= AST RESEARCH, INC. TECHNICAL BULLETIN # 1093 3-8-95 = CIRRUS LOGIC 1.1 DRIVERS CAUSE OUT OF MEMORY ERROR PROBLEM The Cirrus Logic drivers, version 1.1, may cause any system to return an "Out of Memory" error message in Windows for WorkGroups. CAUSE Cirrus Logic 1.10 driver uses too much memory causing the error to appear on the screen. SYSTEMS AFFECTED AST PART NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION All systems using Cirrus Logic 5430/5434 VGA chip. SOLUTION Upgrade the system to VGA Drivers For Cirrus 543X, revision 1.22. Download the following files: 368313.EXE 368314.EXE 368315.EXE 368316.EXE 368317.EXE 368318.EXE from AST's BBS (817) 230-6850, "Systems" file area. AST's BBS supports modem speeds up to 28.8k bps. The above files will also be posted on: CompuServe Go ASTSUPPORT AST Worldwide Web Site http://www.ast.com For additional information on the VGA Driver for Cirrus 543X, see Software Bulletin # 0181 on AST's BBS, "Systems" file area.