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General Dynamics / Boeing
DY-100A Interplanetary Freighter
Starfleet History Series - Volume III
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
The DY-100 interplanetary freighter was the ship commandeered by Khan and his crew in the late 20th century. In that episode, it was stated that the DY-100 was designed and flown in the 1990s. These plans depict a re-imagining, based on how one might have appeared had it been built with real-world '90s technology. Her habitation module, for instance, is adapted from a decommissioned Seawolf class submarine, and the ship is powered by the NERVA-III Advanced Nuclear Propulsion System. This ship is depicted as the Botany Bay as she appeared in day-to-day service. She is wearing the livery of ISA, the International Space Agency, where she made regular cargo runs between Earth, the Moon, and Mars.
ABOUT THESE SCHEMATICS: This high-quality packet consists of five 11"x17" fold-out sheets which show 5 external views of the ship, as well as a detailed internal cross-section and launch configuration diagram.
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