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U.S.S. Cheyenne Operations Manual
Starfleet Technical Institute
Writer & Illustrator:
Dan W. Shanks
This Technical Manual of the operations and systems of the Cheyenne class Exploration Cruiser is to help aid new crew members in familiarizing themselves with their new ship.
The Cheyenne class has been operational for almost twenty years now. Several have been destroyed in the Border Wars with the Cardassian Union (Empire). With the Federation still growing ever larger, the fleet must be enlarged as well to maintain balanced coverage in all quadrants. Old, proven ship designs like the Excelsior continued to be built long after they should have been replaced. Such an example of the requirement for more ship hulls is the rebuilding of most of the fleet that was lost at Wolf 359. The Ahwahnne is a good example of the Cheyenne class. She was destroyed at Wolf 359, but was deemed salvageable by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers who surveyed the wrecked fleet following the battle.
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