The Project Gutenberg EBook of Sixth annual report of the Bureau of
ethnology. (1888 N 06 / 1884-1885), by John Wesley Powell

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Title: Sixth annual report of the Bureau of ethnology. (1888 N 06 / 1884-1885)

Author: John Wesley Powell

Release Date: March 8, 2016 [EBook #51390]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


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Series Title.
Smithsonian institution. Bureau of ethnology.
Sixth annual report | of the | Bureau of ethnology | to the | secretary of the Smithsonian institution | 1884-'85 | by | J. W. Powell | director | [Vignette] |
Washington | government printing office | 1888
8°. lviii, 675 pp. incl. 15 pl. & 4 pp. of music. 8 pl. 2 maps.
Author title.
Powell (John Wesley).
Sixth annual report | of the | Bureau of ethnology | to the | secretary of the Smithsonian institution | 1884-'85 | by | J. W. Powell | director | [Vignette] |
Washington | government printing office | 1888
8°. lviii, 675 pp. incl. 15 pl. & 4 pp. of music. 8 pl. 2 maps.
[Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of ethnology.]
Title for subject entry.
Sixth annual report | of the | Bureau of ethnology | to the | secretary of the Smithsonian institution | 1884-'85 | by | J. W. Powell | director | [Vignette] |
Washington | government printing office | 1888
8°. lviii, 675 pp. incl. 15 pl. & 4 pp. of music. 8 pl. 2 maps.
[Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of ethnology.]




Letter of transmittal XXI
Introduction XXIII
Publication XXIV
Field work XXVI
    Mound explorations XXVI
        Work of Prof. Cyrus Thomas XXVI
    Explorations in the Southwest XXVIII
        Work of Mr. James Stevenson XXVIII
        Work of Mr. Victor Mindeleff XXIX
    Linguistic field work XXX
        Work of Mrs. Erminnie A. Smith XXX
        Work of Mr. H. W. Henshaw XXXI
        Work of Mr. A. S. Gatschet XXXIII
        Work of Rev. J. Owen Dorsey XXXVI
        Work of Mr. Jeremiah Curtin XXXVII
    General field work XXXVIII
        Work of Dr. Washington Matthews XXXVIII
        Work of Dr. H. C. Yarrow XL
        Work of Dr. W. J. Hoffman XLI
Office work XLIII
  Work of Mr. H. W. Henshaw XLV
  Work of Mrs. Erminnie A. Smith XLV
  Work of Col. Garrick Mallery XLV
  Work of Dr. W. J. Hoffman XLV
  Work of Mr. James C. Pilling XLV
  Work of Mr. Frank H. Cushing XLVI
  Work of Prof. Cyrus Thomas XLVII
  Work of Mr. Victor Mindeleff XLVII
  Work of Rev. J. Owen Dorsey XLVIII
  Work of Mr. Albert S. Gatschet XLVIII
  Work of Mr. W. H. Holmes XLVIII
  Work of Dr. H. C. Yarrow L
  Work of Mr. Charles C. Royce L
Accompanying papers LI
  Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia, by William H. Holmes LI
  A study of the textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament, by William H. Holmes LIV
  Aids to the study of the Maya Codices, by Cyrus Thomas LV
  Osage traditions, by Rev. J. Owen Dorsey LVI
  The Central Eskimo, by Dr. Franz Boas LVI
Financial statement LVIII


Introduction 13
    Geography 13
    Literature 14
    People 15
    The cemeteries 16
    The graves 17
    Human remains 20
    Placing of relics 21
Objects of art 21
    Stone 21
        Pictured rocks 21
        Columns 22
        Images 23
        Mealing stones 25
        Stools 27
        Celts etc. 29
        Spearheads 34
        Arrowpoints 34
        Ornaments 34
    Metal 35
        Gold and copper 35
        Bronze 49
    Clay: Pottery 53
        Preliminary 53
        How found 55
        Material 55
        Manufacture 56
        Color 57
        Use 57
        Forms of vessels 58
        Decoration 62
    Unpainted ware 66
        Terra cotta group 67
        Black incised group 80
    Painted ware 84
        Scarified group 87
        Handled group 90
        Tripod group 97
        Maroon group 107
        Red line group 109
        White line group 111
        Lost color group 113
        Alligator group 130
        Polychrome group 140
        Unclassified 147
    Miscellaneous objects 149
        Spindle whorls 149
        Needlecases 150
        Figurines 151
        Stools 154
V      Musical instruments 156
        Rattles 156
        Drums 157
        Wind instruments 160
    Life forms in vase painting 171
Résumé 186
Introduction 195
    Form in textile art 196
    Relations of form to ornament 201
    Color in textile art 201
Textile ornament 202
    Development of a geometric system within the art 202
      Introduction 202
      Relief phenomena 203
        Ordinary features 203
        Reticulated work 210
        Superconstructive features 211
      Color phenomena 215
        Ordinary features 215
        Non-essential constructive features 226
        Superconstructive features 228
        Adventitious features 231
  Geometricity imposed upon adopted elements of design 232
  Extension of textile ornament to other forms of art 244
Introduction 259
Chap. I. The numerals in the Dresden Codex 261
     II. Conclusions 339
    III. The writing 345
          Signification of the characters 347
          Symbols of animals etc 348
          Symbols of deities 358
          Discussion as to phonetic features of the characters 365
Introduction 377
Traditions of the elders 381
  Unŭn u¢áʞe. Tsíɔu wactáʞe itáde (Tradition of the Tsíɔu wactáʞe gens) 381
    Translation 388
  Unŭn u¢áʞe. Qü¢ápasan itáde (Tradition of the Bald Eagle subgens) 390
    Translation 394
Concluding remarks 396
Introduction 409
    Authorities quoted 410
    Orthography 413
    Geography of northeastern America 413
VIDistribution of the tribes 419
    General observations 419
    Baffin Land 421
        The Sikosuilarmiut 421
        The Akuliarmiut 421
        The Qaumauangmiut 421
        The Nugumiut 422
        The Oqomiut 424
        The Padlimiut and the Akudnirmiut 440
        The Aggomiut 442
        The Iglulirmiut 444
        The Pilingmiut 444
        The Sagdlirmiut 444
    Western shore of Hudson Bay 444
        The Aivillirmiut 445
        The Kinipetu or Agutit 450
        The Sagdlirmiut of Southampton Island 451
        The Sinimiut 451
    Boothia Felix and Back River 452
        The Netchillirmiut 452
        The Ugjulirmiut 458
        The Ukusiksalirmiut 458
    Smith Sound 459
        The natives of Ellesmere Land 459
        The North Greenlanders 460
Influence of geographical conditions upon the distribution of the settlements 460
Trade and intercourse between the tribes 462
List of the Central Eskimo tribes 470
Hunting and fishing 471
    Seal, walrus, and whale hunting 471
    Deer, musk ox, and bear hunting 501
    Hunting of small game 510
    Fishing 513
Manufactures 516
    Making leather and preparing skins 516
    Sundry implements 523
Transportation by boats and sledges 527
    The boat 527
    The sledge and dogs 529
Habitations and dress 539
    The house 539
    Clothing, dressing of the hair, and tattooing 554
Social and religious life 561
    Domestic occupations and amusements 561
    Visiting 574
    Social customs in summer 576
    Social order and laws 578
    Religious ideas and the angakunirn (priesthood) 583
        Sedna and the fulmar 583
        The tornait and the angakut 591
        The flight to the moon 598
        Kadlu the thunderer 600
    Feasts, religious and secular 600
    Customs and regulations concerning birth, sickness, and death 609
VIITales and traditions 615
    Ititaujang 615
    The emigration of the Sagdlirmiut 618
    Kalopaling 20
    The Uissuit 621
    Kiviung 621
    The origin of the narwhal 625
    The visitor 627
    The fugitive women 628
    Qaudjaqdjuq 628
        I. Story of the three brothers 628
        II. Qaudjaqdjuq 630
    Igimarasugdjuqdjuaq the cannibal 633
    The Tornit 634
    The woman and the spirit of the singing house 636
    The constellation Udleqdjun 636
    The origin of the Adlet and of the Qadluait 637
    The great flood 637
    Inugpaqdjuqdjualung 638
    The bear story 638
    Sundry tales 639
    Tables relating to animals 641
        The owl and the raven 641
    Comparison between Baffin Land traditions and those of other tribes 641
Science and the arts 643
    Geography and navigation 643
    Poetry and music 648
        Merry-making among the Tornit 649
        The lemming's song 650
        Arlum pissinga (the killer's song) 650
           I. Summer song 653
           II. The returning hunter 653
           III. Song of the Tornit 653
           IV. Song of the Inuit traveling to Nettilling 653
           V. Oxaitoq's song 654
           VI. Utitiaq's song 654
           VII. Song 654
           VIII. Song 654
           IX. Song of the Tornit 654
           X. The fox and the woman 655
           XI. The raven's song 655
           XII. Song of a Padlimio 655
           XIII. Ititaujang's song 655
           XIV. Playing at ball 656
           XV. Playing at ball 657
           XVI.-XIX. Extracts 657, 658
Glossary 659
Appendix 667
Index 671


