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Galileo Class Starcruiser
Ship's Organization and Regulations Manual
Writen by:
W. Paul Hollingsworth
Illustrated by:
Evangeline "Eve" Burch
Congratulations on your assignment to a GALILEO-class Starcruiser. Designed specifically for scientific research and exploration of the furthest reaches of Federation space and beyond, this ship is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories, and manned by some of the most qualified and experienced crewmembers in Starfleet.
You have been specifically selected as a crew member because of your demonstrated excellence in your particular field. Only the best of the best have even been considered for duty aboard a GALILEO-class Starcruiser. You have met that test. Your Captain and your crewmates expect no less of you now that you have reported aboard.
Life aboard your ship will present you with operational procedures and personal circumstances which may be new to you. In some cases they may appear to be exotic and confusing. Careful reading of this Ship's Organization and Regulations Manual will introduce you to your new surroundings and provide answers to most of your questions.
Should you encounter difficulties or have questions not addressed by this document, contact your Division Officer for assistance.
Welcome aboard one of Starfleet's finest ships. May you find your tour of duty aboard your new ship a fascinating journey into the unknown.
Kitryk Donaree Brannon Admiral, Starfleet Command
Starfleet Guides Volume II
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