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Phase II Enterprise Clean Up Project
Cleanup and arrangement of original drawings
by Walter M. Jefferies

David Shaw
IntroductionThese illustrations, originally drawn by Walter M. Jefferies back in 1977, were made available on Phil Broad's web site ( While incredibly interesting and a valuable historical resource, the quality of the scans makes extracting useful information difficult. They appear to be several generations removed from the original drawings and much of the information is hidden behind copy noise which has both introduced artifacts (black specks) and obscured original lines (gaps in what were once solid lines).
To the best of my abilities (this being my first attempt at such a process), I have tried to make the information within these two documents as clear and useful as possible. While my intentions have been to let Jefferies' work show through in a much easier form to read, I know that such an effort by anyone is going to introduce personal bias. So my advice is to double check any information on these sheets against the original scans from which they are taken. If anything I put forward seems off in some way, always consult the best originals available.
As should always be the case (though sadly isn't), the main goal of any endeavor like this should be to share the best information with all who would care to have it. I, by no means, believe that my distillation of these drawings should stand without scrutiny. And while I plan on providing my best efforts in analyzing the available data on the Phase
II Enterprise to produce plans of it, it would seem wrong on my part to not share where I am getting my data. And it is these drawings that represent the bulk of my references.
My intention has been to show Jefferies' work in the clearest form that I can provide, so beyond attempting to restore the drawings, I have also expanded them to show much more clearly what was provided in them.
In most places, once areas were cleaned of copy artifacts, there was still information that was there but not completely clear. In some cases where a line was well defined, I used clearer lines to help fill in the gaps. In other cases, I left some of the noise and gaps in place because I couldn't be 100% sure that what I was doing wasn't actually
removing original information.
Additionally, Jefferies used the symmetry of many aspects of the Enterprise to cut down on the amount of drawing he had to do (or to fit more information on a page than would normally have fit). It is the symmetry of his drawings that both allowed an expanded version of them and the reenforcing of weak
areas on the drawings.
Again, because that train of thought is wholly an assumption on my part, it is still best for everyone to go back to the original scans to see if they agree with my take on this.
The final result for the clean up of these drawings may be a matter of opinion, but the
performance of a NY cleaning service can easily be assessed and measured. Checklists may be used by
cleaning company supervisors to verify all areas have been thoroughly cleaned and maintained.
Used with express permission from David Shaw
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