Plate I. Map of Chiriqui 13
II. Map showing in detail the geographical divisions of territory occupied by the Eskimo tribes of northeast America [1]
  1. Oqo and Akudnirn.  
  2. Frobisher Bay.  
  3. Eclipse Sound and Admiralty Inlet.  
  4. Repulse Sound and Lyon Inlet.  
  5. Boothia Isthmus and King William Land.  
III. Map of the territory occupied by the Eskimo tribes of North America, showing the boundaries [1]
IV. Cumberland Peninsula, drawn by Aranin, a Saumingmio 643
V. Eskimo drawings 648
VI. Eskimo drawings 650
VII. Eskimo drawings 651
VIII. Eskimo carvings 652
IX. Eskimo carvings 653
X. Modern Eskimo implements 654
Fig. 1. Section of oval grave 17
2. Section of a quadrangular grave 18
3. Grave with pillars 18
4. Compound cist 19
5. Southwest face of the pictured stone 22
6. A goddess of the ancient Chiriquians 23
7. A god of the ancient Chiriquians 24
8. Fragmentary human figure in gray basaltic rock 25
9. Mealing stone with large tablet ornamented with animal heads 26
10. Puma shaped metate 27
11. Stool shaped object 28
12. Stool with columnar base 28
13. Stool with perforated base 29
14. Large partially polished celt 30
15. Celt of hexagonal section 31
16. Small wide bladed celt 31
17. Celt with heavy shaft 31
18. Celt or ax with constriction near the top 31
19. Flaked and partially polished celt 32
20. Well polished celt 32
21. Narrow pointed celt 32
22. Narrow pointed celt 32
23. Cylindrical celt with narrow point 33
24. Leaf shaped objects suggesting spearpoints 34
X25. Arrowpoints 34
26. Human figure formed of copper-gold alloy 41
27. Grotesque human figure in gold 42
28. Rudely shaped human figure in gold 42
29. Grotesque human figure in nearly pure copper 43
30. Grotesque human figure in nearly pure gold 43
31. Rudely executed image of a bird in gold 44
32. Image of a bird in gold 45
33. Puma shaped figure in gold 45
34. Puma shaped figure in base metal 45
35. Quadruped with grotesque face in base metal 46
36. Figure of a fish in gold 46
37. Large figure of a frog in base metal plated with gold 47
38. Small figure of a frog in base metal plated with gold 47
39. Figure of an alligator in gold 48
40. Animal figure in base metal plated with gold 48
41. Bronze bells plated or washed with gold 50
42. Bronze bell with human features 50
43. Triple bell or rattle found on the Rio Grande 51
44. Ancient Mexican bell 51
45. Fundamental forms of vases—convex outlines 58
46. Fundamental forms of vases—angular outlines 59
47. Vases of complex outlines—exceptional forms 59
48. Vases of compound forms 59
49. Square lipped vessel 59
50. Variations in the forms of necks and rims 60
51. Arrangement of handles 60
52. Types of annular bases or feet 61
53. Forms of legs 61
54. Grotesque figure forming the handle of a small vase 63
55. Grotesque figure forming the handle of a small vase 63
56. Grotesque figure forming the handle of a small vase 63
57. Monstrous figure with serpent shaped extremities 63
58. Monstrous figure with serpent shaped extremities 63
59. Grotesque figure 64
60. Grotesque figure 64
61. Grotesque figure 64
62. Figure of a monkey 64
63. Figure of a monkey 64
64. Figure of a monkey 64
65. Animal forms exhibiting long proboscis 65
66. Vase illustrating ornamental use of animal figures 65
67. Vase illustrating ornamental use of animal figures 65
68. Vase illustrating ornamental use of animal figures 66
69. Vase illustrating ornamental use of animal figures 66
70. Series of bowls and cups of unpainted ware 67
71. Vase of graceful form 68
72. Vase of graceful form 68
73. Vase of fine form ornamented with grotesque heads 68
74. Vase of fine form ornamented with grotesque heads 69
75. Vase with ornament of applied nodes and fillets 69
76. Vase with mantle covered with incised figures 70
77. Vase with frieze of grotesque heads 70
78. Vases with flaring rims and varied ornament 71
XI79. Vases with complex outlines and varied ornament 71
80. Large vase with two mouths and neatly decorated necks 72
81. Large vase with high handles 72
82. Top view of high handled vase 73
83. Handled vase 73
84. Handled vase 73
85. Handled vase 73
86. Small cup with single handle, ornamented with grotesque figure 74
87. Small cup with single handle, ornamented with grotesque figure 74
88. Vase of eccentric form 74
89. Vessel illustrating forms of legs 75
90. Vessel illustrating forms of legs 75
91. Vessel with large legs decorated with stellar punctures 75
92. Vases of varied form with plain and animal shaped legs 75
93. Large vase of striking shape 76
94. Cup with legs imitating animal forms 76
95. Cup with legs imitating a grotesque animal form 77
96. Cup with legs imitating the armadillo 77
97. Cup with legs imitating the armadillo 77
98. Cup with frog shaped legs 77
99. Cup with legs imitating an animal and its young 77
100. Cups supported by grotesque heads 77
101. Large cup supported by two grotesque figures 78
102. Cup with two animal heads attached to the sides 78
103. Cup with two animal heads attached to the sides 78
104. Vase imitating an animal form 79
105. Vase imitating an animal form 79
106. Vase imitating an animal form 79
107. Fish shaped vessel 79
108. Top view of a fish shaped vessel 80
109. Cup with grotesque head attached to the rim 80
110. Black cup with incised reptilian figures 81
111. Black cup with incised reptilian figures 81
112. Black vase with conventional incised pattern 81
113. Small cup with conventional incised pattern 82
114. Small tripod cup with upright walls 82
115. Vase with flaring rim and legs imitating animal heads 82
116. Vase modeled to represent the head of an animal 83
117. Pattern upon the back of the vase 83
118. Tripod bowl of red scarified ware 87
119. Tripod bowl of red scarified ware 87
120. Oblong basin with scarified design 88
121. Large scarified bowl with handles imitating animal heads 88
122. Jar with flat bottom and vertical bands of incised ornament 89
123. Vase with stand and vertical incised bands 89
124. Vase with handles, legs, and vertical ribs 89
125. Tripod with owl-like heads at insertion of legs 90
126. Tripod with legs rudely suggesting animal forms 90
127. Heavy red vase with four mouths 90
128. Vase with horizontally placed handles and rude designs in red 91
129. Unpolished vase with heavy handles and coated with soot 92
130. Round bodied vase with unique handles and incised ornament 92
131. Vase with grotesque figures attached to the handles 93
132. Vase with upright handles and winged lip 93
XII133. Top view of vase with winged lip 94
134. Vase with grotesque animal shaped handles 94
135. Vase with handles representing strange animals 95
136. Vase with handles representing grotesque figures 95
137. Vase with handles representing animal heads 96
138. Vase with arched handles embellished with life forms in high relief 96
139. Vase with arched handles embellished with life forms in high relief 97
140. Tripod vase with shallow basin and eccentric handles 99
141. Tripod vase with shallow basin and eccentric handles 99
142. Tripod vase with shallow basin and eccentric handles 99
143. Tripod vase of graceful shape and neat finish 100
144. Heavy tripod vase with widely spreading feet 100
145. Neatly modeled vase embellished with life forms and devices in red 101
146. High tripod vase with incised designs and rude figures in red 101
147. Handsome tripod vase with scroll ornament 102
148. Vase with lizard shaped legs 102
149. Vase with scroll ornament 103
150. Large vase with flaring rim and wide spreading legs 103
151. Fragment of a tripod vase embellished with figure of an alligator 104
152. Vase supported by grotesque human figures 105
153. Round bodied vase embellished with figures of monsters 106
154. Cup with incurved rim and life form ornamentation 107
155. Cup with widely expanded rim and constricted neck 107
156. Small tripod cup with animal features in high relief 108
157. Handsome vase supported by three grotesque figures 108
158. Vase decorated with figures of frogs and devices in red 110
159. Vase of unique shape and life form ornamentation 110
160. Two-handled vase with life form and linear decoration 110
161. Small tripod vase with animal figures in white 111
162. Shapely vase with designs in white paint 112
163. Small red bottle with horizontal bands of ornament 115
164. Small red bottle with encircling geometric devices 115
165. Bottle with zone occupied by geometric devices 116
166. Bottle with broad zone containing geometric figures 116
167. Bottle with decoration of meandered lines 117
168. Bottle with arched panels and geometric devices 117
169. Bottle with arched panels and elaborate devices 118
170. Vase with rosette-like panels 118
170a. Ornament from preceding vase 118
171. Vase with rosette-like panels 119
172. Vase with rosette-like panels 119
173. Theoretical origin of the arched panels 120
174. Theoretical origin of the arched panels 120
175. Theoretical origin of the arched panels 120
176. Vase decorated with conventional figures of alligators 120
177. Portion of decorated zone illustrating treatment of life forms 121
178. Portion of decorated zone illustrating treatment of life forms 121
179. Vase decorated with highly conventional life forms 121
179a. Design from preceding vase 122
180. Vase decorated with highly conventional life forms 122
181. Vase decorated with highly conventional life forms 123
182. Decorated panel with devices resembling vegetal growths 124
183. Vase of unusual shape 124
184. Vase of unusual shape 124
XIII185. Vase of unusual shape 124
186. Double vessel with high arched handle 125
187. Double vessel with arched handle 125
188. Vase embellished with life forms in color and in relief 126
189. Vase modeled to represent a peccary 127
190. Under surface of peccary vase 127
191. Small vessel with human figures in high relief 127
192. Tripod cup with figures of the alligator 128
193. Large shallow tripod vase with geometric decoration 129
194. Large bottle shaped vase with high tripod and alligator design 130
195. Large bottle with narrow zone containing figures of the alligator 132
196. Vase with decorated zone containing four arched panels 133
197. Vase with four round nodes upon which are painted animal devices 133
198. Vases of varied form and decoration 134
199. Alligator vase with conventional markings 135
200. Alligator vase with figures of the alligator painted on the sides 135
201. Vase with serpent ornamentation 136
202. Vase representing a puma with alligator figures painted on sides 137
203. Shallow vase with reptilian features in relief and in color 137
204. Vase with funnel shaped mouth 138
205. Top view of vase in Fig. 204 139
206. End view of vase in Fig. 204 139
207. Large vase with decorations in red and black 140
208. Devices of the decorated zone of vase in Fig. 207, viewed from above 141
209. Handsome vase with four handles and decorations in black, red, and purple 142
210. Painted design of vase in Fig. 209, viewed from above 143
211. Vase of unusual shape, with decoration in black, red, and purple 144
212. Ornament occupying the interior surface of the basin of vase in Fig. 211 144
213. Large vase of fine shape and simple decorations 145
214. Vase with extraordinary decorative designs 146
215. Painted design of vase in Fig. 214, viewed from above 147
216. Vase of unique form and decoration 148
217. Painted design of vase in Fig. 216 148
218. Spindle whorl with annular nodes 149
219. Spindle whorl decorated with animal figures 149
220. Spindle whorl with perforations and incised ornament 149
221. Needlecase 150
222. Needlecase 150
223. Needlecase with painted geometric ornament 151
224. Needlecase with incised geometric ornament 151
225. Needlecase with incised geometric ornament 151
226. Statuette 152
227. Statuette 152
228. Statuette 152
229. Statuette 152
230. Stool of plain terra cotta 154
231. Stool of plain clay, with grotesque figures 155
232. Stool of plain terra cotta 155
233. Rattle 157
234. Section of rattle 157
235. Rattle with grotesque figures 157
236. Drum of gray unpainted clay 158
XIV237. Drum with painted ornament 159
238. Painted design of drum in Fig. 237 159
239. Double whistle 161
240. Section of double whistle 161
241. Tubular instrument with two finger holes 162
242. Section of whistle 162
243. Small animal shaped whistle 162
244. Small animal shaped whistle 162
245. Top shaped whistle 163
246. Section, top, and bottom views of whistle 164
247. Drum shaped whistle 165
248. Vase shaped whistle 165
249. Crab shaped whistle 166
250. Alligator shaped whistle 166
251. Cat shaped whistle 167
252. Whistle with four ocelot-like heads 168
253. Bird shaped whistle 169
254. Bird shaped whistle 169
255. Bird shaped whistle 170
256. Whistle in grotesque life form 170
257. Conventional figure of the alligator 173
258. Conventional figure of the alligator 173
259. Conventional figure of the alligator 174
260. Conventional figure of the alligator 174
261. Conventional figure of the alligator 174
262. Two-headed form of the alligator 175
263. Figure of the alligator much simplified 175
264. The alligator much modified by ceramic influences 176
265. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 176
266. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 176
267. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 176
268. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 177
269. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 177
270. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 177
271. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 178
272. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 178
273. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 178
274. Conventional figures derived from the alligator 179
275. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 179
276. Conventional figure derived from the alligator 180
277. Conventional figures derived from the alligator 180
278. Conventional figures derived from the alligator 181
279. Conventional figures derived from the alligator 182
280. Conventional figures derived from the alligator 182
281. Conventional figures derived from the alligator 182
282. Conventional figures derived from the alligator 182
283. Conventional figures derived from the alligator 183
284. Vase with decorated zone containing remarkable devices 185
285. Series of devices 185
286. Mat or tray with esthetic attributes of form 197
287. Tray having decided esthetic attributes of form 198
288. Pyriform water vessel 198
289. Basket with esthetic characters of form 199
290. Basket of eccentric form 200
XV291. Character of surface in the simplest form of weaving 204
292. Surface produced by impacting 204
293. Surface produced by use of wide fillets 204
294. Basket with ribbed surface 205
295. Bottle showing obliquely ribbed surface 205
296. Tray showing radial ribs 205
297. Combination giving herring bone effect 206
298. Combination giving triangular figures 206
299. Peruvian work basket 206
300. Basket of Seminole workmanship 207
301. Surface effect produced in open twined combination 207
302. Surface effect produced in open twined combination 207
303. Surface effect produced by impacting in twined combination 208
304. Surface effect produced by impacting the web strands in twined combination 208
305. Surface effect produced by crossing the web series in open twined work 208
306. Tray with open mesh, twined combination 208
307. Conical basket, twined combination 209
308. Example of primitive reticulated weaving 210
309. Simple form of reticulation 211
310. Reticulated pattern in cotton cloth 211
311. Peruvian embroidery 212
312. Basket with pendent ornaments 213
313. Basket with pendent ornaments 213
314. Tasseled Peruvian mantle 214
315. Pattern produced by interlacing strands of different colors 216
316. Pattern produced by interlacing strands of different colors 216
317. Pattern produced by interlacing strands of different colors 216
318. Pattern produced by interlacing strands of different colors 217
319. Base of coiled basket 218
320. Coiled basket with geometric ornament 218
321. Coiled basket with geometric ornament 219
322. Coiled basket with geometric ornament 220
323. Coiled basket with geometric ornament 220
324. Coiled basket with geometric ornament 221
325. Coiled basket with geometric ornament 223
326. Coiled tray with geometric ornament 224
327. Coiled tray with geometric ornament 225
328. Tray with geometric ornament 225
329. Tray with geometric ornament 226
330. Ornament produced by wrapping the strands 227
331. Ornament produced by fixing strands to the surface of the fabric 227
332. Basket with feather ornamentation 227
333. Basket with feather ornamentation 227
334. Piece of cloth showing use of supplementary warp and woof 228
335. Piece of cloth showing use of supplementary warp and woof 228
336. Example of grass embroidery 230
337. Example of feather embroidery 231
338. Figures from the Penn wampum belt 233
339. Figures from a California Indian basket 234
340. California Indian basket 234
341. Figures from a Peruvian basket 235
342. Figure from a piece of Peruvian gobelins 236
XVI343. Figures from a Peruvian vase 237
344. Figure from a circular basket 238
345. Figure of a bird from a Zuñi shield 239
346. Figure of a bird woven in a tray 240
347. Figure of a bird woven in a basket 241
348. Figures embroidered on a cotton net by the ancient Peruvians 242
349. Figures of birds embroidered by the ancient Peruvians 243
350. Conventional design painted upon cotton cloth 243
351. Herring bone and checker patterns produced in weaving 246
352. Herring bone and checker patterns engraved in clay 246
353. Earthen vase with textile ornament 247
354. Example of textile ornament painted upon pottery 248
355. Textile pattern transferred to pottery through costume 248
356. Ceremonial adz with carved ornament of textile character 250
357. Figures upon a tapa stamp 251
358. Design in stucco exhibiting textile characters 251
359. Line of day and numeral symbols from Plates 36c and 37c, Dresden Codex 272
360. Line of day and numeral characters from Plates 33-39, Dresden Codex 276
361. Unusual symbol for Akbal from Plate 8 of the Dresden Codex 284
362. Copy of Plate 50, Dresden Codex 297
363. Copy of Plate 51, Dresden Codex 306
364. Copy of Plate 52, Dresden Codex 307
365. Copy of Plate 53, Dresden Codex 308
366. Copy of Plate 54, Dresden Codex 309
367. Copy of Plate 55, Dresden Codex 310
368. Copy of Plate 56, Dresden Codex 311
369. Copy of Plate 57, Dresden Codex 312
370. Copy of Plate 58, Dresden Codex 313
371. Specimens of ornamental loops from page 72, Dresden Codex 337
372. Numeral character from the lower division of Plate XV, Manuscript Troano 343
373. Turtle from the Cortesian Codex, Plate 17 348
374. Jar from the Cortesian Codex, Plate 27 349
375. Worm and plant from Manuscript Troano, Plate XXIX 351
376. Figure of a woman from the Dresden Codex 351
377. Copy of middle and lower divisions of Plate XIX, Manuscript Troano 352
378. Copy of lower division of Plate 65, Dresden Codex 353
379. The moo or ara from Plate 16, Dresden Codex 355
380. The god Ekchuah, after the Troano and Cortesian Codices 358
381. The long nosed god (Kukulcan) or god with the snake-like tongue 359
382. Copy of head from the Borgian Codex (Quetzalcoatl?) 360
383. The supposed god of death from the Dresden Codex 361
384. The supposed god of death from the Troano Codex 361
385. The god with the banded face from the Troano Codex 362
386. The god with the old man's face 363
387. The god with face crossed by lines 364
388. Wooden idol in vessel with basket cover 371
389. Symbolic chart of the Osage 378
390. Harpoon from Alaska 472
391. Modern or sealing harpoon 472
392. Old style naulang or harpoon head 473
XVII393. Modern naulang or harpoon head 473
394. Qilertuang or leather strap and clasps for holding coiled up harpoon lines 474
395. Siatko or harpoon head of the Iglulirmiut 475
396. Siatko found at Exeter Sound 475
397. Eskimo in the act of striking a seal 476
398. Tutareang or buckle 477
399. Eskimo awaiting return of seal to blowhole 478
400. Tuputang or ivory plugs for closing wounds 479
401. Wooden case for plugs 480
402. Another form of plug 480
403. Qanging, for fastening thong to jaw of seal 480
404. Qanging in form of a seal 480
405. Qanging in form of a button 481
406. Qanging serving for both toggle and handle 481
407. Qidjarung or whirl for harpoon line 481
408. Simple form of whirl 481
409. Old pattern of hook for drawing out captured seal 483
410. Seal hook of bear's claw 483
411. Modern form of seal hook 483
412. Eskimo approaching seal 484
413. Frame of kayak or hunting boat 486
414. Kayak with covering of skin 487
415. Model of a Repulse Bay kayak 487
416. Sirmijaung or scraper for kayak 488
417. Large kayak harpoon for seal and walrus 488
418. Tikagung or support for the hand 488
419. Qatirn or ivory head of harpoon 489
420. Manner of attaching the two principal parts of the harpoon 489
421. Tokang or harpoon head in sheath 489
422. Tokang or harpoon head taken from a whale in Cumberland Sound 490
423. Ancient tokang or harpoon head 491
424. Teliqbing, which is fastened to harpoon line 492
425. Qatilik or spear 492
426. Avautang or sealskin float 492
427. Different styles of poviutang or pipe for inflating the float 493
428. Agdliaq or spear for small seals 494
429. Agdliaq points 494
430. Spearheads 495
431. Large spear head 495
432. Anguvigang or lance 496
433. Nuirn or bird spear 496
434. Nuqsang or throwing board 496
435. Sealing at the edge of the ice 498
436. Model of sakurpāng or whaling harpoon 500
437. Niutang with floats 500
438. Wooden bow from Iglulik 502
439. Wooden bow from Cumberland Sound 502
440. Bows of reindeer antlers 503
441. Bow of antlers with central part cut off straight 503
442. Arrows with bone heads 504
443. Arrows with metal heads 504
444. Arrow head 505
445. Showing attachment of arrowhead vertically and parallel to shank 505
XVIII446. Various forms of arrowhead 506
447. Socket of spear handle from Alaska 506
448. Slate arrowhead 506
449. Flint arrowheads from old graves 507
450. Various styles of quiver 507
451. Quiver handles 508
452. Whalebone nooses for catching waterfowl 511
453. Kakivang or salmon spear 512
454. Ivory fish used as bait in spearing salmon 513
455. Quqartaun for stringing salmon 514
456. Salmon hook 515
457. Salmon hook 515
458. Bait used in fishing with hooks 516
459. Butcher's knife with bone handle 516
460. Pana or knife for dissecting game 517
461. Form of ulo now in use 518
462. Old ulo handle from Cape Broughton, Davis Strait 518
463. Fragment of an ulo blade made of slate 518
464. Ulo handle from recent grave 518
465. Modern tesirqun or scraper 519
466. Old style tesirqun or scraper 519
467. Seligoung or scraper used for softening skins 520
468. Old stone scrapers found in graves 521
469. Stretcher for lines 522
470. Ivory needle 523
471. Ivory needlecase from Cumberland Sound 523
472. Common pattern of needlecase 523
473. Tikiq or thimble 524
474. Instrument for straightening bone 525
475. Drill for working in ivory and bone 525
476. Driftwood used in kindling fire 526
477. Eskimo graver's tool 526
478. Framework of Eskimo boat 527
479. Kiglo or post 527
480. Umiaq or skin boat 528
481. Umiaq or skin boat 528
482. Qamuting or sledge 529
483. Sledge shoe 530
484. Form of clasp for fastening traces to sledge 531
485. Artistic form of clasp for fastening traces to sledge 531
486. Uqsirn for fastening traces to pitu 532
487. Ano or dog harness 532
488. Sadniriaq or clasp 532
489. Tube for drinking 535
490. Various styles of snow knife 539
491. Ground plan of snow house of Davis Strait tribes 540
492. Snow house of Davis Strait, sections 541
493. Section and interior of snow house 543
494. Ukusik or soapstone kettle 545
495. Plan of double snow house 546
496. Plan of Iglulik house 547
497. Plan of Hudson Bay house 547
498. Plan and sections of qarmang or stone house 548
499. Plan of large qarmang or stone house 549
XIX500. Plan of stone house in Anarnitung, Cumberland Sound 549
501. Plan of groups of stone houses in Pangnirtung 530
502. Plan of qarmang or house made of whale ribs 550
503. Storehouse in Ukiadliving 551
504. Plan and sections of tupiq or tent of Cumberland Sound 551
505. Plan and section of tupiq or tent of Pond Bay 553
506. Plan and section of double winter tent, Cumberland Sound 553
507. Qaturang or boot ornament 554
508. Woman's jacket 555
509. Ivory beads for women's jackets 555
510. Girdle buckles 556
511. Infant's clothing 557
512. Child's clothing 557
513. Ivory combs 559
514. Buckles 560
515. Manner of tattooing face and wearing hair 561
516. Manner of tattooing legs and hands 561
517. Forks 563
518. Ladle of musk ox horn 563
519. Skull used in the game ajegaung 565
520. Ivory carving representing head of fox, used in the game ajegaung 565
521. Ivory carvings representing polar bear, used in the game ajegaung 566
522. Figures used in playing tingmiujang, a game similar to dice 567
523. Game of nuglutang 568
524. The sāketān or roulette 569
525. Ajarorpoq or cat's cradle 569
526. Ball 570
527. Dolls in dress of the Oqomiut 571
528. Dolls in dress of the Akunirmiut 571
529. Modern snow goggles of wood 576
530. Old form of snow goggles of ivory 576
531. Diagram showing interior of qaggi or singing house among eastern tribes 600
532. Plan of Hudson Bay qaggi or singing house 601
533. Kilaut or drum 602
534. Plans of remains of supposed qaggi or singing houses 603
535. Qailertétang or masked figure 606
536. Model of lamp from a grave in Cumberland Sound 613
537. Qaudjaqdjuq is maltreated by his enemies 631
538. The man in the moon comes down to help Qaudjaqdjuq 631
539. The man in the moon whipping Qaudjaqdjuq 632
540. Qaudjaqdjuq has become Qaudjuqdjuaq 632
541. Qaudjuqdjuaq killing his enemies 633
542. Tumiujang or lamp of the Tornit 634
543. Cumberland Sound and Frobisher Bay, drawn by Itu, a Nugumio 644
544. Cumberland Sound and Frobisher Bay, drawn by Sunapignang, an Oqomio 645
545. Cumberland Sound, drawn by Itu, a Nugumio 646
546. Peninsula of Qivitung, drawn by Angutuqdjuaq, a Padlimio 647

