10 @%=&20009 20 CLS 30 PRINT''"CYBER ROASTER" 40 PRINT'"Are you cooking beef, lamb, chicken, pork or turkey (enter B/L/C/P/T)" 50 INPUT M$:IF M$="B" THEN meat$="beef"ELSE IF M$="L"THEN meat$="lamb"ELSE IF M$="C" THEN meat$="chicken"ELSE IF M$="P"THEN meat$="pork"ELSE IF M$="T"THEN meat$="turkey" 60 CLS 65: 70 INPUT''"Enter the weight in kg.",W 80 L=W*2.2046 90 CLS 100 PRINT'"That is ";L;" lb." 110 PRINT'"Because we are cooking ";meat$;:IF meat$="chicken" AND L<3 THEN PRINT " and the weight is under 3lb" 120 IF M$="P" THEN M=30 ELSE M=20:IF M$="C" AND L<3 THEN M=15 130 PRINT " it will be ";M;" minutes per lb. and ";M;" minutes over." 140 TM=(M*L)+M 150 H%=TM DIV 60: M%=TM MOD 60 160 PRINT'"The total cooking time is ";H%;" hr. and ";M%;" min. Press any key when cooking starts." 170 G=GET 180 T$=RIGHT$(TIME$,8) 190 CLS 200 CLOCK$=RIGHT$(TIME$,8) 210 MIN$=LEFT$(CLOCK$,5) 220 H$=LEFT$(MIN$,2):M$=RIGHT$(MIN$,2) 230 H=VAL(H$):M=VAL(M$) 240 FH=H%+H:FM=M%+M 250 PROCtimer 260 END 265 : 270 DEFPROCtimer 280 R=FM 290 Q=R DIV 60 300 S=FH+Q 310 IF S>24 THEN S=S-24 320 NFM=R MOD 60 330 PRINT'' "The time is now ";RIGHT$(TIME$,8) 340 PRINT'"The "meat$;" is due out of the oven at ";S;":";NFM;" to the nearest minute." 350 ENDPROC