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Stellar Venture NGL-75219
Stellar Quest Class Cargo Transport
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
The MK-XIV Stellar Quest class cargo transport is designed for long-haul interstellar cargo delivery. She can pull a maximum of 10 cargo containers. Each container has a capacity of 28 Type I cargo pods, each with a volume of approximately 65,000 cubic feet. Stellar Venture was designed and built by Winston Industries of Alpha Centauri. Her keel was "laid" at the Alpha Shipyards on earthdate December 12, 2245. She was launched two years later on November 19, 2247. After final construction and inspections were completed, she was commissioned July 4, 2248. Following spaceworthiness trials, Stellar Venture's three-month shakedown cruise commenced September 4, 2249. Upon completion, ownership was transferred to Blue Star Transport Services March 28, 2250, and she has been in service continuously since.
ABOUT THESE SCHEMATICS: This high-quality packet consists of six 11"x17" fold-out sheets depicting 5 external views of the ship, as well as a detailed cross-section, plus a sheet detailing the cargo container.
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