QDOS Low-Level Documentation


This document is a collection of different documents from different
sources dealing with low-level details of the QL and QDOS.


QL Device Names & Related Conventions
QDOS Errors
QDOS Basic Memory Areas
QDOS Memory Map
QDOS Register conventions
QDOS Device Driver Headers
QDOS Job Control Headers
QDOS Vectored Calls
Summary of QDOS Traps


Kit Lester ( Most QDOS summeries), Simon Goodwin ( QDOS Traps )

                  QL Device names & related conventions

 CON_wXhAxXy_k or
 CON_                 -             default con_448x180a32x16_128
 CTLn                 -             see concepts/"joystick"

 DEVn                 93- GC/p iii  n=1 to 8: logical devices attacable to
                                    physical devices or directories
 FLPn_*D2h            93- GC/p ix   for direct sector access to a HD disk

 FLPn_*D4e            93- GC/p ix   for direct sector access to an ED disk:
                                    4 means 2048-byte sectors
 FLPn_*Dsd            86 Trumpcard  see keywords/OPEN
 FLPn_name *          86 Trumpcard  see keywords/FORMAT
 MDVn_name            -             see concepts/"Microdrives"
 NET                  -             see concepts/"network"
 NETd_s               -             see concepts/"devices"

 NETI_0               84 TK1/tk2    device to receive broadcast, with
                      2.4,22        buffer size 2kb less than memory

 NETI_0_buffersize    84 TK1/tk2    as NETI_0, with given buffer size in kb
                                    device for input from the given
 NETI_station         84 TK1/tk2    station: if station=this machine, input
                                    from any station

 NETO_0               84 TK1/tk2    device for broadcast to all stations

 NETO_station         84 TK1/tk2    device for output to the given station

 Nn_dev_              84 TK1/tk2    dev_ on network node n
 PAR                  95 SGC/p II   Parallel port
 PAR                  95 SGC/p VI   Parallel port connector details
 PARF                 95 SGC/p II   Parallel port with FF at CLOSE

 PIPE_                -             input pipe whose channel is in D3
 PIPE_n               -             output pipe with a n-byte buffer
 RAMn                 86 TK2        ramdisk
 ROM1_                98 RomDisq    RomDisq (Flash-disk, from Firshman)
 SCR_wXhAxXy or SCR_  -             default ser_448x180a32x16
 SERnphz              -             default ser1r
 WINn                 93- GC/p vii  ...

                           QDOS Errors

Returned in D0 from TRAPs, Vectored Calls, and Basic extensions

 -1  ERR_NC  Operation not complete
 -2  ERR_NJ  Not a (valid) job
 -3  ERR_OM  Out of memory
 -4  ERR_OR  Out of range
 -5  ERR_BO  Buffer overflow
 -6  ERR_NO  Channel not open
 -7  ERR_NF  File or device not found
 -8  ERR_EX  File already exists
 -9  ERR_IU  File or device already in use
 -10 ERR_EF  End of file
 -11 ERR_DF  Drive full
 -12 ERR_BN  Bad device
 -13 ERR_TE  Transmission error
 -14 ERR_FF  Format failed
 -15 ERR_BP  Bad parameter
 -16 ERR_FE  File error
 -17 ERR_EX  Expression error
 -18 ERR_OV  Arithmetic overflow
 -19 ERR_NI  Not implemented (yet)
 -20 ERR_RO  Read only
 -21 ERR_BL  Bad line of Basic

                      QDOS Basic Memory Areas

There are 12 distinct areas:

                        LOW ADDRESS

 job header                -- Same layout as any other JB area. $68 bytes.
                           SV_BASIC points to the base of this area.
                           -- Interpreter work variables. fixed length:
                           includes pointers to other areas, which may be
 SuperBASIC work area      moved around. During interpretation, A6 points
                           to the base of this area: the BV values are the
                           offsets: the whole area can be moved (hence A6
                           is changed to new base address). See below.
                           -- For access to SuperBasic variables and
 name table                parameters. A table of 8-byte entries: see
                           -- For access to SuperBasic variables and
 namelist                  parameters. Each entry is a BYTE character
                           count, then the characters of the name [ALL
                           OTHER STRINGS USE*WORD* -LENGTH COUNTS].
                           -- For access to SuperBasic variables and
 variable values area      parameters. A heap in which the values of the
                           variables are cstored: see below for the formats
                           of the entries.
 channel table             -- For SuperBASIC channels. See below.
                           -- Convenient for reserving space in added
 arithmetic (RI) stack     routines: and for passing parameters from
                           SuperBASIC to routines. See above.
 token list                -- Not described in TechRefMan
 line number table         -- Not described in TechRefMan
 program file              -- Not described in TechRefMan
 return list               -- Not described in TechRefMan
 buffer                    -- Not described in TechRefMan

