= AST RESEARCH, INC. TECHNICAL BULLETIN # 1215 6-6-95 = SCO UNIX INSTALL FAILS WITH MANHATTAN G590 PROBLEM During installation of SCO UNIX and ODT version 3.0, in a Manhattan G590 with the DPT PCI SCSI Controller (PM3224), after loading the DPT UNIX driver, the operating system displays the following error message: "WARNING: SCSI ADAPTER: CAN NOT INSTALL INTR VECNO=10, TYPE=2, IPL=5, VECTOR 10 IS PRIVATE." CAUSE SCO UNIX requires IRQ 10 to be reserved for its own use. The Manhattan G590 has assigned the DPT PM3224 PCI SCSI Controller to IRQ10, causing the installation to fail. There is no mechanism for changing the IRQ assignment of a PCI adapter in a PCI/ISA based system. SYSTEMS AFFECTED AST PART NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION REVISION 501723-XXX MANHATTAN G590 All Models SOLUTION Manhattan G590 BIOS Release 2.00 (P/N 905545-038) resolves this issue by changing the manner in which the IRQs are assigned. IRQ10 is now used as the last IRQ to be assigned by a device installed in the system. File 05545038.EXE can be found on AST's BBS (817) 230-6850, in the "Systems" file area. AST's BBS supports modem speeds up to 28.8k bps. The above file will also be posted on: CompuServe Go ASTSUPPORT AST Worldwide Web Site http://www.ast.com For further information on the Manhattan G590 BIOS, see Software Bulletin # 0186 in the SBS library of AST's BBS.