1.  In pocket at end of volume.



Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of Ethnology,
Washington, D. C., October 23, 1885.

Sir: I have the honor to submit my Sixth Annual Report as Director of the Bureau of Ethnology.

The first part consists of an explanation of the plan and operations of the Bureau; the second part consists of a series of papers on anthropologic subjects, mainly prepared by my assistants to illustrate the methods and results of the work of the Bureau.

I desire to express my thanks for your earnest support and your wise counsel relating to the work under my charge.

I am, with respect, your obedient servant,

Prof. Spencer F. Baird,
Secretary Smithsonian Institution.
By J. W. Powell, Director.


The prosecution of research among the North American Indians, as directed by act of Congress, was continued during the fiscal year 1884-'85.

No change has been made in the general plan upon which the work has been prosecuted as set forth in former reports. Certain lines of investigation have been decided upon, which are confided to persons trained in their pursuit, and the results of these labors are presented from time to time in the publications of the Bureau provided for by law. A brief statement of the work upon which each of the special students was actively engaged during the fiscal year is furnished below; this, however, does not embrace all the studies undertaken or services rendered by them, since particular lines of research have been suspended in this, as in former years, in order to prosecute temporarily work regarded as of paramount importance. From this cause delays have been occasioned in the completion of several treatises and monograph's, already partly in type, which otherwise would have been published.

Invitation is renewed for the assistance of explorers, writers, and students who are not and may not desire to be officially connected with the Bureau. Their contributions, whether in XXIVthe shape of suggestions or of extended communications, will be gratefully acknowledged, and, if published either in the series of reports or in monographs or bulletins, as the liberality of Congress may in future allow, will always receive proper credit.

The items now reported upon are presented in three principal divisions. The first relates to the publication made; the second, to the work prosecuted in the field; and the third, to the office work, which largely consists of the preparation for publication of the results of field work, with the corrections and additions obtained from the literature of the subjects and by correspondence.


The only publication actually issued during the year was entitled Proof-Sheets of a Bibliography of the Languages of the North American Indians, by James Constantine Pilling. The volume, a quarto of 1,175 pages, consists of an author catalogue of books, manuscripts, magazine and newspaper articles, publications of learned societies, and other documents relating in any way to the Indian languages of North America. Only one hundred copies were printed, which were distributed to collaborators.

This work was commenced by Mr. Pilling in 1879 and has been prosecuted with diligence and skill, notwithstanding the engrossing nature of his other duties. It began as an author card catalogue, designed merely for office use. In time it became apparent that such a systematic catalogue of the literature of Indian languages, if printed and distributed, would be of important service to all the numerous workers on the general subject, besides those directly connected with the Bureau, to whom alone it was accessible in manuscript form. By this course the accumulated results of several years' labor would be immediately available for the use of students generally, and the distribution of proof-sheets would in turn increase interest in the work, elicit comment and criticism, and secure additional contributions, through all of which the final volume contemplated would become more satisfactory and XXVcomplete, both in form and substance. The thorough conscientiousness and punctilious care shown in the present catalogue, and especially the comprehensive bibliographic spirit in which the work has been conceived, prove the peculiar fitness of the author for the undertaking. He has set before him and has kept steadily in view the following aims:

First, to discover every document in existence relating to the subject, either printed or in manuscript.

Secondly, to record a description of every document found, so accurate and full that each book or article mentioned is clearly identified and all its contents relating to Indian languages set forth, with citation of the chapters and pages within the work where the linguistic material may be found.

Thirdly, to name, when possible, one or more libraries where each work catalogued may be found.

Fourthly, to arrange and combine the whole so that the student using it may in the shortest time learn whether any work contains the special matter which he desires to consult, and, if so, precisely where he may find it. In the case of rare books or papers special attention has been paid to obtain full information, and in the case of some of the rarest books fac-similes of the title pages are given. The value of a work so broadly conceived and so carefully executed is very great. The literature of this subject has become so voluminous, so disconnected, so scattered in time and place, that progress in the classification of Indian languages and the determination of their affinities has been greatly retarded, awaiting the orderly arrangement of accumulated information. This requisite, with the important addition of the correction of current errors, is met by the catalogue. It has been found indispensable to the Bureau and has already been gratefully acknowledged as invaluable by all students of American tribes to whom copies have been distributed.

Since the printing and distribution of the proof-sheets, and markedly as a result thereof, the card catalogue has continued to grow; and, although not complete and, from the nature of the subject, not expected to become absolutely exhaustive, the recent additions to it indicate how thoroughly the work was XXVIoriginally done. It may be possible, therefore, before long to substitute for the Proof-Sheets the Bibliography itself in standard form.


Under this heading are comprised—

First, the systematic operations of the division of mound exploration carried on east of the Rocky Mountains.

Secondly, researches in and collections from the ancient ruins of the Southwest and comparative study of the present inhabitants of that region and the objects found among them.

Thirdly, linguistic work or expeditions among the several Indian tribes at their homes, with the main purpose of acquiring knowledge of their spoken languages.

Fourthly, general studies, or those embracing various branches of inquiry, conducted among the existing Indian tribes.



The work of exploring the mounds and other ancient monuments of that portion of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, commenced in 1882, was carried on during the fiscal year, under the charge of Prof. Cyrus Thomas.

The regular assistants during the first half of the year were Messrs. P.W. Norris, James D. Middleton, and John P. Rogan. For the latter half they were Messrs. Middleton, Rogan, and John W. Emmert, the last named having been engaged to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Norris.

Mr. Norris was engaged during the fall of 1884 in exploring the extensive group of works in the vicinity of Charleston, Kanawha Valley, W. Va. He continued at work there until December, when he was compelled by cold weather and illness to desist. To the great regret of all his associates in the work, his illness terminated in death on the 14th of January, 1885. By his death the division has lost a faithful and enthusiastic worker.

XXVIIDuring the summer and fall of 1884 and until the approach of extremely cold weather, Mr. Middleton was engaged in exploring the works of Knox County, Ohio. Throughout the winter and following spring his field of operations was eastern Arkansas. In the latter field he was assisted by Mr. L. H. Thing, who was employed for three months as temporary assistant.

During the summer and until the beginning of winter, Mr. Rogan was engaged (in conjunction with Rev. J. P. Maclean, who was employed as a temporary assistant) in exploring the ancient monuments of Butler County and the adjacent regions of southern Ohio. On the approach of the cold season he went south, his field of operations for the remainder of the year being northern Georgia and the southern counties of East Tennessee.

Mr. Emmert, who had been employed on January 1, 1885, to make some special explorations in East Tennessee, was made permanent assistant immediately after the death of Mr. Norris. His work in that section proving successful he continued it until the close of the fiscal year.

Mr. Gerard Fowke was engaged during November in examining the ancient quarries of Flint Ridge, Ohio, and in making a collection to illustrate the various stages in the aboriginal manufacture of flint implements. His collection is, perhaps, the most complete in this particular line of any so far made in this country. In the winter he was employed about two months in special investigations of some ancient works in Pontotoc and Union Counties, Miss., a locality supposed to have been visited by De Soto during his unfortunate expedition. In some of the mounds of this section, which was formerly the home of the Chikasa, he found some articles of European manufacture, among them a small silver plate bearing the royal arms of Castile and Leon in an old heraldic form.

