in the upper right corner of the window(which is in millions of bytes). This may be adjusted by registered users up to 125 million or by unregistered upto 2 million.



This is where you can generate the ISO file(by pressing the GENERATE ISO button) which will include all the compiled groups. Though before generating the iso file you may wish to provide group names(instead of using the defaults:Group1,Group2,etc.) in the edit boxes along the upper half of the ISO page. Or you may wish to provide a different filename, label, or location for the iso file(in steps 1 thru 3). The default label is the date(year,month,day). If you are short on space on the default drive you may wish to select a different directory for the iso file using the "DIRECTORYforISO" button. WARNING: Only type in the filename in the ISO FILENAME edit box, not a path. Any spaces within the filename will be replaced with underscores. Also at any time you may push the Create Booklist button to generate a text file listing of all the books and their sizes arranged by group for every compiled group.
The checkboxes along the top half of the window may be used to quickly clear any groups.

Registration page


This page provides information on how to register your computer to use the DD8 program. Registration will increase the MAX SIZE for your total iso upto almost 200 megabytes from the demo mode of 4megabytes. Also groups 3 thru 8 will be activated. The registration code you receive will depend on the Computer Code you provide from the box at the top of the REG page. After payment (see web page shown for instructions) and after you provide your Computer Code I will send you the registration code for your computer.

Group Pages

Clik for larger image
Group Page


HELP - If you have an active internet connection this will bring up a web page of information, otherwise it displays the DD8 help file.
DELETE - After selecting one or more files listed in the BOOK LIST box, use this button to delete the files from the list.
DIRECTORY - Used to select a directory whose contents will be added to the BOOK LIST.
COMPILE - Used to compile the files into a form compatible with the data discman book readers. This prepares the group to be added to the iso file. The cursor will change to an hourglass untill the compile is complete.
CLR - Used to reverse the compile operation and delete the compilation for the group from memory.
<-- Used to transfer all the text files within the directory selected into the Book List.
Clik for larger image
ISO page

Iso page:

Create Booklist - Generates a list (text file) containing the names of all the text files(books) compiled in each group and their sizes.
DIRECTORYforISO - Select a location (directory) for the iso file.
GENERATE ISO - Create ISO file from all the compiled groups in the specified DIRECTORYforISO location.
BURN ISO2CDR - Currently not functional due to the unreliability of the function.
Clik for larger image
Registration page

Reg page:

STEP2 - If an active connection to internet is detected this will open your default browser to my registration page.
REGISTER - This checks to see if you've entered a correct registration code for your computer and if so increases the size limit to 190MB and enables all groups.


The user has a free license to use the program in unregistered mode for upto 90 days for any approved evaluation purposes stated below. After evaluation the user agrees to either remove the software or purchase a single computer user license/registration code for each computer on which the software is installed. The approved purposes are authoring of cds without violating any existing copyright or patent laws only. The provider of this software assumes no liability for any damages caused by the program nor makes any claims regarding the suitability of this software in any specific situation. Installation of this software constitutes agreement with these conditions

If you encounter any bugs in the program , please email me the details, including the operating system you are using and the version of DD8 you have installed. THE
This page is maintained by Dave Bradshaw.
Last updated: 06/13/2004 18:08:10
"My library Was dukedom large enough." Shakespeare, The Tempest