                     HIGH ADDRESS

1 SuperBASIC work area

 $00         BC_START    Relative to SV_BASIC
 -           -           *** START OF POINTERS ***
 $00.L       BV_BFBAS    Buffer base
 $04.L       BV_BFP      Buffer running pointer
 $08.L       BV_TKBAS    Token list
 $0C.L       BV_TKP      ?
 $10.L       BV_PFBAS    Program file
 $14.L       BV_PFP      ?
 $18.L       BV_NBAS     Name table
 $1C.L       BV_NTP      ?
 $20.L       BV_NLBAS    Name list
 $24.L       BV_NLP      ?
 $28.L       BV_VVBAS    Variable values
 $2C.L       BV_VVP      ?
 $30.L       BV_CHBAS    Channel name
 $34.L       BV_CHP      ?
 $38.L       BV_RTBAS    Return table
 $3C.L       BV_RTP      ?
 $40.L       BV_LNBAS    Line number table
 $44.L       BV_LNP      ?
 -           -           *** CHANGE OF DIRECTION ***
 $48.L       BV_BTP      Backtrack stack during parsing
 $4C.L       BV_BTBAS ?
 $50.L       BV_TGP      Temporary graph stack during parsing
 $54.L       BV_TGBAS ?
 $58.L       BV_RIP      Arithmetic stack
 $5C.L       BV_RIBAS ?
 $60.L       BV_SSP      System stack
 $64.L       BV_SSBAS ?
 -           -           *** END OF POINTERS ***
 $68.W       BV_LINUM    Current line number
 $6A.W       BV_LENGTH   Current length
 $6C.B       BV_STMNT    Current statement on line
 $6D.B       BV_CONT     Continue ($80) or stop (0) processing

 $6E.B       BV_INLIN    Processing in-line clause (loop=1, other=$FF) or
                         not (=0)
 $6F.B       BV_SING     Single line execution ON ($FF) or OFF (0)
 $70.W       BV_INDEX    Name tab row of last inline loop index read
 $72.L       BV_VVFREE   First free space in variable value table
 $76.L       BV_SSSAV    Saved sp for out/mem to back to

 $7C.?       BV_UPROC    MINERVA: Set address of use trace routine [p
 $80.L       BV_RAND     Random number
 $84.L       BV_COMCH    Command channel
 $88.W       BV_NXLIN    Which line number to start after
 $8A.B       BV_NXSTM    Which statement to start after
 $8B.B       BV_COMLN    Command line saved ($FF) or not (0)
 $8C.W       BV_STOPN    Which stop number set
 $8E.B       BV_EDIT     Program has been edited ($FF) or not (0)
 $8F.B       BV_BRK      There has been a break (0) or not ($80)
 $90.B       BV_UNRVL    Need to unravel ($FF) or not (0)
 $91.B       BV_CNSTM    Statement to CONTINUE from
 $92.W       BV_CNLND    Line to CONTINUE from
 $94.W       BV_DALNO    Current DATA line number
 $96.B       BV_DASTM    Current DATA statement number
 $97.B       BV_DAITM    Next DATA item to read
 $98.W       BV_CNIND    Inline loop index to CONTINUE with
 $9A.B       BV_CNINL    Inline loop flag for CONTINUE
 $9B.B       BV_LSANY    Whether checking list ($FF) or not (0
 $9C.W       BV_LSBEF    Invisible top line
 $9E.W       BV_LSBAS    Bottom line in window
 $A0.W       BV_LSAFT    Invisible bottom line
 $A2.W       BV_LENLN    Length of window line
 $A4.W       BV_MAXLN    Max. number of window lines
 $A6.W       BV_TOTLN    Number of window line so far
 $AA.B       BV_AUTO     Whether AUTO/EDIT is on ($FF) or off (0)
 $AB.B       BV_PRINT    Print from prtok ($FF) or leave in buffer (0)
 $AC.W       BV_EDLIN    Line number to edit next
 $AE.W       BV_EDINC    Increment on edit range
 $B0 to $100 -           See p163 of the Tech Ref Man
Basic channel definitions: (1) see later (2) p164 Tech Ref Man


The entries can be of the following kinds:
  bytes 7-4       bytes 3-2     byte 1  byte 0 [1] Kind
  value pointer   name pointer  $00     $01/02/03  Unset typed value
  ptr to RI stack -1            $01     $01/02/03  Typed expression [2]
  value pointer   name pointer  $02     $01/02/03  Typed value
  value pointer   -1            $03     $00        Substring [2]
  value pointer   name pointer  $03     $01/02/03  Typed array
  line # in msw   name pointer  $04     $00        SuperBASIC procedure

  line # in msw   name pointer  $05     $01/02/03  SuperBASIC typed
  value pointer   name pointer  $06     $02        REPeat loop index
  value pointer   name pointer  $07     $02        FOR loop index
  abs address     name pointer  $08     $00        Machine code procedure
  abs address     name pointer  $09     $00        Machine code function

   * A positive name pointer is to an entry in the name list: -1 is a
     nameless item: other -ve name pointers are to another entry in the name
     table of which this entry is a copy.
   * A positive value pointer is to an entry in the variable values area: -1
     is for an undefined value.
   * Because the areas are movable, the pointers are offsets: for the RI
     stack the offsets are from the high-address base; for other areas it is
     from the low-address base.