Although the number of specimens obtained does not exceed that of the collection of the preceding year, the general result shows a decided advance in the accuracy of the work done. The measurements and plats have been made with more care and exactness, the descriptions are more complete, and the details XXVIIImore fully set forth. As an illustration one case is presented. A large mound was opened which was found to contain over ninety skeletons, irregularly placed and at different depths. At the outset a plat of the mound was made; each skeleton was located on it as discovered, and notes were taken of the depth, position, articles found with it, etc. Thus the exact position of each skeleton in the mound is recorded, as well as that of any article accompanying it. The collections made are more varied in character than those of any previous year, including several new types of pottery, some unusually fine stone implements, and from several mounds articles showing contact with Europeans. The pottery obtained by Messrs. Middleton and Thing in Arkansas is of more than ordinary interest, containing a number of specimens of the rarer forms, also several colored specimens.

The same care has been taken as heretofore in labeling and numbering the specimens, so that each can be traced by the record to the exact place where it was found. The illustrations showing the construction, character, and form of the various works explored exceed in number, accuracy, and importance those of any previous year.



Mr. James Stevenson was placed in charge of a party, with instructions to proceed to Arizona and New Mexico to make researches and collections among the Pueblo Indians and the ancient ruins in that region.

Mr. Stevenson's party was divided into three sections. The section in charge of Mr. F. T. Bickford visited the remarkable series of ruins in Chaco cañon, in northwestern New Mexico; Cañon de Chelly and its branch cañons; the cliff dwellings in Walnut cañon, in Arizona, and a group of interesting cave dwellings, different in structure from any heretofore found, near Flagstaff, in the same Territory. All these were carefully examined. Full and extensive notes, as well as sketches and photographic illustrations, were made of these ruins.

XXIXAnother section, in charge of Mr. C. A. Garlick, was stationed at the pueblo of Acoma, in New Mexico. The work at this village resulted in a collection of about thirty-five hundred specimens, consisting of pottery and a variety of utensils of other material, such as stone, bone, wood, and woven fabrics, illustrating the arts of the people of Acoma. The collections from this pueblo, though not embracing a great variety of objects, will illustrate nearly all the phases of the arts and industrial pursuits of these Indians.

Another section of Mr. Stevenson's party, under his own supervision and with the important assistance of Mrs. Stevenson, was employed in making collections and studies at Zuñi. The collection from there is much larger than any heretofore obtained and includes many objects relating to the outdoor ceremonies of the Zuñi. Specimens of these were secured from their sacred springs, caves, and shrines. All details relating to their ceremonials were attentively studied, and a series of water color sketches was made of altars used and of masks worn on these important occasions. A large number of fetiches was also obtained, representing many of the animals held in religious esteem by the Zuñi. A series of photographs was made of the sacred springs, wells, monuments, picture writings, and shrines of the Zuñi located at different points over an area of about seventy-five miles from Zuñi, and a collection was secured of representative specimens of their fetiches, plume sticks, and other objects connected with their mythology and religious practices. The collection made during the year was unusually large and important. It comprises about eighty-five hundred specimens from the Indian tribes of the Southwest embraced in the research; these consist of woven fabrics and pottery, bone, and stone implements, both ancient and modern, and represent nearly all phases of the life, art, and industries of these tribes. These collections have been deposited in the U. S. National Museum for arrangement, classification, and description.


A party in charge of Mr. Victor Mindeleff left Washington on August 5 to survey the ruined pueblos of the Chaco, in New XXXMexico. Five of the ruins were accurately measured and platted to scale, and a full series of sketches, plans, and photographs was secured. Mr. Mindeleff returned from the field on the 1st of October. He then made a trip to the great Etowah mound, near Cartersville, Ga., under the direction of Prof. Cyrus Thomas, in order to secure an accurate survey and scale drawing, as a basis for the construction of a model.

At the close of this work Mr. Mindeleff returned to Washington, on October 7, and was engaged in office work until the middle of the following June, when he took the field in advance of his party for further studies among the ruins and pueblos of the Cibola and Tusayan groups. He was also instructed to secure similar material at other available points for comparison.



From the 1st of July to the 15th of August, 1884, Mrs. Smith, assisted by Mr. J. N. B. Hewitt, of Tuscarora descent, was engaged among the Onondaga living near Syracuse, N. Y., in translating and annotating two Onondaga manuscripts; afterward, until the latter part of October, with the same assistance, she was at work on the Grand River reservation in Canada, where she filled out the vocabulary in the Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages from the dialect of the Cayuga. She also obtained from the Mohawk a translation, with annotations, of a manuscript in their dialect.

The three manuscripts mentioned are now in the possession of the Bureau of Ethnology. Their origin and history are not distinctly known, as they are all probably copies of originals which seem to have been lost or destroyed. It was intended in these manuscripts to reproduce, by the alphabet and the script used by English writers, the sound of the dialects employed.

These records have their chief interest in the preservation of many archaic words, or those of ceremony, law, and custom, which in these dialects, as is the general rule, remain unchanged, although the colloquial language may be modified. XXXIThe subject matter of all these records is genuinely and exclusively Iroquoian.

The Mohawk manuscript was copied about the year 1830 by Chief John "Smoke" Johnson from an earlier original or perhaps copy. The orthography of this copy is quite regular and is that of the early English missionaries, being similar in many respects to the well known Pickering alphabet.

One of the Onondaga manuscripts was found in the possession of Mr. Daniel La Fort and the other in that of Mrs. John A. Jones, both of the Onondaga reserve, New York. These two copies differ from each other in orthography and substance, the Jones manuscript being probably a full detail of a part of the other.

The orthography of the La Fort manuscript is very irregular and difficult to read, but that of the Jones manuscript is regular and legible. The Mohawk manuscript contains a detailed account of the rites and ceremonies, speeches and songs, of the condoling and inducting council of the Iroquoian League in the form in which that council was conducted by the elder brothers or members of the Onondaga, Mohawk, and Seneca divisions, which have been generally called tribes, but are more correctly confederacies, their villages being the tribal unit. The La Fort Onondaga manuscript comprises a similar ritual of the same council as carried out by the younger brothers, viz., the Cayuga, Oneida, and Tuscarora members or confederacies of the league. The Jones Onondaga manuscript is the charge of the principal shaman to the newly elected or inducted chief or chiefs.

During the remainder of the year material was collected and work continued on the Tuscarora-English part of the Tuscarora dictionary.


Mr. H. W. Henshaw visited southern California for the purpose of pursuing linguistic studies in the group of languages spoken by the Santa Barbara Indians. Although these Indians became known at a very early day, being mentioned with particularity in the relation of Cabrillo's voyage along XXXIIthe California coast in 1542, but little has been ascertained in respect to their language and its relations to the speech of neighboring tribes.

Few vocabularies were collected by the early Spanish missionaries and those gathered were very imperfect, so that no conclusions can be based upon them with confidence.

As a result of the policy pursued by the various missionaries among these docile tribes, aboriginal habits were soon exchanged for others imposed by the priests. Tribal organizations were broken up and the Indians were removed from their homes and located about the missions. In addition the Spanish language was early introduced and so far as possible made to replace the aboriginal tongue. As a consequence Spanish became familiar to a large number of the proselytes, and all the surviving Santa Barbara Indians speak Spanish fluently, or rather the Mexican dialect of Spanish. Indeed, the impression prevails generally in California that none of the Indians can speak their own tongue. As a matter of fact, however, in their own families and when away from the white men they discard Spanish entirely.

The attempt to preserve the language was begun none too soon, as of the large population attributed to this part of the California coast Mr. Henshaw was able to discover only about fifty survivors, and these were widely scattered over several counties. A number of the dialects of the linguistic family are now extinct, and only a month before Mr. Henshaw's arrival at San Buenaventura an old woman died who, it is believed, was the last person to speak the dialect belonging to the Island of Santa Cruz. In Santa Barbara and Ventura counties six dialects of the family were found, which are believed to be all that are now extant.

In the case of the dialect of Santa Rosa island, but one Indian remained to speak it. Two more dialects are spoken by two or three individuals only. The existing dialects, named according to the missions around which they were spoken, are as follows: San Buenaventura, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa Island, Purissima, Santa Inez, and San Luis Obispo. With the exception of the last named the several dialects are very closely XXXIIIrelated, and, although each possesses a greater or less number of words not contained in the others, their vocabularies show many words which are common to all.

The dialect formerly spoken at San Luis Obispo differs much from any of the others, and a critical comparison is necessary to reveal a sufficient number of words possessing identical roots to render their common parentage obvious.

Extensive vocabularies of the dialects of San Antonio and San Miguel were obtained, there being about a dozen Indians who speak these languages around the old San Antonio mission. These languages have been supposed to be of the Santa Barbara family (as it has hitherto been termed, now called Chumashan family), but the material obtained by Mr. Henshaw disproves this, and, for the present at least, they are considered to form a distinct family.

Mr. Henshaw visited Los Angeles and San Diego counties for the purpose of determining the exact northern and southern limits of the Shoshonian family, which extends quite to the coast in California.

At San Diego and San Luis Rey he obtained vocabularies representing four dialects of the Yuman family.


In August, 1884, Mr. Gatschet proceeded to visit the Tonkawē and Lipan tribes in Texas.

He reached Fort Griffin on the 29th of August. The Tonkawē tribe was encamped about a mile and a half south of Fort Griffin, Shackleford county, and consisted of 78 individuals, while the Lipan camp, one mile north-northwest, consisted of 19 persons only. All these Indians were on the point of removing to the Oakland reserve, Indian Territory.

The Tonkawē constitute an aggregate of several tribal remnants formerly living independently of one another in southern Texas and on the Rio Grande. Mr. Gatschet devoted five weeks to the study of their language and one week to that of the Lipan, which is a dialect of Apache (Athapascan). XXXIVThe Tonkawē is a sonorous and energetic form of speech. The radix of many of the adjectives becomes reduplicated to form a kind of plural, and the same thing is observed in some of the verbs, where iteration or frequency has to be indicated. Case suffixes are observed in the substantive, which can easily be traced to postpositions as their original forms. Very few of the natives were sufficiently conversant with English or Spanish to serve as interpreters, so that it was difficult to secure trustworthy results. A white man who had lived over six years among them was of material help, and several mythologic and other texts were obtained with tolerable correctness through his aid.

On October 9 Mr. Gatschet left Fort Griffin and reached Fort Sill, in the Indian Territory, on the 15th. Many Kaiowē and Comanche Indians encamped during the warmer months of the year around this fort, which is situated at the southeast base of the Wichita mountains. He engaged the best help he could find for studying the Kaiowē language, for which there is no Government interpreter. The Comanche is the predominating language on the whole Kaiowē, Comanche, and Apache reservation, although the Comanche exceed the Kaiowē but little in number. The Comanche is more easily acquired, at least to the extent required in conversation, and all the traders and shopkeepers on the reservation have a smattering of it.

Better interpreters for Kaiowē were obtained at Anadarko, the seat of the agency, where Mr. Gatschet remained from October 31 to December 12. A few Kaiowē were found who had passed some months or years among Americans or at the Indian schools at Carlisle, Chilocco, and elsewhere, and could express themselves intelligibly in English. A few white Mexicans were found among the Comanche, who were captured by them in infancy, acquired the Comanche language, and have ever since lived among these Indians. Of the Kaiowē, Mr. Gatschet acquired over two thousand terms, phrases, and sentences, several historic texts of value, and of the Comanche, eight hundred or a thousand words. The circumstances necessitated careful and numerous revisions of everything obtained, by which much of the time was absorbed.

XXXVThe Na-ishi Apache, about four hundred in number and formerly roaming with the Kaiowē, furnished also a large amount of terms, exceeding fifteen hundred.

There are a few verbal similarities between the Kaiowē and the Shoshoni languages, but apparently not enough to indicate anything more than long association of these peoples. The Kaiowē has a dual in the intransitive verb and in some nouns. There are more than a dozen different modes of forming the plural of nouns. The subject pronoun is incorporated with the verb as a prefix, and every tense has a different subject pronoun, as in Otomi and other languages of southern Mexico.

Vocabularies were also obtained of Delaware, Ottawa, Yuchi, Caddo, Wichita, and of the hitherto unstudied Caddo dialects of Anadarko and Yatassi.

In spite of persevering search it was not possible to find any of the Bidai or the Tonica in Texas, although it is probable that some of them survived in that State as late as 1850.

Mr. Gatschet then passed a whole month among the Atakapa at Lake Charles, the county seat of Calcasieu parish, Louisiana. Of the two dialects traceable, only the western one seems to exist now, being still spoken by a few women living at the town. The language is sonorous, but strongly nasal.

Returning to the Indian Territory, after a fruitless search for the Tonica and Adai, he stopped at Eufaula, Creek Nation, to meet a Na'htchi Indian named Lasley, about sixty years old, who had represented his tribe in the councils of the Creek Nation. This man explained his Na'htchi terms and phrases by Creek equivalents, and these had to be translated into English to obtain full light concerning the Na'htchi terms. One legendary text was also obtained. The language is rather consonantal and has a multiplicity of verbal forms.

Among the Yuchi tribe on Middle Arkansas river, southwestern bank, and over 40 miles from Muscogee Station, Indian Territory, he remained but a week, too short a time to obtain full information respecting this interesting language. There are five or six hundred Yuchi still living on this tract. Two texts and a few popular songs, with one thousand terms of the language, were obtained.

XXXVIThe last stop was made among the Modoc at Quapaw Agency, at the agency buildings. About ninety are left of those brought there for having taken part in the Modoc war of 1872-'73. Five mythic tales were gathered from the natives within the short time of three weeks, one of them being of considerable length and of importance. It is called "The birth of Aishish." The birth of this astral deity resembles in most particulars that of Bacchus from the thigh of Jupiter after his mother, Semele, had been burned to death. The terms, phrases, and sentences gathered, besides the myth mentioned, amount to over fifteen hundred items, which will prove useful for completing the work on the Klamath Indians of Oregon now in preparation.

