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U.S.S. Sagittarius NCC-1894
MK-IV Scout Ship Archer Class
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
The Archer class scout ship (named in honor of 22nd-century explorer and fourth Federation President Jonathan Archer) represents some of the newest, most advanced technology in Starfleet. In service for less than a decade as of 2266, it is one of the first vessels to feature modular components, making it possible to rapidly reconfigure the ship for different mission profiles. Capable of extended high-warp travel, this small vessel is very fast and highly maneuverable at impulse. While equipped with two phaser emitters and up to four photon torpedoes, it relies primarily on its reduced sensor profile, speed, and agility for defense.
This high-quality packet consists of five external views, plus detailed cross-section and deck plans, on eight 11"x17" sheets.
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