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James Cook Class
MK-XI-B Short Range Shuttlecraft
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
The MK-XI-B shuttlecraft is the new standard short range shuttle now carried aboard all large Federation vessels, replacing the venerable Class F shuttlecraft. The James Cook class shuttlecraft can be used for personnel or minor cargo transport, and can be configured to carry up to 15 passengers and 2 crew comfortably. Cargo configuration allows up to 1,060 cubic feet in volume. This craft is designed for intra-system travel only, and is capable of atmosphere entry and landfall. Propulsion and internal power are provided by two impulse micro-drives, located in the aft section.
ABOUT THESE SCHEMATICS: This high-quality, full-color packet consists of four 11"x17" fold-out sheets which show six external views of the craft, as well as detailed internal layout and cross-sections.
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