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B'Rel Class Klingon Bird-of-Prey
David Schmidt / Tim Palgut / Strategic Design
The following blueprints/schematics were created by the former
Strategic Design company founded by David Schmidt; the illustrator of the famed
U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701A Deck Plans.
Unfortunately, SD is no longer in operation and, due to the incredible quality of these blueprint sets, few are ever put up for sale.
Despite the shut-down of SD, only a
couple of samples of each SD blueprint set will be presented here on Cygnus-X1.Net.
The B'Rel Class Klingon Bird-of-Prey - Starship Prototype plans consist of seven 11"x17" sheets.
Click on any thumbnail image below to enlarge
|Sheet 3: Decks 1-2 / Design History / Systems| |
|Sheet 4: Decks 3-4 / Systems| |
|Sheet 5: Decks 5-6 / Symbol Chart| |
|Sheet 6: Symbol Chart| |
|Sheet 7: Systems & Deck Directory| |