[1] Byte 0 has bitwise format h sss tttt where
 sss separator after the parameter
 0   none/not param
 1   comma
 2   semi-colon
 3   backslash
 4   exclamation mark
 5   'TO' keyword

 h # before the parameter
   no/not param

 tttt type of entry
 0    null
 1    string
 2    f p
 3    integer
(Only tttt is shown in the main table)

[2] Not normally reccomended for use by added routines.


A heap in which the values are stored. The item entries are:
 --integer - 16-bit two's complement word.
           - 2-byte exponent, then 4-byte mantissa. Ms 4 bits of exponent
           are 0, LS 12 bits are offset -$800.
           Mantissa is 2's complement with bit 31 -1, bit 30 +1/2,
           normalized so that bit31 /= bit30 (unless the whole number is
 --f p     exactly zero, in which case all 6 bytes are 0). So value is
           -- mantissa*2^(exponent-$800)
           if the mantissa is taken as fraction or
           -- mantissa*2^(exponent-$81F)
           if the mantissa is taken as .L integer.
           - 2 byte character count, then that number of characters, then
 -- string (if the count was odd) an ignored byte to make the whole an even
           # of bytes
           - header of format
           * .L offset from base of variable values area to the array
           * .W number of dimensions
           * .W max index of the dimension
 -- array  * .W index multiplier for the dimension
           [The last pair of items are repeated once for each dimension.]
           STRING ARRAY: is an array of characters, except zeroth element
           of the final demension is .W containing the string length; Final
           dimension defines the maximum string length, +1 if odd.
           SUBSTRING: result of a slicing: an array of characters, except
           that the base of indexing is one rather than zero.


A channel number #n indexes the SuperBASIC channel table. Each entry in the
table is of length CH_LENCH ($28) bytes. The base of the table is at
BV(CHBAS(A6) and the top at BV_CHP(A6). So the base for entry #n is at (
BV_CHBAS(A6) + CH_LENCH*n ) (A6)

Each entry is of format:
  $00.L The channel ID
  $04.F Current graphics cursor x
  $0A.F Current graphics cursor y
  $10.F Turtle angle (degrees)
  $16.B Pen status
  $20.W Character position on line for PRINT and INPUT
  $22.W WIDTH of page
The table has as many entries as the number of the current highest-numbered
channel: an un-opened channel either has a number greater than that, OR has
a negative channel ID.

                         QDOS MEMORY MAP

Hardware map

$FFFFF   +--------------------------+
         | Add-on ROM (up to 128kb) |
$E0000   +--------------------------+
         | 8x16kb device slots      |
$C0000   +--------------------------+
         | Up to 512kb add-on RAM   |  } See     } Top actual
$40000   +--------------------------+  } next    } address goes
         | 96kb on-board user RAM   |  } diagram } in SV_RAMT
$28000   +--------------------------+
         | 32KB screen RAM          |
$20000   +--------------------------+
         | On-board IO (partially   | $1806?3 = master chip status reg: bit 0=1 blanks display:
         |              decoded)    | bit 0=0 enables display. ALSO??!! POKE 98403,2 to blank
$10000   +--------------------------+ screen, POKE..,2 to restore monitor mode.
         | 16kb plug-in ROM         |
$0C000   +--------------------------+
         | 48kb on-board ROM        |
$00000   +--------------------------+

Ram map

SV_RAMT  +----------------+
SV_RESPR | Resident proc- |      When not jobs present, QDOS can allocate &
         | edure area     |      totally-deallocate space: no other QDOS ops.
SV_TRNSP | Transient      |      Code/data/stack area per relocatable job.
         | program area   |      Not normally re-entrant, but can be made so.
SV_BASIC | SuperBASIC     |      Basic program, variables, its IO channels.
         | area           |      See BV_ definitions: all pointers A6-relative.
         +vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv+      [Top regions grow down.]
SV_FREE  | Free memory    |      Used by the filing
         | area           |      system for slave blocks.
         +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^+      [Common heap grows up]
SV_HEAP  | Common heap    |      Channel definitions, workstore for IO & programs.
         | area           |      MT_ALCHP & _RECHP. Auto RECHP at end of job.
         | System manage- |      Various. Info for joblist, etc. Also the
         | ment tables    |      Supervisor Stack.
         | System         |
         | variables  SV_ |
$28000*  +----------------+      Base of system variables. $28000 or MT_INF: see below
         | Display RAM    |
$20000   +----------------+      Base of RAM

* System variables start at $28000 in ROMs up to JS: in Minerva (up to 1.92
at least) running in two-screen mode they start at $30000 because of the
second screen's-worth of display ram. IN ANY ROM it is prudent to use MT_INF
to locate the base of the SVs.

