= AST RESEARCH, INC. TECHNICAL BULLETIN # 1015 11-17-94 = ADVANTAGE! EXP/MT CAN NOT ACCESS KODAK CD-ROM PROBLEM: The Advantage! EXP/MT system can not load Kodak Photo CDs with either Photo Graphics (an AST Works program element) or Kodak Access software. When using Photo Graphics software, the system intermittently accesses the CD-ROM and displays a dialog box requesting the user to place a photo CD in the drive and retry or cancel. CAUSE: The system is unable to access the Kodak CD-ROM because of the default SMARTDRV statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT. SYSTEMS AFFECTED: AST PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 501452-001 ADVANTAGE! EXP/MT P60/423 8MB MPC CE SOLUTION: In AUTOEXEC.BAT change the statement as follows: FROM: C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE TO: C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE /E:2048