Of the Shawnee language several hundred words were gathered from the Indians of that tribe settled around the agency.

Mr. Gatschet returned to Washington in April, 1885.


Rev. J. Owen Dorsey visited the Siletz Agency, Oregon, in August, 1884, to gain linguistic and other information respecting the tribes in that region. When he returned, in November, he brought back as the result of his work the following vocabularies:—Athapascan family: Applegate Creek, Galice Creek, Chastā Costa, Miko-no-tunne, Chetco, Smith River, Cal., and Upper Coquille.—Yakonan family: Yaquina, Alsea, Siuslaw, and Lower Umpqua.—Kusan family: Mulluk or Lower Coquille.—Takilman family: Takilma or Upper Rogue River.—Shahaptian family: Klikitat.—Sastean family: Shasti—total, nineteen vocabularies, ranging from fifty to three thousand entries, exclusive of phrases and grammatical notes.

He also obtained materials for an account of the social organization into villages of some of these Indians, the basis for which appears to have been the clan or gens. Rough maps, showing the localities of the villages, were made. Mr. Dorsey also obtained from several tribes the corresponding Indian names of about sixty vegetal products, specimens of which were brought to Washington for identification.



Mr. Curtin spent the first two weeks of July at the Quapaw agency, Indian Territory, in making a collection of Modoc myths, which he had begun in the preceding winter, being part of a general collection of Indian myths begun in 1883. The number of Modoc myths obtained was nearly one hundred.

After finishing work at the Quapaw Agency, he returned to Washington, and shortly afterward was directed to proceed to northern California and obtain vocabularies of the Nosa and Kombo languages, and thence to Oregon to obtain vocabularies of the Wasco, Tyigh, and Tenina languages.

Work was begun on the Nosa language (Yanan family) at Redding, Cal., on October 11. The difficulties were very great, especially at first, owing to the fact that the Nosa are few in number, live far from one another, and have a very imperfect knowledge of English.

The Nosa were a prominent and rather numerous people until 1864, when all of them who could be found were massacred by white settlers, who organized two companies for the purpose of exterminating the tribe. Owing to a chance by which a few escaped and to the exertions of Mr. Benjamin Oliver, who secreted several in his cellar, about fifteen full blood Nosa survived.

Work on Nosa was continued in and around Redding until the end of November, when Round Mountain was visited to complete the Nosa vocabulary and obtain that of the Atsugei (Palaikan family), a very interesting language. Work at Round Mountain was finished on January 8 and Redding was revisited on January 9, preparatory to departing for Oregon.

Owing to the excessive severity of the winter and the snow blockades, which lasted six weeks, communication with Warm Spring was closed, and it was impossible to enter the reservation till January 27, when Sinnashee, a school and center of the Warm Spring Indian population, was reached.

At this place the Tyigh vocabulary (Shahaptian family) was collected. The Wasco (Chinookan family) was obtained at the agency headquarters near the Deschutes river. Tenina, XXXVIIIbeing identical with the Tyigh language, was omitted. From April 18, at which date work at the Warm Spring agency was finished, until June 30, the time was devoted to collecting myths in the Klamath reservation and at Yreka.

During the whole period of work all the myths that could be found among the people whose languages were being investigated were reduced to writing. In this manner a large body of Nosa, Atsugei, Tyigh, and Wasco myths was collected. In the cases of Klamath and Shasti, myths were the objects directly in view.

The vocabularies were obtained with satisfactory completeness and the verbal systems worked out in detail.

The Nosa is remarkable for a regularity of structure which yields to analysis and has a certain monotonous harmony of sound.

The Atsugei has a sonorous roll, a strong letter r, and a certain number of words in common with the Shasti, itself one of the r languages.



Dr. Washington Matthews, assistant surgeon U. S. Army, continued his investigations among the Navajo Indians in New Mexico and Arizona. He had been stationed in the Navajo country as post surgeon of Fort Wingate, N. Mex., from 1880 to 1884, during which time he devoted himself to studying the language, customs, and ceremonies of this tribe as much as his official duties would permit. Some of the great shamanistic ceremonies of the Navajo, occupying nine days for their performance, he had often seen in part; but he had never had an opportunity of witnessing one throughout its entire duration, as he had not sufficient time at his disposal.

Before leaving New Mexico, however, he secured the friendship and confidence of some of the leading medicine men and obtained their promise to admit him to their most secret rites during their entire performance whenever he should be able to avail himself of the privilege. He was also promised complete XXXIXinstruction in the mythology and symbolism of these rites.

In the autumn of 1884 he was given an opportunity, under the auspices of the Bureau of Ethnology, to return to the Navajo country and devote himself for a considerable time entirely to anthropologic studies among the people.

He first visited the Navajo who dwell in the neighborhood of the San Mateo mountains, the Tsotsildinè, or people of the Great Peak, a local division or subtribe living much farther to the east and having longer and more intimate associations with Mexicans and Americans than the main body of the people. While at this place, he ascended the peak of San Mateo, or Mount Taylor, a mountain held sacred by the Navajo, to observe the various places on the mountain mentioned in the Navajo myths.

Leaving San Mateo he proceeded to Fort Wingate, and learning that one of the most important of the Navajo rites was about to be celebrated at a place called Niqotlizi (Hard Earth), north of Fort Wingate on the Navajo reservation, he repaired thither without delay. The ceremony which he went to witness was that of dsilyídje-qaçàl, or mountain chant. It is also called Ilnasjingo-qaçàl, or chant in the dark circle of branches, from the great corral of evergreens in which the public rites of the last night are performed. It is known to the white men who live among these Indians as the hoshkawn dance, from one of the public dances of the last night, in which the Indian jugglers pretend to grow and develop the hackàn, or Yucca baccata. This last night's performance is varied and interesting and all persons, including whites and Indians of other tribes, are permitted to witness it; but previously, for several days, mystic rites are celebrated in the medicine lodge, to the most of which only the initiated are admitted. Dr. Matthews remained ten days in the Indian camp at Niqotlizi, during which time the shamans admitted him into their medicine lodge and allowed him to observe their rites and practices.

His most interesting discovery on this occasion was that of their system of mythic dry paintings, by which they represent XLvarious legends or traditions with dry pigments on the sanded floor of the medicine lodge. A full account of the ceremonies and of the myth on which they are based was prepared by Dr. Matthews and appeared in the Fifth Annual Report of this Bureau.

When the ceremony at Niqotlizi was over he proceeded to a locality in Arizona called by the whites The Haystacks, from the peculiar appearance of the rock formations there. At The Haystacks another great ceremony, probably the second in importance of the Navajo rites, was to take place. Here he again encamped with the Indians and remained until the work of the shamans was done.

The ceremonial observances witnessed on this occasion are, collectively, called by the Navajo Klèdji-qaçàl, or chant of the night. They are called by the whites the Yàybichy dance, from the name of the principal masked character, Yèbitcai or Gebitcai, the granduncle of the gods. Like the hoshkawn dance, it has several days of secret rites with elaborate symbolic sand pictures and one night of public dances, less varied and interesting than those of the hoshkawn. Dr. Matthews was permitted to witness the whole performance and to take as many notes and sketches as were necessary.

From The Haystacks Dr. Matthews went to the Indian agency at Fort Defiance, Arizona, where he secured the services of one of the oldest and most learned (in their own peculiar lore) of the Navajo priests, and from him he obtained full explanations of all these rites and of the symbolism of the pictures and masked characters, with a complete recital of the long and elaborate myths on which the ceremonies depend, and the texts and translations of the very numerous songs which form the ritual of the ceremonies.


Dr. H. C. Yarrow, acting assistant surgeon U. S. Army, with the assistance of military details and supplies, in addition to the instruction and facilities provided by this Bureau, started, August 8, 1884, on an expedition into the Territory of XLIUtah, with reference mainly to the exploration of burial mounds and the study of mortuary customs.

Near Choke Cherry Spring a burial cave was discovered, containing the skeletons of three persons, which were secured. Other skeletons, with contents of graves, were obtained near Willow creek; also, an interesting specimen of tree burial.

At Deep creek an explanation of the curious form of water burial was gained from a chief of the Gosiats, to the effect that the bodies of the turbulent and disorderly men of the tribe were thus disposed of to prevent the spirits of these objectionable persons from joining the rest of the tribe after death. Their bodies were sunk in springs and marshy places and kept down by sticks and stones, so that their spirits could never get out.

In the neighborhood of Fillmore a mound was excavated which afforded an admirable example of the beforementioned conversion of a dwelling into a sepulcher. The probability is that the deceased died in his house, which was made of adobe bricks, and that it was at once abandoned and the body left therein, the roof being first removed. The corpse was placed on the floor and covered with a paste of moist clay, on which were placed the mortuary gifts of weapons, utensils, and food. Cottonwood branches were then piled above and set on fire, thus baking the clay crust and charring the several objects. The whole structure had been covered, so that on first examination the hard surface of burnt clay, 18 inches below the loose earth, appeared to be the floor of a former dwelling.

In the whole of the expedition, which continued into the last days of September, much difficulty was experienced from the suspicion and consequent hostility of the Indians of the localities visited.


Dr. W. J. Hoffman proceeded early in August to Victoria, B. C., where numerous sketches of Haida totem posts and carvings were obtained, in connection with the myths which they illustrated. At this locality attention was paid to the XLIIburial customs and osteologic remains of the nearly extinct tribe of Songish Indians.

At Port Townsend sketches were obtained of Thlinkit ivory and wood carvings, clearly indicating the adoption by that tribe of Haida art designs. Here, too, many Indians of British-American tribes were met on their way south to work in the Puyallup hop fields, notable among which was a large number of Haida, whose persons were examined for the purpose of copying the numerous and varied tattoo designs with which they were profusely decorated. Interpretations of many of these characters were obtained from the persons bearing them, as well as from the chief artist of the tribe, together with concise descriptions of the methods and customs in connection with tattooing and the materials used. Drawings were made of a collection of Eskimo pictographs and ivory carvings at the museum of the Alaska Commercial Company and the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal.

At Santa Barbara, Cal., Dr. Hoffman discovered some painted pictographs and examined a number which have not yet been published. In several private collections at this place were found interesting relics of the Indians formerly inhabiting Santa Cruz island, the most important of which was a steatite cup containing earthy coloring matter and pricking instruments of bone, which had evidently been used in tattooing. Painted pictographs were also visited in the Azuza cañon, twenty-five miles northeast of Los Angeles.

At Tule Indian Agency, in the deep valleys on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, sketches of pictographs were made in continuation of work accomplished there two years before. Vocabularies were also obtained from the Waitchumni Indians here located, as well as from the few remaining Santa Barbara Indians at Cathedral Oaks, Santa Barbara county, Cal. By far the greatest amount of pictographic material was collected in Owen's valley, California, where series of petroglyphs are scattered over an arid, sandy desert, the extremes of which are more than twenty miles apart.



The work upon a synonymy of the Indian tribes of North America, which has been mentioned to some extent in former reports, has been continued with increased energy.

Every tribe of Indians of any size and importance has been treated of by historians under a variety of names. The sources of these different appellations are manifold. In very many instances the names of tribes or other bodies of Indians communicated by themselves have been imperfectly understood and erroneously recorded; misspelled names and typographical errors have been perpetuated.

Traders, priests, and colonists have called the same tribes by different names and the historian has often added to the confusion by handing down these synonyms as the names of other and different tribes. Not a few tribes well known under established names have received new names upon a change of residence, especially when they have removed to a great distance or have coalesced or allied with other tribes. Added to these and to other sources of confusion are the loose and dissimilar applications of the terms clan, band, tribe, confederacy, and league, the same term having been used with various meanings by different authors.

As a consequence the student of Indian languages and customs finds himself in a tangle, as regards tribal names, which it is beyond the power of the individual worker, unaided, to unravel. The scope of the work in question includes the attempt to trace the several names back to their sources and to ascertain their original and proper application, to define their meaning when possible, and to relegate each tribe under its proper title to the linguistic family to which it belongs. In the completion of this work the whole force of the Bureau assists.

The need of a volume giving the results mentioned has long been felt, and it is believed that it will prove to be one of the most important contributions to the accurate study of Indian history ever made. The classification of the languages of the North American Indians is closely connected with the synonymy XLIVof tribal names, each work assisting the other. During recent years the number of students who have directed their attention more or less exclusively to the study of Indian languages has been constantly augmented, and as a result of their labors the number of vocabularies has been correspondingly increased; hence the demand for a more comprehensive and satisfactory classification than now exists.

Prior to Gallatin's time little or nothing had been done in the direction of a systematic classification of Indian languages. In 1836 Gallatin issued his treatise in which he classified all the languages which he was able to study by a direct comparison of vocabularies. His classification was an immense advance over anything previously done and has proved a boon for scholars, having served, indeed, practically as the basis for most of the work in the same line performed since his time. No fixed rules of nomenclature, however, have ever been adopted by linguistic writers, and authors have named and renamed linguistic groups without regard to the names imposed upon the same or similar groups by earlier writers. As a result great confusion has followed not only respecting the status of the various linguistic families, but also respecting the identity of the languages which have served as a basis for the several groups proposed. The remedy for this state of affairs is the adoption, with strict adherence thereto, of a code of nomenclatural rules similar in scope to those prevailing among zoölogists.

There would appear to be no good reason why the rule of priority of name, for instance, should not be followed in linguistic as well as in zoölogic classification, or why the same beneficial result of fixity of nomenclature should not be expected to result from the adoption of this rule in the one case as in the other. Students who may attempt to unravel the many perplexing nomenclatural problems arising from unnecessary change of names will certainly agree that such a rule is no less desirable in linguistics than in zoölogy.