NB: $28000 = 163840
    $20000 = 196608

Allocation and release

                    Allocate           Release

 Res. procedure areaMT_ALRES           MT_RERES       [total release
 Trans. program area~MT_CJOB           ~MT_FRJOB
                                                      [for heap
 --------"--------  MM_ALLOC           MM_LINKFR      allocation within
                                                      the jobs own data

 SuperBASIC area    MT_ALBAS           MT_REBAS       [for interpreter
 ------"------      BV_CHRIX           automatic      [space in RI stack]
                                       [in other
 ------"------      [see "BASIC        SuperBASIC

 Free memory area   [not directly used
                    by normal jobs]
                                                      - also released
 Common heap area   MT_ALCHP           MT_RECHP       when owner job is
                                                      [from dev.drivers]
 ------"------      MM_ALCHP           MM_RECHP       - also released
                                                      when owner job is

                    QDOS Register conventions


Each EXEC/MT_CJOB transient program area is activated in the state:

   (A6,A5.L)   +-------------------+
        high   | Command string    |  } If A6+A5>A7, parameters from
        address+-------------------+  }
               | .L Channel ID     |  } the jobs parent job.
               | ...               |  }
               | .L Channel ID     |  }
               +-------------------+  } (EXEC/EXEC_W leave A6+A5=A7.)
               | .? Number of      |  }
   (A7) i.e.USP|    Channel IDs    |  }
               | Stack area/       |  The jobs stack is the top
   (A6,A4.L)   | Data area         |
               +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+  part of the data area.
               | Code area         |
   Even address+-------------------+
               | .Bs Job Name      |  If the job name has an odd number
               | .W #chars in j.n. |
               | .W $4AFB          |  of characters, it's followed by
        low    | JMP.L start       |
   (A6) address+-------------------+  an (ignored) 'pad' character.

The stack usually runs from the top of the data area downwards, except that
the various ways of loading can imply differing numbers of zeros already on
the stack when the program is started.

TALENT WORKBENCH does not appear to implement the A4 and A5 conventions.

The A6 convention is of great use to circumvent the problem that
instructions that store to memory may not have PC-related addresses, i.e.
may not have addresses of either of the forms:

   * d16(PC) or
   * d8(PC,R)

Instead, one can use d16(A6) and d8(A6,R) - provided that one does not
change A6, of course!

Basic extensions

Defining extra routines

Call BP_INIT (qv) to link in the new routine(s).

  1. The SuperBASIC program area can be moved at any time, so all references
     in the area must be A6- or A7-relative: don't save A6 or A7 except in
     arithmetic or address calculations: don't alter them (except A7 by
     PUSHes and POPs). [But can use TRAP#0 to go into supervisor mode to
     make following code uninteruptable - this is not a normal practice.]
  2. Don't use more than 128 bytes of user stack.
  3. D0.L must be returned as an error code.
  4. D1-5 and A0-5 can be spoilt: DO NOT SPOIL D6 D7 A6 or A7.


...is by substitution:

  1. The interpreter evaluates any expression parameters;
  2. Each actual is then given a new entry at the top of the name table - if
     the routine is written in SuperBASIC, any missing actual gets a null
  3. The interpreter then swaps the new name table entries with the old
     entries for the actuals;
  4. If the routine is written in machine code, it is CALLed with A3->NTE of
     first parameter in the list, and A5->[?just after] the NTE of the last
     parameter. [So there will be (A5-A3)/8 parameters.]
  5. If a LOCal statement is found, the NTE is copied to the top of the name
     table, and the original NTE is replaced by an empty entry.
  6. At the end of SuperBASIC routine, the parameter enties are copied back
     and local entries removed. The parameter NTEs and any temporary storage
     in the variable value area are then removed for all routines.


Use CA_GTINT (.W integer) CA_GTFP (f p) CA_GTSTR (string) CA_GTLIN (f p
converted to .L integer). Each needs A3 to base of & A5 to end of the NTEs
of the parameters, assumes the parameters are of the same type, and returns
the # of parameters fetched, with their values on the RI stack. Separator
flags are spoilt.

For unquoted strings (i.e. SuperBASIC names to be used literally - e.g. as
file names) the caller of CA_GTSTR must do as follows:

  1. Inspect the name to see if it is a valid set string variable.
  2. If so, fetch it with CA_GTSTR;
  3. otherwise, fetch the parameter's name itself from the name list,
     converting to string form by changing the word count from byte to word,
     and realigning the string if necessary.


