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Starfleet Recognition Manual
Rank Identification and Rate Requirements
Writen and Illustrated by:
Michael E. Taylor
Though not primarily a military force, Starfleet has always maintained the discipline that has managed to keep the balance between discipline and disaster in the field.
The uniform has had many changes sense the early days of Starfleet. The need for a clear chain of command has always been a necessity in any group of professionals. Through this, Starfleet had adopted the age old ranking system that had been in use for hundreds of years on most every planet in the federation. Each planetary system had its own names for the ranks, but all seemed similar in many respects.
After much debate throughout the Federation, and after consideration of every suggested system of ranking with in the core worlds. It was decided that the Earths system of ranking would suffice.
It was incorporated by unanimous vote 2161 eight months after the founding of the charter.
All individuals departments have a color coding system for identification. Once an individual has taken the command performance test to make a command rate, the option to maintain ones departmental color coding is optional. Grades O-12 and O-13 are the only two grades that do not allow for departmental color differential as these positions are strictly considered command.
This is a list and information concerning each rank.
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