Accordingly, the rule of priority of name, within certain limitations, together with some other rules, has been adopted by the Bureau. These limitations and rules, together with a discussion XLVof the subject, which would still be premature, may be presented by the Director in his next annual report.

Mr. H. W. Henshaw, when not in the field, was specially engaged in the organization and details of the office work upon tribal synonymy and linguistic classification above described. A careful examination of all the literature pertaining to these correlated subjects was necessary and also the preparation of tentative tables of synonymy. He has prepared such tables and made in connection with them a brief historical résumé of the literature. Much longer time and the work of the whole official force will, however, be needed for the completion for publication of the results of this vast and complicated undertaking.

Mrs. Erminnie A. Smith was occupied, while not engaged in the field as reported above, in the revision for publication of her Tuscarora dictionary, the material for which had been collected during several years.

Col. Garrick Mallery continued the collection and classification of material on the two correlated subjects of sign language and pictographs. His two preliminary papers on those subjects have appeared in former annual reports. It is intended, while increasing the data obtained from the Indian tribes of North America, bearing upon these subjects, to supplement and illustrate the mass of information collected from those tribes by comparison with everything of a similar character to be found in other parts of the world and to publish the results of the collection and study in the form of monographs.

Dr. W. J. Hoffman, when not in the field, continued to assist in the work mentioned.

Mr. James C. Pilling's preparation of the Bibliography of North American Languages continued during the year. In October and November he visited several libraries in Boston and Providence, for the purpose of clearing up a number of doubtful points. During the year pages 839-1135 were received from the printer, which completed the volume. In the spring a limited number of copies were struck off by the Public Printer, and these have been sent to various libraries, public institutions, and to individuals interested in the subject, for XLVIthe purpose of obtaining additions and corrections, with the intention, if these should prove to be numerous, of resetting the matter.

Mr. Frank H. Cushing was stationed at Washington at the commencement of the fiscal year and was engaged in the classification of his field material in preparation for its publication. During the fall he completed a short paper on Zuñi culture growth as evidenced by studies of Pueblo ceramics, which was published in the Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau. In this paper he maintains, with a large amount of linguistic evidence, that the Zuñi culture is mainly autochthonous, and that its growth, especially the growth of architectural, agricultural, ceramic, and other arts and industries pertaining to it, has been largely accomplished within the desert areas of America which still form the habitat of the Pueblo Indians, and probably, also, within a period more limited than has usually been supposed essential to such development.

He prepared also a paper on the "Ancient province of Cibola and the seven lost cities," in which he not only identifies the seven cities of Cibola above referred to with seven ruins near the present Zuñi village, but also furnishes interesting examples of the permanence of Indian tradition and of its value, when properly used, as a factor, in ethnographic and historic research.

Among the later and perhaps more important results of his studies during the year are investigations of the myths and folk tales abundantly recorded by him during previous years among the Zuñi.

By the extended comparison which he is able to make between these folk tales and myths, now first brought together as a whole, and by the application to their study of the linguistic method employed by him in the preparation of the two papers already mentioned, he is able to trace the growth of mere ideas or of primitive conceptions of natural or biotic phenomena and of physical or animal function into the personæ and incidents which go to make up myths, as well as to trace the influence of these growths on the worship of the Zuñi.

XLVIIEarly in 1885 Mr. Cushing furnished the Director with a schedule of his manuscript, notes, and sketches, and from an examination of this it was deemed advisable that he should continue putting his linguistic material into permanent shape, in order that it might be used as a check on ensuing studies of the sociology and mythology of the Zuñi, as well as for its suggestive value towards the explanation of obscure passages in those departments of study. This work had progressed but little, however, when a severe illness necessitated its temporary abandonment.

Prof. Cyrus Thomas, in addition to his administrative duties in charge of the division of mound exploration, was engaged in preparing for publication the results of the operations of that division. The constant arrangement, comparison, and study of the material objects and facts ascertained required his close application. He also commenced the paper presented by him in this volume.

Mr. Victor Mindeleff, in the first part of the fiscal year, completed models of the seven villages of the ancient Province of Tusayan, together with a relief model illustrating the topographical character of the province. The model of Walpi, of this series, was carried out in such a manner as to show on a large scale the character of the rocky mesa on which the town is built. Several types of cliff ruins were also modeled for this series, among them the White House ruin of Cañon de Chelly and the mummy cave of Cañon de la Muerte. After August 1 this work was carried on under the supervision of Mr. Cosmos Mindeleff, who also prepared a model of the great Etowah mound from the data of Mr. V. Mindeleff's survey; he also furnished several other examples of mounds, with sections, under the direction of Prof. Cyrus Thomas. This work was carried on without interruption until December 7, when Mr. Cosmos Mindeleff was ordered to New Orleans, to take charge of the combined exhibits of the U. S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Ethnology, and was instructed to look after the proper installation of the same in the Government building. He returned to Washington about February 1. During the ensuing four months the small force in the XLVIIImodeling room was engaged in making models of the ancient pueblos of the Chaco, from the plans secured during the preceding summer, as referred to in the report of field work. This work continued until early June, when Mr. C. Mindeleff was again ordered to New Orleans to take charge of the packing and shipment of the exhibits of the Geological Survey and Bureau of Ethnology for their return to Washington and for the installation of a portion of the material at the Louisville Exposition. During the interval from February 1 to June 15 Mr. Victor Mindeleff was engaged in the preparation of a report on the architecture of the ancient provinces of Cibola and Tusayan, together with the plans and diagrams necessary for its illustration. This study was based on the large amount of data that had been secured during former field seasons for modeling purposes.

Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, when not in the field, made nearly 10,000 entries for the Ȼegiha-English dictionary, and prepared Ponka and Omaha native texts, with free and interlinear translations, in addition to those found in part 1 of vol. 6, Contributions to North American Ethnology. After December 1, 1884, he collated the following vocabularies obtained by him in Oregon, viz: Takelma, Shasti, Applegate Creek, Chastā Costa, Galice Creek, Mulluk, Siuslaw, Lower Umpqua, Yaquina, Klikitat, and one on Smith River, California. He also prepared a list of the villages obtained from the tribes at the Siletz Agency, Oregon.

Mr. Albert S. Gatschet was engaged at the beginning of the fiscal year in revising and perfecting his grammar of the Klamath language of southern Oregon. The phonology was completed and stereotyped, extending from page 200 to 245. He was engaged in correcting proofs of the subsequent section on morphology when he proceeded to the Southwest, as elsewhere reported, to investigate several languages spoken there, the affinities of which had not before been ascertained.

Mr. W. H. Holmes, as in previous years, has supervised the illustrations of the Bureau publications. He also continued his archæologic studies, chiefly in the department of ceramics, the character of which is shown by his papers in this volume. XLIXHe was in charge of the preparation of exhibits for the expositions at New Orleans, Louisville, and Cincinnati; but, owing to the pressure of other duties, much of this work was intrusted to Mr. Cosmos Mindeleff, who was assisted materially by Mr. Victor Mindeleff. The most important feature of the exhibits consisted of models of plaster and papier mâché of the pueblo towns and cliff houses of New Mexico and Arizona.

Aside from the models, exhibits of ethnologic and archæologic materials were made. A large and important collection of objects of pueblo art was obtained by Mr. James Stevenson, but much of it failed to reach Washington in time for exhibition purposes, and a series of similar objects, already classified and labeled, was selected from the National Museum and forwarded to New Orleans. A valuable collection of the ancient fictile products of Tusayan belonging to Mr. Thomas Keam was also utilized in perfecting the exhibits of Pueblo art.

Archæologic materials from other sections of the country were placed on exhibition, notably a superb collection of prehistoric relics from the province of Chiriqui, Panama, which was purchased for the purpose.

The collections of ethnologic and archæologic material made during the year are of unusual importance and magnitude. This is chiefly due to the facilities afforded by the New Orleans Exposition fund, a liberal portion of which was devoted to the collection and purchase of objects of permanent value to the Government and to science. The collections made by Mr. Stevenson in Zuñi and Acoma comprise upward of four thousand pieces, chiefly objects of clay, but including other classes of products. The collection of prehistoric relics obtained by Mr. J. A. McNiel from the tombs of Chiriqui is one of the most important and complete series of ancient American products to be found in any country, and must prove of great value to students.

Mr. Victor Mindeleff secured a small series of relics from the ancient ruins of northern New Mexico and Arizona, and Dr. H. C. Yarrow added some objects of archæologic and ethnologic interest from central Utah. Mrs. Erminnie A. Smith procured a number of articles of shell, illustrating the Lmodern manufacture of wampum in New Jersey; a small collection of fragmentary pottery from the eastern shore of Maryland was presented by Mr. Joseph D. McGuire, of Ellicott City; and Mr. Holmes secured a series of articles, including arrowheads, shell implements, and pottery, from the island of Nantucket. Mound explorations, conducted by Dr. Cyrus Thomas, yielded a valuable series of objects of stone and clay. An unusually interesting series of the earthen vessels of the ancient pueblo races was secured by Mr. E. W. Nelson in eastern central Arizona. The greater part of the abovementioned material has already been catalogued and turned over to the U. S. National Museum.

Dr. H. C. Yarrow, acting assistant surgeon, U. S. Army, besides his field explorations described, continued to collect information relative to the mortuary customs of North American Indians. Of the material gathered, a considerable portion has been forwarded by various persons throughout the country in answer to the circular sent out early in the last year, but much has also been derived from the published works on anthropologic subjects, including scientific journals and reports. Numerous authorities have been consulted and much time has been devoted to the consideration of the many theories advanced to account for certain peculiar rites and customs.

Mr. Charles C. Royce continued during the year the preparation of a historical atlas of Indian cessions. The boundaries of the various cessions of land by the different Indian tribes were traced out and located upon the maps of the States and Territories left uncompleted at the date of the last annual report. All that remains to be done in completing the atlas for publication is to transcribe, with considerable elaboration, the historical and descriptive notes pertaining to the various cessions, and to make, from the rough working sheets, legible copies of the maps showing the boundaries of the cessions within the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Texas and the Territories of Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Dakota. Most of these States and Territories will each require two maps, showing respectively LIthe primary and secondary cessions. The work will be finished as rapidly as possible.


The present volume contains papers the subject matter of which may be classified under the grand divisions of Technology, Philosophy, Sociology, and Ethnography.

They are all prepared by experts of recognized authority in their several lines of research and are illustrated to the degree required by the text for full understanding, the number of figures presented being 548, besides ten full page plates. Special mention of each of these papers follows in their order as printed.


The archæology of Chiriqui should be studied, not only for comparison with that of the territory comprised in the present political divisions of North America, but because geographically the province should be considered as a part of the North American continent. Until recently this isthmian region was little known, the explorations for railroads and canals having furnished the first valuable accounts of its modern inhabitants and the relics left by former occupants.

The National Museum now contains a large and precious collection of archæologic material from the province, chiefly obtained by Mr. J. A. McNiel during years of enthusiastic labor. The information derived and the lessons to be learned from this collection, together with all particulars relating thereto gathered from other sources, are now presented in this paper by Mr. W. H. Holmes. His work in the classification of the immense number of objects and in the elucidation of their functions, material, construction, forms, and decorations has been careful and comprehensive. His manifest success has been owing to his artistic insight and skill as well as to his archæologic training. His ability in both fields can be appreciated by an examination of the 287 illustrations in his paper, considered LIInot only as to their number, but as to their instructive arrangement in his text.

The objects of ancient art found in Chiriqui are, as elsewhere in North America, derived almost entirely from graves. The cemeteries, apart from their contents and the mode of sepulture, constitute in themselves topics of interest which are discussed and illustrated in the paper. Another curious feature is that the objects buried generally appear to have been manufactured for mortuary purposes and not for use by the living. A general review of the contents of the graves shows that the ancient inhabitants were skillful in the manipulation of stone, gold, copper, and clay, and tombs of undoubtedly great antiquity yield evidence of long continued culture.

It also appears that, while the art of the old peoples of the isthmus can in some respects be connected with that of adjacent regions in North America, in others it is remarkable for individuality. Ornaments of stone were seldom used by them and those of gold and copper were common. The articles of gold which the graves have yielded in large quantities to explorers during the last quarter of a century, and for which only they have until recently been searched, have generally been considered to be mere ornaments, but they probably had a fetichistic origin.

It is remarkable that no weapon, tool, or utensil of metal has been noticed. The objects were generally formed by casting in molds, which was done with considerable skill, and gilding, or at least plating, was practiced. The art of alloying also appears to have been understood.

The use of metals does not appear early in the order of technology, and an advanced degree of culture is generally attained before the casting of any metal is attempted. Without allowing too much weight to any argument based upon the surprising skill of these people in plating and alloying, the evidence of technical skill in general, together with the conceptions embodied in their art, proves conclusively that it was the product of a long period of experiment and progress.

The pottery of Chiriqui is to be noted for the perfection of its technique, its high specialization of form, and its conventional LIIIuse of a wide range of decorative motives. Its forms present many striking analogies to the wheel made ware of the Mediterranean, regarded as classic.

The mythologic stage of the builders of these graves is shown by the fact that in their ceramic art there is no attempt to render the human face or figure with accuracy. The personages of their religious philosophy were zoömorphic and some of their forms may be discerned by a skillful analyst in or on all the ornaments and vessels. On each of the latter all decorative devices and delineations have some reference to the mythic creature associated with the vessel and its functions.

Mr. Holmes has made an important discovery in the evolution of decoration in Chiriqui from which are deduced instructive generalizations of wide application. All the decorations originate (doubtless under the influence of the stage reached in mythologic philosophy) in life forms of animals, none being vegetal. Coming from mythologic concepts they are significant and ideographic, and coming from nature they are primarily imitative and non-geometric. Nevertheless the agencies of modification inherent in the practice of art through its mechanical conditions are such that the animal forms early employed have changed into conventional decorative devices, among which are the meander, scroll, fret, chevron, and guilloche.