Entries on the stack must be word-aligned. So for a string

  1. the character count must be on a word boundary; and
  2. odd-length strings have a final padding byte, whose value is ignored.


TOS is usually pointed to by A1. Space can be allocated by BV_CHRIX. The
vectored routines for getting results to RI stack do their own
space-allocation. RI stack is automatically tidied after procedures and
after errors in functions.

On return from a function the returned value should be the topmost (i.e.
lowest address) with nothing below it, and both (A6,A1.L) and BV_RIP(A6)
pointing to it. The result type should be in D4 (1=string, 2=fp, 3=.W
integer, with .L integers converted to f p before the RETurn).

Results can be passed back in parameters by pointing A3 to the NTE and
calling BP_LET. If the actual was an expression, BP_LET doesn't give an
error, and the result value is lost. The type of the result is given by the
NTE, and the value on the RI stack must be in the correct form for that

                   CHANNEL- & SCR_-DEFINITION BLOCKS

SV_CHBAS thru SV_CHMAX point to a table of longwords: each of those
longwords points to a CHANNEL DEFINITION BLOCK in the following offsets


 $00.LCH__LEN   Length of channel definition block
 $04.LCH__DRIVR Address of driver
 $08.LCH__OWNER Owner Job
 $0C.LCH__RFLAG Address to be set when space released
 $10.WCH__TAG   Channel ID (channel tag)
                * = 0 OK
 $12.BCH__STAT  * = -1 (A1)
                * = $80 (A1,A6.L)
                * = -ve waiting
 $13.BCH__ACTIN Stored action for waiting Job
 $14.LCH__JOBWT ID of Job waiting on IO
 $18  CH__END   -- here on differs depending on the kind of channel --


 $18.LCH__QIN  pointer to input Q (or 0)
 $1C.LCH__QOUT pointer to output Q (or 0)
 $20  CH__QEND -- end --


 $18.WSD__XMIN  Window top lefthand side
 $1C.WSD__XSIZE Window size
 $20.WSD__BORWD Border width
 $22.WSD__XPOS  Cursor position
 $26.WSD__XINC  Cursor increment
 $2A.LSD__FONT  Font address
 $2E.L-         Second font address
 $32.LSD__SCRB  Base address of screen ($20000 on QLs, differs on THOR)
 $36.LSD__PMASK Paper colour mask
 $3A.LSD__SMASK Strip colour mask
 $3E.LSD__IMASK Ink colour mask
                Character attributes:
                * bit 0 - Underline bit
                * bit 1 - Flash bit
                * bit 2 - Transparent background
 $42.BSD__CATTR * bit 3 - XOR characters/graphics
                * bit 4 - Double height
                * bit 5 - Extended width
                * bit 6 - Double width
                * bit 7 - Graphics positioned characters
 $43.BSD__CURF  Cursor flag, 0=suppressed, >0=visible
 $44.BSD__PCOLR Paper colour byte
 $45.BSD__SCOLR Strip colour byte
 $46.BSD__ICOLR Ink colour byte
 $47.BSD__BCOLR Border colour byte
 $48.BSD__NLSTA New line status ( >0 implicit, <0 explict)
 $49.BSD__FMOD  Fill mode (0=OFF, 1=ON)
 $4A.FSD__YORG  Graphics window x origin (6 bytes)
 $50.FSD__XORG  Graphics window y origin (6 bytes)
 $56.FSD__SCAL  Graphics scale factor (6 bytes)
 $5C.LSD__FBUF  Pointer to fill buffer
 $60.LSD__FUSE  Pointer to user defined fill vectors
 $64.WSD__LINEL Line length in bytes
 $68  SD__END   -- end --
I've used ".F" to mean "6-byte floating point". -- KL

                      QDOS Device Driver Headers

 $00.L CH_NEXT   Pointer to next driver
 $04.L CH_INOUT  Entry for input and output
 $08.L CH_OPEN   Entry for OPEN
 $0C.L CH_CLOSE  Entry for CLOSE

 $10.L CH_SLAVE   Entry for slaving blocks
 $14.L CH_RENAM   Entry for RENAME
 $1C.L CH_FORMAT  Entry for FORMAT
 $20.L CH_DFLEN   Length of physical definition block
 $24   CH_DRNAM   2+n bytes drive name

                      QDOS Job Control Headers

Base of the table is pointed to by SV_JBBAS: top by SV_JBTOP. Each entry in
the table is .L & points to $69 bytes as follows:

 $00.LJB__LEN   Total length of job control + Job area
 $04.LJB__START Start address on activation
 $08.LJB__OWNER Job ID of this Job's owner

 $0C.LJB__HOLD  Pointer to a byte which will be cleared when the scheduler
                releases the job.
 $10.WJB__TAG   Tag for Job as allocated by MT.CJOB
                Current accumulated priority: incremented when a job is
 $12.BJB__PRIOR active but not executing. It is set to zero when the job is
                executing. The scheduler allows the Job with the highest
                accumulated priority to execute.

