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USS Khai Tam
Technical Orientation Manual
The Galaxy's First Federation-Klingon Hybrid Starship
Writer & Illustrator:
Kevin McNulty
The USS Khai Tam Technical Orientation Manual is your complete guide to the galaxy's first jointly designed Federation-Klingon starship. From propulsion and weapon systems to auxiliary craft and crew resources, this book takes you straight into the workings of a starship designed to explore and defend the deepest reaches of Federation space. Inside you will find unique and detailed descriptions and illustrations including:
Detailed floor plans of the Main Bridge, Combat Information Center, Main Engineering, Communications Center, Sickbay Complex, etc.
Cutaway views of photon torpedoes, assault shuttlecraft, Klingon warp nacelles and more.
Guidelines for combat operations, recreational programs, flight operations, and resource allocation.
Complete history of the development and construction of the Khai Tam and her sister ships of the Qapla' class!
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