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AVRO Canadair DY-150
Interplanetary Transport System, Victory Class
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
The DY-150 Victory-class freighter is the second major entry in the highly successful DY series of spacecraft. Equipped with the latest NERVA IV nuclear thermal rocket motors (NTRs) and state-of-the-art avionics, the DY-150 represents the best in 21st century aerospace engineering.
The Victory class is quite flexible in its payload configuration - up to 32 standard cargo containers can be transported simultaneously by combining as many as four Cargo Docking Modules (CDMs) between the habitation module and the propulsion module. Oversize cargo such as spacecraft and station components can be also be transported using specialized CDMs.
While the DY series were originally designed as long-haul freighters, the modular design lends itself easily to multi-mission configuration merely by dropping one or more specialized modules between the habitation and propulsion segments. The DY-150 can be configured for a number of missions - from patrol and exploration to VIP transport, Search & Rescue, experimental test bed, and many other possibilities.
This high-quality packet consists of six 11"x17" fold-out sheets depicting 6 external views of the ship, as well as cross-sections, background information, and configuration details.
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