 $13.BJB__PRINC This priority increment is the initial priority of the Job.
                ($20=>default: 0=>inactive)
                Job status:
                * =0 is not suspended
 $14.WJB__STAT  * >0 is number of frames before release
                * -1 is suspended (IO or MT.SUSJB)
                * -2 is waiting for another job to finish

 $16.BJB__RELA6 MSB is set if next trap #2 or #3 has addressing relative to
                A6 (as set by Trap #4)
 $17.BJB__WFLAG Set if a job is waiting for this one
 $18.LJB__WJOB  ID of Job waiting for this to finish
 $1C.LJB__TRAPV Pointer to trap redirection vectors
 $20.LJB__D0    Saved value of D0
 $24.LJB__D1    Saved value of D1
 $28.LJB__D2    Saved value of D2
 $2C.LJB__D3    Saved value of D3
 $30.LJB__D4    Saved value of D4
 $34.LJB__D5    Saved value of D5
 $38.LJB__D6    Saved value of D6
 $3C.LJB__D7    Saved value of D7
 $40.LJB__A0    Saved value of A0
 $44.LJB__A1    Saved value of A1
 $48.LJB__A2    Saved value of A2
 $4C.LJB__A3    Saved value of A3
 $50.LJB__A4    Saved value of A4
 $54.LJB__A5    Saved value of A5
 $58.LJB__A6    Saved value of A6
 $5C.LJB__A7    Saved value of A7
 $60.WJB__SR    Saved value of Status register
 $62.LJB__PC    Saved value of Program counter
 $68  JB__END

                       QDOS Vectored Calls

                           D1.L space
                           required. Returns
                           D1.L space actually
 $0C0 MM_ALCHP Allocate on allocated, A0->base
               common heap of area allocated.
                           Spoils D2-3 A1-3.
                           Error code ERR_OM
                           if out of memory.
                           Called in
                           supervisor modes,
                           A6->base of system
                           varaibles, A0->base
 $0C2 MM_RECHP Release on  of area to release,
               common heap
                           & not from a task
                           that services an
                           interrupt. Spoils
                           D1-3 A0-3.

               BY NAME


 -    -        -           Last 3: see OPIE


               ON #n
 -    -        -           Last 4: see OPIE

                           A0->base of item
                           (with 4 bytes at
 $0D2 UT_LINK  Link item   start for the
               into a list
                           link), A1->prior
                           A1 updated, others
 $0D4 UT_UNLNK Unlink item preserved. To link
               from a list to a new list, use

               Allocate an
 $0D8 MM_ALLOC area in a   See TecRefMan 4.1
               heap        and p148.
      Link freeSee
 $0DA space    TecRefMan
      back into4.1 and
      heap     p148.

                           } D1.L=queue length
 $0DC IO_QSET  Set up a    or data, (A6,A2.L)
               queue       ->queue. Error code
                           in D0=ERR.NC (q
                           } full QIN; empty
                           QOUT,QTEST) ERR_EF
 $0DE IO_QTEST Test status (end of file
               of a queue

               Put a byte  } D1 to data, ?D2
 $0E0 IO_QIN   into a      becomes free space
               queue       if changed, A3
                           spoilt by QIN,QOUT,
               Extract a
 $0E2 IO_QOUT  byte from a } QTEST,QSET. Data
               q           length<32767.
               Put EOF
 $0E4 IO_QEOF  marker into
               a q

 -    -        -           : see OPIE

               Direct      } For IOSS
 $0E8 IO_SERQ  queue       activities only.
               handling    See the

 $0EA IO_SERIO General IO  } Technical
               handling    Reference Manual.

                           } D1.L=internal
 $0EC CN_DATE  GET         (A1,A6)->tos.
                           Changes A1: puts
                           string of date or
                           } time onto stack.
 $0EE CN_DAY   GET DAY OF  CN_Date needs 23
               WEEK        bytes of stack,
                           CN_DAY needs 7.
 -    -        -           Both: see OPIE

 $0F0 CN_FTOD  F.P. TO ISO } Convert value on
                           (A1,A6)->tos to

 $0F2 CN_ITOD  WORD INT TO } characters in
               ISO         (A0,A6)->buffer.

 $0F4 CN_ITOBB BYTE TO ISO } Spoil D1-D3 A2
                           A3, change A0 A1.



