I'm pleased to announce the release of 'BBC BASIC for Windows' version 5.95a. This will be the last ever version 5 release, and is intended to 'clear the decks' for the much anticipated, although still uncertain, BB4W version 6.00. Version 5.95a includes the following enhancements and bug fixes: 1. The memory available in the trial version is doubled from 8 to 16 Kilobytes. 2. Improved support for touch screens: you can scroll and zoom the editing pane. 3. The encoding, ANSI or Unicode, is automatically detected on loading a program. 4. The right-click context menu optionally shows FN/PROC names with parentheses. 5. Improved support for 64-bit Windows: the *RUN command now works properly. 6. Compiled executables incorporate a Windows 8.1 compatibility manifest. 7. The 'List Variables' utility (hopefully) no longer suffers occasional crashes. 8. A registry setting allows the 'default printer' check on Run to be disabled. Other components of 'BBC BASIC for Windows' changed in this release are as follows: 1. Updated Cross Reference, Differences, Module Viewer, Profiler, Version Info and Windows Constants add-in utilities. 2. Updated CALLBACK, CLASSLIB, EVENTLIB, MULTIWIN, SORTLIB, SORTSALIB, SPRITELIB, SUBCLASS and SUBCLASSW libraries. 3. Example programs DOODLE, GUIDEMO, MANDEL and SLIDERULE adapted for touch input. 4. A new WORLD.BBC example program (Direct3D rotating globe animation). To upgrade your copy of 'BBC BASIC for Windows' to version 5.95a, and at the same time update your libraries, utilities, example programs and manual, download and install UPGRADE.EXE from here: http://www.rtrussell.co.uk/bbcwin/download.html Richard.