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U.S.S. Sentinel NCC-2550
Light Cruiser
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
Launched in June 2268 following five years of development, the Sentinel class light cruiser entered the fleet as one of the first full production starships from Tycho Yards. these multi-purpose vessels are well suited for the search and rescue, interdiction, fast response, and shipping lane protection roles that can be expected for a domestic patrol cutter. At 804 feet in length, the Sentinel class features the latest in circumferential warp technology with twin PB-52 Mod 2 drives. Armed with four banks of MK VII-B phaser emitters, three photon torpedo launchers (2 forward, 1 aft), and CRM-114 countermeasures, the ship is has been shown to perform well in combat. Sentinel is equipped with extensive hangar and cargo facilities. Twin utility bays, located amidships, are supported by a shuttlecraft maintenance bay below capable of storage for two standard shuttlecraft and two Type N shuttlecraft, while a larger primary hangar aft services VIPs and other guests. smaller work craft also enter and exit through the main hangar. Crew complement is 245 officers and crew, who enjoy newly designed cabins, corridors and external airlocks for universal docking.
ABOUT THESE SCHEMATICS: This high-quality packet consists of five external views plus cross-section and details on eight 11"x17" sheets.
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