MattInX's Miscellaneous Musings Say what now?


Retrochallenge Roundup (and a quick JVC update)

Well, it's the final night of RetroChallenge, so it's time for a closing post. As I'd expected, I didn't get anywhere close completing my goals, with lack of time being the age-old excuse. However, it was still a very productive project and I plan to keep pressing on and making semi-regular posts. Hopefully I can keep the momentum going even through RC is over for another 6 months. Although I didn't get a wiki up and running to store the information I was gathering, it's all up on this blog - so that's a start as far as making it available is concerned.

Other key milestones:

  • I hacked together a working PSU for the V86P - learning a lot about switch-mode PSUs in the process
  • I reverse engineered the output stage of the original PSU, using photos and some measurements being taken remotely, and captured the result as a kicad schematic
  • I'm most of the way through a PCB layout for the charging section of the PSU, which will provide all the necessary voltages to the V86P to run and charge the NiCd pack given only a sufficiently beefy 8.5V PSU. The missing piece is finding a case I like, then I need to tweak the board dimensions to fit
  • II got the V86P running with both its internal HDD and FDD
  • I found datasheets for most of the key ICs in the system
  • I'm about half-way through mapping out the pinout of the hard disk controller to motherboard interface pinout
  • I confirmed the pinout of the 26-pin JVC interface
  • I identified the SHIP_READY and SERVO_GATE lines as signal that the heads were parked and a sector index respectively
  • I identified that DOS sees a 4 head disk with 512 byte sectors, but the disk itself only has one head select line - possibly there's some logic for splitting 1k sectors into two logical heads - developing some basic C routines to call BIOS int13h
  • I've confirmed I can read the ECC blocks from the data block via DOS int 13h calls, which should make reverse engineering the polynomial used by the controller relatively straightforward
  • And lastly, which I'm going to cover below - I think I've finally confirmed the disk is storing 2,7 RLL encoded data

I was able to borrow a DSO from a friend (thanks Daniel!) This allowed me to take a look at the signal on the /READ and /WRITE lines of the controller, with the hope of confirming what my little USB analyzer was showing. The result is as follows:



Looking at the traces, this looks like the read and write pulses are about the same width, with read being slightly shorter, and on closer examination, not quite so square. I suspected the issue might be the cable length between the logic analyzer and the break-out board. I shortened the cable as much as possible and ran another read test. This yielded the following result:

This looks a lot better, and has the regular pulse chain I was originally expecting to see.

The datasheets for the OMTI 5055 and 5027 recommend using a value 0x33 for the inter-sector gap (and pre-index and post-index gaps) on RLL encoded drives. When you encode 0x33 using the 2,7 RLL code OMTI (and most other disk vendors of the time) used, you get 00010000 - which gives a repeating pattern of one pulse, then seven periods of nothing, then another pulse. That's exactly what that trace appears to be.

Following the inter-sector gap, we get an ID pre-amble of 0xFF, repeated several times (the exact count is up to the controller programming). 0xFF encodes as 10001000, so you get a pulse then three periods of nothing, followed by another pulse. Following that is an ID sync byte of 0x62 (which is 0010000001000100), then a marker byte of 0xfe (1000100010000100), then finally the sector data.

So as my parting image, here's what I saw when I looked at a trace, starting at the beginning of a sector - just compare it to what I described above:

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  1. Fantasic work. I have a old Zenith supersort SX which needs a hard drive thats impossible to get anymore. If a interface of some kind could be made to replace the drive with a CF card like they have done for IDE drives it would be great and I could get this old Zenith working as it used to do before the drive packed up.

  2. Please take a look at DREM
    It emulates all sorts of MFM & RLL HDD’s including 26pin JVC models.
    26pin JVC is a recent development and 26pin HDD header is not listed on web site yet, but I have it working with EPSON Equity LT in my lab now!

    • Thanks – I’d actually come across your project thanks to the TRS-80 Trash Talk podcast. Seems simple enough to deal with based on the chipset, although there’s clearly more to the signaling. I’m still hoping to get this all up on a wiki so anyone else with these drives has the information – would you be interested in contributing once I get that up?

      I’ve got more to write up, it’s just finding the time 🙂 For this machine, I’m actually thinking replacing the controller with an XT-IDE based design and a CF card is the way to go

  3. Matt,

    I truly interesting project. I have quite a few Toshiba laptops that use this interface. T3200, T3200sx, T1200 to name a few. What you are doing, I was hoping to do, but work and family commitments prevent this at this time.

    I use the XT-IDE with several other vintage computers. It’s clearly the way to go, for cheap, reliable storage.

    I follow your progress with enthusiasm.

    Cheers, Martin

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