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Starfleet Exploration Craft
Daedalus Class - NCC-170
Eric Kristiansen
1. These plans are for the familiarization purposes only and should not be confused with detailed working drawings of the Daedalus Class Starfleet Exploration Craft.
2. In an emergency, the primary hull and boom may separate from the secondalY hull. The secondary hull can not operate independently.
3. The auxiliary fusion reactors will provide sublight propulsion and power in the event of a hull separation. Normally they provide supplementary power.
4. Hydrogen and other interstellar gases are collected and processed for use as fuel in the auxillary power reactors and impulse engines.
5. Except when berthed, the craft is crewed at all times. For this purpose the ships compliment is divided into three watches of 8 hours.
6. All decks have built in gravity, inertial dampening and anti radiation forcefields.
7. Environmental suits are fully adjustable and stored in various strategic locations throughout the vessel.
8. Located to the rear of the vessel is the hangar deck for planetary Starfleet Exploration.
9. The Daedalus class can accept multiple hull violations. All doors and bulkheads are airtight and capable of withstanding sudden drastic pressure changes. The containment doors seal off sections of the ship to prevent progressive decompression. They are kept open during nomal operations, but will close when all stations have been secured or when the hull has been breached. Doors adjacent to evacuated sections can only be overridden by damage control parties. There are similar containment hatches which can seal off all gangways.
10. The craft is not capable of atmospheric entry and planetary landing.
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