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Starfleet Prototype
The Journal of Innovative Design and Ideas
Issue #25: 2291-2292
Chief Editor and Publisher:
David Schmidt
Strategic Editor:
Lucille Mills
Technical Editor:
David Desjardins
Prototype is a bi-annual journal, established to familiarize Starfleet and other Federation military personnel with the latest starship designs and technical developments. Due to the sensitive nature of the technical matters discussed herein, extreme caution must be exercised in the distribution and handling of this publication, and the material within has been ruled Security Grade 2B*8.
Letters and questions to the editors should be forwarded to Strategic Design, Spacedock Terra.
Typesetting and Graphics provided by Dynamic Designs and Publications, Terra.
Copyright © 2292 by the Starfleet Academy Training Command Press in conjunction with the Technical Release Office of Starfleet Tactical and the Distribution Element of Strategic Design (a civilian design and con-sultation firm contracted to the Research and Development division of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers). All rights reserved.
Two vessels included herein, and other vessels referred to in passing, have appeared previously in the volume: Ships of the Star Fleet. Their inclusion in this journal is not intended as infringement of copyright in any way, but rather is done in the interest of maintaining continuity. All artwork included herein is original.
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