 -    -        -           All: see OPIE

                           } Convert
                           (A0,A6)->ISO chars
 $100 CN_DTOF  ISO TO F.P. in buffer to value
                           on (A1,A6)->tos. D7
                           is 0 or
                           (D7,A6)-> end of
 $102 CN_DTOI  ISO TO INT  buffer. FP result
                           is 6-byte, others
                           4-byte, A1 left
                                               -> last of
                                               the result
 $104 CN_BTOIB ISO BINARY  %                   bytes. Error
               TO BYTE                         code in D0.
                                               Spoil D1 D2
                                               D3 A1 A2,
                                               change A0 A1
 $106 CN_BTOIW ISO BINARY  %                   error) to
               TO WORD                         point after
                                               and to new
                                               tos. Use
 $108 CN_BTOIL ISO BINARY  %                   approx 30
               TO LONG                         bytes of
                                               stack. Those
                                               marked '%'
                                               are not in
 $10A CN_HTOIB HEX-ISO TO  %                   QDOS 1.03 or


 -    -        -           All: see OPIE

                           (A1,A6)->table -
               add m/c     see below. Spoils
 $110 BP_INIT  routines to A1, D2. Uses <
               SuperBASIC  49bytes of

               Get .W      entry of 1st param
 $112 CA_GTINT ints->RI    of list,
               stack       (A5,A6)->NTE of
                           last. Spoils
                           D1 D2 D4 D6 A0 A2 &
 $114 CA_GTFP  Get f p     separator flags in
               numbers     NTEs. Error code to
                           D0 & CC.
                           Leaves D3 lsw =
                           #params fetched,
 $116 CA_GTSTR Get strings params left on
                           arith stack with

 $118 CA_GTLIN Get long    param top (ie
               integers    lowest addr). *
                           D0.L=#bytes to
                           reserve: reserves
                           space on arith
                           stack (A1,A6).
               Reserve     Spoils D1 D2 D3.
 $11A BV_CHRIX space on RI Error code to D0.
               stack       May move whole
                           program, so save
                           arith stack pointer
                           in BV_RIP(A6),
                           retreive it after.

 $11C RI_EXEC  SINGLE      RIs
               ARITH OP
 -    -        : see OPIE

                           (A1,A6)->value to
                           assign: A3 & A1
                           even. Nte
 $120 BP_LET   Assign TOS  determines type of
               to variable
                           value, hence also
                           length. Spoils D1
                           D2 D3 A0 A1 A2.
                           Error code to D0. *

                           (A0)->device name
                           in STRING format *,
                           decoded result,
                           (A6)->base of
                           system variables:
                           device description
                           starts 6 bytes
                           after the call -
                           see below for
                           format and
                           examples. For each
                           numeric value in
                           the description,
                           the value given in
                           the device name is
                           returned, or the
 $122 IO_NAME  Decode a    default; for each
               device name
                           list of codes, the
                           position of the
                           code in the list is
                           returned, or zero.
                           Spoils D1-3 A1 A2,
                           preserves A0 A3,
                           error code in D0 =
                           ERR_NF (not
                           recognised) or
                           ERR_BN (recognized
                           but bad
                           parameters). If OK,
                           returns +4: if
                           ERR_BN, returns +2:
                           if ERR_NF, returns

 $124 MD_READ  Read a      } A1->start of
               sector      buffer, A3=$18020.

 $126 MD_WRITE Write a     } Error ret WRITE
               sector      READ/VER SECTR

 $128 MD_VERIN Verify a    }                   +0           OK failed bad
               sector                                                 medium
                                                                              (read sec
                                                                              head); Point to
                                                                              end of          $4000(An)
                                                                              buffer->A1      [$18020 is
                                                                              (all). All      mdv control
               Read a                                          bad            other registers register.]
 $12A MD_SECTR sector      }                   +2           OK sec    +4      spoilt. Before  All 4
               header                                          head           MD_WRITE, A7    should be
                                                                              must be to a    called with
                                                                              word with the   interrupts
                                                                              file number in  off.
                                                                              MSB and block
                                                                              number in LSB.
                                                                              All should be
                                                                              -- MOVE.W
                                                                              -- JSR
* value format - same as in the SuperBASIC variable values area.

$110 BP_INIT Table of form:
  .W, approx # of procedures
  .W, entry address - this address  ) for
  .B, length of name of procedure   ) each
  ..  that number of bytes          ) proc
  .W, zero
  .W, approx # of functions
  .W, entry address - this address  ) for
  .B, length of name of function    ) each
  ..  that number of bytes          ) func
  .W, zero
"approx#" is the number of procs/funcs, unless the average length of the
names is >7, in which case the approx# is (total number of characters+number
of funcs or procs+7)/8 $122 IO_NAME The device name is formed of 4 kinds of
  Name      - ISO characters, usually letters, case ignored;
  Separator - Single ISO character, case ignored.
  Number    - Decimal number > -1 and < 32768.
  Code      - One of a list of ISO characters.
The device description block has format:
  .W                     #chars in dev name to check for
  .Ws the chars
  .W                     #params to check for
  description per params
The format of each parameter description is
  byte space, byte separator, word default value (numeric with separator);
  word negative number, word default value (numeric with no separator);
  word positive number of possible codes, bytes for the ISO char codes.
In the description block, letters must be upper case.

