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Type M Medivac Shuttle
Robert Jarvik Class Emergency Response Vessel
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
The Jarvik class spacecraft is a Type M shuttlecraft designed specifically for short-range medivac missions. With a crew of five, it is capable of transporting up to 8 patients in individual diagnostic / medical stasis beds. Constructed with a duranium metal shell, the Type M is propelled at sublight speeds by two ion engines powered by individual micro-fusion reactors. It is also capable of FTL travel (up to 1.7c) over short distances. The Type M shuttle is divided into two sections: the forward section, which contains accommodations for the crew and patients, and a smaller aft section, which contains the engineering components of the shuttle. patient loading/unloading is accomplished via the aft hatch/ramp.
About these schematics: This high-quality packet consists of six external views plus detailed internal views on six 11"x17" sheets.
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