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Florence Nightingale Class
MK-II Mobile Trauma Center
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
The Nightingale class Mobile Trauma Center (MTC) was adapted from the ubiquitous Archer class scout spaceframe. This spacecraft is outfitted to Level III trauma specifications. The Nightingale class carries a crew of 14, and has beds for 10 general patients, two ICU beds, and two surgical beds, as well as 16 medical stasis units for extremely critical cases. Each bed is equipped with an individual isolation field generator to protect patients and crew from cross-contamination. Every member of the crew is required to have extensive cross-training in at least two medical specialties - the commander and XO are both MDs, in addition to one more doctor and at least 4 nurse/PAs aboard. in concert with the Salk class hospital ship and the Jarvik class Medivac shuttlecraft, the Nightingale class Mobile Trauma Center is an integral part of the Disaster Response Task Force medical mission triad.
ABOUT THESE SCHEMATICS: This high-quality packet consists of five external views plus detailed cross-section and deck plans on eight 11"x17" sheets.
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