That this was the course of evolution of the classic forms of ornaments is not asserted; indeed, it is not necessary to form such a hypothesis, as by the interacting principles, well classified by Mr. Holmes, the course by which the same result was accomplished may have been wholly diverse. It is, however, shown that this was in all probability the particular and independent course in one region of America, being in that respect in distinct contrast to other art regions, such as that of the Pueblos, where the rise of geometric figures through technologic channels is equally obvious. It follows that in seeking to divide peoples by the criteria of their decorative arts the examination must embrace what is far more fundamental than a mere comparison of their finished products: these may be LIVand are markedly similar without any evidence of transmission, and when in fact by deeper study the ascertained separate courses of development preclude such transmission.


For several years Mr. Holmes has been engaged in the study of the ancient and existing art of the North American Indians, and has published in the annual reports of this Bureau a number of elaborate essays upon the art of specified peoples and regions.

In the present paper he submits the comprehensive results of his studies in one great branch, the textile art, and treats chiefly of its esthetic relations as distinct from those of construction and function, so far as they can be separately discussed.

He has been fortunate in the character of the material studied. In America there is yet found a great body of primitive, indigenous, and independent art, almost uncontaminated by the complex phenomena, processes, and conditions which elsewhere obscure its origin and development. To a knowledge of American art acquired by long study Mr. Holmes adds a mental equipment exceptionally qualifying him for its philosophic discussion. His conclusions therefore, presented with ample evidence and explained by illustrations, are to be received as those of a recognized authority, although they may disturb some sentimental and metaphysical fancies concerning abstract beauty in form, color, and design.

It is not contended that the earliest concepts of beauty originated with textile art. On the contrary, it is probable that the first esthetic attempts were in the line of personal decoration, such as paints on the skin and pendants and feathers disposed about the person. But as the textile art appears early and widely in culture it is believed that the association of esthetic concepts with it very generally preceded their association with other arts. Having thus the start in the field, its nature was full of suggestions of embellishment, while it was fixed in its method of expression. The technique therefore LVshaped and directed the esthetic concept and became the parent of much geometric ornament.

Mr. Holmes gives an instructive analysis of the forces and influences inherent in the textile art, the first lessons of which are order, uniformity, and symmetry; he shows how the necessities of technique determine ideas of the beautiful in linear geometric forms and how taste in selecting certain ornaments as the most beautiful is simply choosing that product which in the evolution of art gave it character and power.

The influence of textile ornament upon other forms of art, such as architecture and sculpture, is discussed, as also the manner in which extrinsic decorative elements are remodeled in accordance with the rules of textile combination. The paper, however, does not undertake to cover the whole field of the development of form and ornament, being confined to the relation of the textile art thereto, and similar studies in all other grand divisions of art must be made before the relative importance of all their forces and tendencies can be estimated. But the laws of evolution in all art closely correspond, and the present paper is eminently instructive to all students of the esthetic.


That Prof. Cyrus Thomas has long been engaged in the examination of the few Maya records in existence is known from his former works, "A study of the Manuscript Troano" and "Notes on certain Maya and Mexican manuscripts," both published by the Bureau of Ethnology.

The object of the present paper is to give information of some original discoveries and to present some explanations not brought forward by Professor Thomas in his former papers.

The records of Maya and Mexico yet challenge students with unsolved problems similar to those which in the writings of Egypt and Assyria have perplexed so many generations. The translation of the paleographic literature of this continent may be expected to throw light on the past of America, in some degree reproducing the brilliant result which has attended the translation of the hieroglyphs of the eastern hemisphere. Long LVIand laborious comparisons, together with the trial of successive hypotheses, will be necessary to the decipherment of our aboriginal manuscripts, and but few competent persons are actively engaged in the work. It becomes, therefore, the duty of any one whose discoveries tend to clear up even minor points of the great problem to furnish them to his fellow laborers, and thereby limit the remaining field of investigation. In this paper Professor Thomas supplements his former work.


This paper contains an account of a secret society of seven degrees, still existing among the Osage, in which the traditions of the people have been preserved. The author, by his skill and personal influence, has obtained and now furnishes two of these traditions in the original language, with an interlinear and a free translation of each and with explanatory remarks.

The traditions are both cosmologic and sociologic, and are admirable examples of Indian philosophy. The existence of secret associations, periodically celebrating religious mysteries, and of shamanistic orders, which, by ceremonies, pictographs, and chants, have preserved in more or less purity the traditions of their ancestors, has been vaguely known for some years, but until lately no accurate or indeed intelligent account of them has been secured.

The exertions of several of the officers of this Bureau have been successful in obtaining full details and clear explanations both of the traditions and the ceremonials of several of the Indian tribes, notably those of the Zuñi and the Navajo, published in former annual reports. The present paper by Mr. Dorsey takes an important place in this new collection of materials for the study of Indian philosophy, from which valuable results have been already acquired.


For the express purpose of personal exploration and examination, the author of this important paper spent a considerable time in the region of which he treats. His course of travel LVIIwas to Cumberland sound and Davis strait. The grand division of the Eskimauan linguistic family, inhabiting nearly the whole range of the Arctic-American coast, which has been classed as Central Eskimo, occupies the northeastern part of the continent and the eastern islands of the Arctic-American archipelago. It inhabits, at Smith sound, the most northern countries in which man has been known to dwell. Its southern and western boundaries are about Fort Churchill, the middle part of Back river, and the coast west of Adelaide peninsula.

Dr. Boas gives an admirable account of the topography of the region and of the distribution, tribal divisions, and numbers of the inhabitants. His work is replete with valuable statements in minute detail and with acute suggestions regarding their habits and customs. Their peculiar and ingenious weapons, implements, and utensils are fully described and illustrated. His account of their religious practices and beliefs, supplemented by translations of their myths and legends, is equally entertaining and instructive.

In connection with his observations made through original research, Dr. Boas presents the result of a close study and analysis of the work of former explorers in this field, by which his contribution to the study of this interesting hyperborean people will command additional attention.



Table showing amounts appropriated and expended for North American ethnology for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1885.
Expenses. Amounts expended. Amount appropriated.
A. Services $30,433.55  
B. Traveling expenses 3,716.14  
C. Transportation of property 354.12  
D. Field subsistence 198.42  
E. Field supplies and expenses 535.45  
F. Field material 197.71  
G. Instruments 49.25  
H. Modeling material 40.11  
I. Photographic material 306.71  
K. Books and maps 355.85  
L. Stationery and drawing material 15.70  
M. Illustrations for reports 668.64  
N. Articles for distribution to Indians 23.69  
O. Office furniture 59.67  
P. Office supplies and repairs 36.61  
Q. Manuscripts 395.00  
R. Correspondence 15.43  
S. Specimens 71.00  
T. Collection of material for classification of the Indians in the United States 1,326.61  
    Balance on hand to meet outstanding liabilities 1,200.34  
    40,000.00 $40,000.00




