AST RESEARCH, INC. TECHNICAL BULLETIN # 1314 9-25-95 MANHATTAN X5090 AND CONNER CFP2105S DRIVES PROBLEM: When attempting to duplex Conner CFP2105S drives under NetWare, the user may observe one or more of the following error messages when trying to mirror or remirror the drives: * (SDMSNET4) CAM Error: CMD_TIMEOUT (8D010000) * Device #2 Conner :CFP2105S 2.14GB:2B4B (8D010000) deactivated by driver due to device failure * Volume SYS still operational despite drive deactivation * Aborted remirror of partition #1 * The mirrored partitions on this system are not all synchronized SOLUTION: Disable "Tag Command Queuing" on the NCR controller by adding the "qtags=disable" startup switch to the NCRSDMSx load line. In the case of NetWare 4.X, the user would enter the following command, while retaining any other switches the user might already be using, in the STARTUP.NCF file: LOAD NCRSDMS4 qtags=disable Informal benchmarking has revealed there is no performance difference between running with "Tag Command Queuing" either enabled or disabled. SYSTEMS AFFECTED: Part Number Description 501503-XXX AST Manhattan P5090