Acoma, collections of J. Stevenson from XLIX
Adelung, J. C., cited 262
Adlet and Qadlunait, origin of the 637
Adlet or Erqigdlit 640
Aggomiut Eskimo tribe, situation and subdivisions of 442-444
Aglio, Augustina, fac simile of Dresden Codex by 263-266
Agutit Eskimo tribe, situation of 450, 451
Aivillirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 445-450
Akudnirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 440-442
Akuliarmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 421
Alaskan Indians, illustration of ornamentation by 199
Alligator, utilization of, in Chiriquian art 130-140, 166, 173-176, 178, 80, 183
American Museum of Natural History, acknowledgments to 409
[American Museum of Natural History], figured specimens from 472, 517
Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, paper by W. H. Holmes on 13-187
Ancon, Peru, examples of ornamentation from graves at 212, 230, 231, 236, 243, 248
Anderson and Stewart, cited 458, 459
Apache, illustrations of ornamentation by 198, 213, 223
Ardnainiq, fabulous tribe in Eskimo tradition 640
Arrowpoints and spearheads of Chiriqui 34
Back, cited 485
Baffin Land, description of 415, 416
[Baffin Land], distribution of tribes in 421-444
[Baffin Land], traditions of, with comparisons 641-643
Balboa, ornaments captured by 35
Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie etc., Verhandlungen der, cited 409, 616
Bessels, Emil, cited 412, 460, 486
Bibliography of the Languages of the North American Indians XXIV-XXVI
Bickford, F. T., field work of XXVIII
Bill Nix (W. P. Matthews), Osage traditions dictated by 377
Black incised group of Chiriquian pottery 80
Boas, F., remarks on paper respecting Central Eskimo by LVI, LVII
[Boas, F.], paper on Central Eskimo by 399-669
Bollaert, W., cited 41, 45
Boothia Felix and Back River, tribes of 452-459
Böttiger, C. A., mention of Dresden Codex by 262
[Böttiger, C. A.], controversy with Abert concerning Dresden Codex 267
Brasseur, copy of the Manuscript Troano by 284, 286, 343
[Brasseur], cited 350
British Guiana Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 217
Calendar system, tabular view of 270-274
Castillo del Oro, name given by Columbus to Chiriqui 35
Ȼegiha-English dictionary XLVIII
Celts, collection of, from Chiriqui 29-34
Central Eskimo, remarks on paper of F. Boas on LVI, LVII
[Central Eskimo], paper on, by F. Boas 399-669
Charency, H. de, cited 282
Chimu, Peru, ornamentation of "hall of arabesques" at 251, 252
Chiriqui, collections from tombs at XLIX
[Chiriqui], ancient art of the province of, by W. H. Holmes 13-187
Cibola, identification of ancient cities of XLVI
Clallam Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 207
Codex Cortesianus, similarity of, to Manuscript Troano and Dresden Codex 286
Collinson, cited 503
Color in textile art 201, 202
Color phenomena in textile ornament 215-232
Comanche Indians, linguistic work of A. S. Gatschet among XXXIV
Costa Rica, origin of name of 35
Cranz, D., cited 412, 586, 590
Cumberland Sound, description of settlements of 428-440
Curtin, J., linguistic field work of XXXVII, XXXVIII
Cushing, F. H., office work of XLVI
Dakota, organization of the 396
Darien, capture of, by Balboa 35
Davis Strait Indian tribes, snow houses of 541-544
Dease and Simpson, cited 458
De Zeltner, A. See Zeltner, A. de. Diller, J. S., acknowledgment to 21, note
Dogs and sledges of Eskimo 529-538
672Dorsey, J. O., linguistic field work of XXXVI
[Dorsey, J. O.], office work of XLVIII
[Dorsey, J. O.], remarks on paper respecting Osage traditions by LV, LVI
[Dorsey, J. O.], paper by, on Osage tradition 373-397
Dresden Codex, numerals in 261-338
Drums of ancient Chiriqui 157, 160
Ebert, F. A., description of Dresden Codex by 263
[Ebert, F. A.], controversy with Böttiger concerning Dresden Codex 267
Eenoolooapik, cited 410, 425, 464
Egede, H., cited 412
El Dorado, origin of 35
Ellesmere Land, natives of 459, 460
Emigration of the Sagdlirmiut 616-620
Emmert, J. W., field work of XXVI, XXVII
Erdmann, F., cited 412, 597
Eskimo, the Central, by F. Boas 399-669
Falkenstein, K. C., preservation of Dresden Codex by 268
Field work XXVI-XLII
Figurines of Chiriquian art 151-153
Fillmore, exhumation of sepulcher at XLI
Financial statement LVIII
Fishing, Eskimo methods, of 513-516
Fleischer, H. L., mention of Dresden Codex by 263
Flight to the moon 598, 599
Form in textile art and its relation to ornament, with illustrations from Indian work 196-201
Förstemann, E., citation from Die Mayahandschrift of 261-269
[Förstemann, E.], cited 272, 278, 280, 281, 283, 290, 292, 293, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 320, 322, 329, 330, 339, 340
Fowke, G., field work of XXVI
Frobisher, M., cited 410, 469, 558
Frobisher Bay, use of, by Eskimo 423
Gallatin, A., mention of classification of Indian languages by XLIV
Garlic, C. A., field work of XXIX
Gatschet, A. S., linguistic field work of XXXIII-XXXVI
[Gatschet, A. S.], office work of XLVIII
Geography, Eskimo knowledge of 643-647
Geometric design, relations of, to textile ornament 202-244
Gilder, W. H., cited 411, 456, 457, 458, 459, 466, 498, 522
Glossary of Eskimo terms 663-669
Gordon, A. R., cited 412, 463
Gosiats, water burial among XLI
Götze, J. C., preservation of Dresden Codex by 261
[Götze, J. C.], biographical sketch of 261, 262
Haida Indians, art among XLI, XLII
Hall, C. F., acknowledgments to 409
[Hall, C. F.], cited 411, 422, 432, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 452, 456, 457, 459, 462, 463, 464, 486, 499, 503, 509, 547, 578, 583, 589, 594, 595, 596, 601, 602, 606, 607, 608, 611, 614, 615, 639
Hallock, W., on Chiriquian methods of casting 38
Handled group of Chiriquian pottery 90-97
Harpoons of Eskimo, mode of constructing 489-494
Henshaw, H. W., linguistic field work of XXXI-XXXIII
[Henshaw, H. W.], office work of XLV
Herrera, cited 35
Hewett, J. N. B., field work of XXX, XXXI
Hoffman, W. J., field work of XLI, XLII
[Hoffman, W. J.], office work of XLV
Holmes, W. H., office work of XLVIII, XLIX
[Holmes, W. H.], abstract of paper on ancient art of the province of Chiriqui by LI-LIV
[Holmes, W. H.], abstract of paper on textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament by LIV, LV
[Holmes, W. H.], paper by, on ancient art of the province of Chiriqui 13-187
[Holmes, W. H.], paper by, on textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament 189-252
Huacals, exploration of, in Chiriqui 16, 17
Hudson Bay, tribes of western shore of 444-452
Hudson Bay district, geographic description of 414-418
Hudson Bay Indians, snow houses of 547
Humboldt, A. von, notice of Dresden Codex by 262, 263
Hunting, Eskimo methods of 471-513
Igdlumiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 463
Igdlungajung, fabulous tribe in Eskimo tradition 640
Igimarasugdjuqdjuaq the cannibal 633, 634
Iglulik Eskimo tribe, snow houses of 546, 547
Iglulirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 444
Ijirang, fabulous people in Eskimo tradition 640
Indian tribes, synonymy of XLIII-XLV
Inuarudligang, fabulous tribe in Eskimo tradition 640
Inugpaqdjuqdjualung 638
Inuit race, divisions of 420
Iowa, secret society among 396
Ititaujang; 615-618
Itivimiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 463
Jones, Mrs. J. A., Onondaga manuscript of XXXI
Kadlu the thunderer 600
Kaiowē language, researches of A. S. Gatschet respecting XXXIV, XXXV
Kalopaling 620, 621
673Kangivamiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 463
Kansa, secret society among 396
Kayak, construction of 486-489
Keam, T., Tusayan products collected by XLIX
Kingnaitmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 424
Kingsborough, Lord, Dresden Codex copied by order of 262
[Kingsborough, Lord], Mexican Antiquities of, cited 266
Kinipetu or Agutit Eskimo tribe, situation of 450, 451
Kiviung 621
Klamath Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 208, 209, 227
Klamath language, work by A. S. Gatschet on grammar of XLVIII
Kleinschmidt, Eskimo orthography of 413
Klutschak, H. W., cited 411, 448, 449, 451, 457, 458, 459, 466, 502, 509, 510, 516, 552, 553, 570, 582, 595, 596, 614, 615
Kouksoarmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 463
Kumlien, L., acknowledgments to 409
[Kumlien, L.], cited 412, 471, 474, 475, 482, 483, 524, 549, 550, 567, 589, 596, 606, 607, 610
Kunz, G. F., on use of insects as models in casting metals 38
[Kunz, G. F.], on Chiriquian methods of plating 39
La Fort, D., Onondaga manuscript of XXXI
Landa, cited 348
Landa's alphabet, insufficiency of 259, 347
Lepsius, cited 418
Lipan Indians, linguistic work of A. S. Gatschet among XXXIII
"Lost color" of Chiriquian art, nature of 86
Lost color group of Chiriquian pottery 113-130
Lyon, G. F., cited 410, 451, 463, 487, 497, 511, 579, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 592, 593, 610, 612, 613, 614, 615
M'Donald, A., cited 410
McGuire, J. D., collections of L
Maclean, J. P., field work of XXVII
M'Clintock, Captain, cited 411, 455, 456, 458
McCloud River Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 221
McNiel, J. A., collection of relics from tombs of Chiriqui by XLIX
[McNiel, J. A.], archæologic work of, in Chiriqui 14, 15, 20
[McNiel, J. A.], cited 17, 22, 23, 27, 31, 40, 41, 43, 46, 107
Mallery, G., office work of XLV
Manufactures, Eskimo 516-526
Manuscript Troano, copy of, by Brasseur 285, 286, 343
[Manuscript Troano], study of, by C. Thomas, cited 339, 343, 344, 345, 350, 365, 366, 367, 370
Maroon group of Chiriquian pottery 107-109
Mason, O. T., acknowledgments to 409
Matthews, W., field work of XXXVIII-XL
Matthews, W. P. (Bill Nix), Osage traditions dictated by 377
Maya and Mexican manuscripts, C. Thomas on, cited 280
Maya Codices, aids to the study of, by C. Thomas 253-371
Mealing stones of Chiriqui 25-27
Merritt, J. K., cited 14, 16, 49
[Merritt, J. K.], exploration of Bugaba cemetery by 17, 18, 20
Metates of Chiriqui, nature and use of 25-27
Mexican Antiquities, by Lord Kingsborough, cited 266, 267
Middleton, J. D., field work of XXVI-XXVIII
Mindeleff, C., office work of XLVII, XLVIII
Mindeleff, V., field work of XXIX, XXX
[Mindeleff, V.], office work of XLVII, XLVIII
[Mindeleff, V.], collections of XLIX
Mintzer, W., acknowledgments to 409
Modoc Indians, linguistic work among XXXVI, XXXVII
Moki, illustrations of ornamentation by 197, 205, 224, 225, 226, 238, 240
Moravian missionaries, cited 463
Mound explorations, field work on XXVI-XXVIII
Mountain chant of Navajo Indians XXXIX, XL
Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, acknowledgments to 409
[Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin], figured specimens from 472, 473, 474, 477, 479, 480, 481, 483, 486, 487, 488, 496, 508, 513, 514, 515, 518, 519, 520, 523, 531, 532, 554, 555, 556, 557, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 576, 613, 634, 644
Music and poetry of the Eskimo 648-658
Nadaillac, Marquis, cited 14, 38
[Nadaillac, Marquis], on Chiriquian methods of casting 38
Na-ishi Apache Indians, linguistic work among XXXV
Narwhal, origin of the 625-627
National Museum, acknowledgments to 409
[National Museum], figured specimens from 474, 479, 480, 481, 487, 488, 489, 490, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 512, 513, 515, 516, 518, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 530, 531, 532, 535, 539, 555, 556, 559, 560, 563, 565, 566, 576
Navajo Indians, field work of W. Matthews among XXXVIII-XL
Navigation, Eskimo proficiency in 643
Needlecases (?) of Chiriqui 150
Nelson, E. W., collection of earthen vessels from eastern central Arizona by L
Netchillirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 452-458
New Granada, burial customs in 19, 20
Niqotlizi, ceremonies at XXXIX, XL
Norris, P. W., field work and death of XXVI
Northeastern America, geography of 414-418
North Greenlanders 460
Northwest Coast Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 213, 218, 227, 230
Nourse, cited 452
Nugumiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 424
Omaha, reticence of, as to secret societies 396
Onondaga, work of J. N. B. Hewitt among XXX, XXX
Oqomiut Eskimo tribe, situation and subdivisions of 424-440
674Origin of the Adlet and the Qadlunait 637
Origin of the narwhal 625-627
Osage Indians, traditions among LVI
Osage traditions, paper on, by J.O. Dorsey 373-397
Otis, F. M., paper on Panama ornaments by, mentioned 46
Owen's Valley, California, pictographic material from XLII
Padlimiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 440-442
Parry, W. E., cited 410, 443, 444, 447, 451, 458, 464, 474, 475, 478, 487, 492, 494, 502, 509, 510, 517, 523, 533, 544, 545, 547, 552, 556, 557, 558, 559, 572, 574, 603, 614
Penn wampum belt 233
Penny, cited 425
Peruvians, ancient, illustrations of ornamentation by 211, 212, 214, 228, 230, 231, 235, 236, 237, 242, 243, 248
Petermanns Mitteilungen, cited 409, note
Petitot, É., cited 412, 516
Piedra pintal, description of, by Seemann 21, 22
Pilingmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 444
Pilling, J. C., Bibliography of the Languages of the North American Indians by XXIV-XXVI
[Pilling, J. C.], office work of XLV, XLVI
Pima Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 220
Pinart, A. L., cited 14, 15, 20, 22
Piute Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 198, 205
Poetry and music of the Eskimo 648-658
Polychrome group of Chiriquian pottery 140-147
Polynesian ornamentation, illustrations of 249, 250
Ponka, secret society among 396
Pottery of Chiriqui 53-186
Powell, J.W., report of operations of Bureau of Ethnology by XXIII-LVIII
Pueblo Indians, researches among XXVIII, XXIX
Qailertétang, fabulous people in Eskimo tradition 640
Qaudjaqdjuq 628-633
Qaumauangmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 421, 422
Qinguamiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 424
Quapaw Indians, linguistic work among XXXVII
Rae, John, cited 411, 445, 446, 448, 450, 451, 452, 455, 459, 478, 485, 510, 597
Rattles of ancient Chiriqui 156, 157
Red line group of Chiriquian pottery 109-111
Religious ideas of the Eskimo 583-609
Riggs, R. B., analyses by 49
Rink, H., cited 411, 420, 580, 586, 587, 590, 591, 598, 599
[Rink, H.], acknowledgments to 412
Rogan, J. P., field work of XXVI, XXVII
Rosny, L. de, cited 267, 347, 355, 357
Ross, J., cited 410, 451, 453, 454, 455, 456, 458, 469, 471, 478, 485, 508, 552, 553, 579
Royce, C. C., office work of L, LI
Sagdlirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 444
Sagdlirmiut of Southampton Island 451
San Mateo Mountains, Indians near XXXIX
Santa Barbara, Cal., pictographs at XLII
Santa Barbara Indians, linguistic work of H. W. Henshaw among XXXI-XXXIII
Saumingmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 424
Scarified group of Chiriquian pottery 87-90
Schellhas, P., cited 345, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364
Schultz-Sellack, K., cited 278
Schwatka, F., cited 445, 457, 458, 459, 464, 465, 470
Science and the arts among the Eskimo 643-658
Seal hunting, Eskimo method of 471-501
Sedna and the fulmar 583-587
Sedna feast 594
Seemann, description of piedra pintal by 21, 22
Seminole Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 207
Sikosuilarmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 421, 463
Siletz Agency, linguistic work of J. O. Dorsey at XXXVI
Silvestre, É., Paléographie universelle of, cited 267
Simpson, J., cited 411, 597
Simpson, T., cited 410, 458
Singing house of Eskimo 600-602
Sinimiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 451
Sledges and boats, description of Eskimo 527-538
Smith, Mrs. E. A., field work of XXX, XXXI
[Smith, Mrs. E. A.], office work of XLV
[Smith, Mrs. E. A.], collections of XLIX, L
Smith Sound, Eskimo tribes of 459, 460
Snow houses, of Davis Strait Eskimo 541-544
[Snow houses], of Iglulik Eskimo tribe 544
[Snow houses], of Hudson Bay Indians 547
Social life and customs of Eskimo 574-578
Songish Indians, burial customs and remains of XLII
Spicer, J. O., acknowledgments to 409
[Spicer, J. O.], cited 489, 511, 587, 588, 611
Spindle whorls of Chiriqui 149, 150
Stearns, J. B., specimens in archæological collections of 24, 41, 43, 45, 48, 49
Stevenson, J., field work of XXVIII, XXIX
[Stevenson, J.], collection of objects of Pueblo art by XLIX
Stevenson, Mrs. J., researches among the Zuñi by XXIX
Stools of ancient Chiriqui 154-156
Sturgis, A., acknowledgments to 409
[Sturgis, A.], cited 491
Talirpingmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 424
Tents of Eskimo, mode of construction of 551-553
Terra cotta group of Chiriquian pottery 67
Textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament, paper by W. H. Holmes on 189-252
675Thing, L. H., field work of XXVII, XXVIII
Thlinkit ivory and wood carvings XLII
Thomas, C., field work of XXVI-XXVIII, XXX
[Thomas, C.], office work of XLVII
[Thomas, C.], collection from mounds by L
[Thomas, C.], abstract of paper on aids to the study of the Maya codices by LV-LVI
[Thomas, C.], paper on aids to the study of the Maya codices by 253-371
Tonkawē Indians, linguistic work of A. S. Gatschet among XXXIII, XXXIV
Tornait and angakut 591-598
Tornit, the 634-636, 640
Trade and intercourse between Eskimo tribes 462-470
Tripod group of Chiriquian pottery 97-107
Troano Manuscript, copy of, by Brasseur 285, 286, 343
Tule River Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 219
Tununirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 442-444
Tununirusirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 442-444
Turner, L. M., cited 420, 462, 520, 565, 567, 608, note
Tusayan, model of the seven villages of XLVII
[Tusayan], collection of fictile products of XLIX
Tusayan ornament, illustrations of 247, 248
Udleqdjun 636, 637
Ugjulirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 458
Uissuit 621
[Uissuit], fabulous people in Eskimo tradition 640
Ukusiksalirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 458
Ungavimiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 463
Vater, J. S., cited 262
Walpi, model of XLVII
Warmow, cited 425, 583
Whistles of ancient Chiriqui 164-171
White, B. B., description of cemetery in New Granada by 19
White line group of Chiriquian pottery 111-113
Wiener, cited 242
Wind instruments of ancient Chiriqui 160-171
Winnebago, sacred songs of the Iowa in 396
Yarrow, H. C., collections of XLIX
[Yarrow, H. C.], field work of XL-XLI
[Yarrow, H. C.], office work of L
Yokut Indians, illustrations of ornamentation by 233, 234
Yuchi Indians, linguistic work among XXV
Zeltner, A. de, observations on graves in Chiriqui by 14, 18, 19, 41, 42
[Zeltner, A. de], cited 20, 22, 27, 43, 45, 140
[Zeltner, A. de], description of Chiriquian vases by 145-147
Zuñi, studies of Mrs. J. Stevenson among XXIX
[Zuñi], culture growth of XLVI, XLVII
[Zuñi], collection made at XLIX
[Zuñi], illustrations of ornamentation by 239


  1. The Bureau of Ethnology—later the Bureau of American Ethnology—published a total of 48 Annual Reports over the period 1879 to 1933. Each Report was divided into three pieces: introductory material including summaries of what everyone in the Bureau had been doing; a number of free-standing articles; and an Index covering the whole volume.
  2. Each article is a separate project, and the introduction and index are combined into another project. Articles are posted separately to PG, and when a volume is finished, a whole-volume version is also posted.
  3. This project contains the roman numbered introduction plus the index for the volume.
  4. Each volume contains a full index for all papers in that volume. To make the Index usable, page anchors were included in a consistent format, using the physical page number.
  5. The arabic numbered page anchors will be linked when the whole volume version is posted to PG. Until this happens only the roman numbered page links will be valid.
  6. Silently corrected simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors.
  7. Retained anachronistic and non-standard spellings as printed.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Sixth annual report of the Bureau of
ethnology. (1888 N 06 / 1884-1885), by John Wesley Powell


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