Example description blocks:
  DC.W 3,'CON'
  DC.W 5        parameters

  DC.W '_',448  x-size       | CON             yeilds     0,      0, 128
                                               448, 180,

  DC.W 'X',180  y-size       | CON_256         yeilds     0,      0, 128
                                               256, 180,

  DC.W 'A',32   x-origin     | CON__60         yeilds     0,      0,    60
                                               448, 180,

  DC.W 'X',16   y-origin     | CONa0x12 yeilds 0,         12,
                             448, 180,                    128
  DC.W '_',128  kb q length

  DC.W 3,'SER'
  DC.W 4
                              | SER
                                         yeilds 1, 0, 0, 0
  DC.W -1,1
                port(dflt 1)
                              | SERe
                                         yeilds 1, 1, 0, 0
  DC.W 4,'OEMS'
                              | SER2miz
                                         yeilds 2, 3, 1, 2
  DC.W 2,'IH'
  DC.W 3,RZC

SUMMARY OF QDOS TRAPS and their parameters

Extended, revised and adapted from notes on Qdos supplied with the Public
Domain QDOS Emulator for the Commodore Amiga computer, supplied on disk by
Softville Ltd. (0705) 266509.

Supervisor TRAP #0

This is only mentioned for the sake of completeness, as it cannot be called
from SuperBasic - and should not, or problems are likely. The interpreter
is designed and expects to run in User Mode.

TRAP #0 enters Supervisor mode. This stops the job scheduler running, so
SuperBasic will not move until you return to user mode with the 68008
instruction AND #$D8FF,SR. While you are in Supervisor mode A7 points to
a fixed stack, not the user stack of the task (which can move, if the task
is SuperBasic). You are not expected to use more than 64 bytes on this SSP.

Manager TRAP #1

These calls are used to control or manage machine resources. The effect of
TRAP #1 depends on the value in register D0 at the time of the call. Some
parameters are passed in registers A0 to A3, D1, D2 and D3, depending on
the operation to be performed. Error codes are returned in D0; the operation
went wrong unless D0=0 on return (i.e. DATAREG=0). The table shows error
codes by two-letter mnemonics, e.g. OM = OUT OF MEMORY, OR = OUT OF RANGE,
NJ = No such Job (or no room in Job Table!), NC = NOT COMPLETE etc. 

Register names marked .W expect or return 16 bit integer values in the 'low
word' of the register. .L marks a 32 bit long integer, or SuperBasic float.
Byte values 0 to 255 are indicated by .B. If a value is specified as a byte
or word the state of other bits in the register does not alter the effect.

  MTRAP 0    MT.INF     Provide current job and system information

No Call parameters         Return parameters
D1                         D1.L current Job ID
D2                         D2.L ASCII version, e.g. "1.10"
D3                         D3   preserved
A0                         A0   pointer to system variables
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

No errors possible so no need to check DATAREG

  MTRAP 1     MT.CJOB    Create a job in the transient program area

Call parameters            Return parameters
D1.L owner's Job ID        D1.L ID of new Job
D2.L length of code(bytes) D2   preserved
D3.L length of data space  D3   preserved
A0                         A0   Start of memory for task code
A1   start address or 0    A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

Errors : OM, NJ

  MTRAP 2     MT.JINF    Provide information on a job

Call                       Return
D1.L Job ID                D1.L next Job in tree
D2.L Job at top of tree    D2.L owner of Job
D3                         D3   MSB<0 if suspended, LSB=priority
A0                         A0   base address of job
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

Errors : NJ

  MTRAP 3 illegal system trap, original purpose unknown.

4   MT.RJOB    Remove job from transient program area

Call                       Return
D1.L Job ID                D1   undefined
D2                         D2   undefined
D3.L Error code            D3   undefined
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined

Errors : NJ,NC

5   MT.FRJOB   force remove job from transient program area

Call                       Return
D1.L Job ID                D1   undefined
D2                         D2   undefined
D3.L Error code            D3   undefined
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined

Errors : NJ

6   MT.FREE    finds the maximum space free for a task

Call                       Return
D1                         D1.L length of space
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined

7   MT.TRAPV   sets pointer to trap vectors for this job

Call                       Return
D1.L Job ID                D1.L Job ID
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0                         A0   base of job
A1   pointer to table      A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

8   MT.SUSJB   suspend a job

Call                       Return
D1.L Job ID                D1.L Job ID
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0                         A0   base of job control area
A1   address of flag byte  A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

Errors : NJ

9   MT.RELJB   Release a job

Call                       Return
D1.L Job ID                D1.L Job ID
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0                         A0   base of job control area
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

Errors : NJ

10  MT.ACTIV   activate a job

Call                       Return
D1.L Job ID                D1.L Job ID
D2.B priority (0-127)      D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout (-1,0)        D3   preserved
A0                         A0   base of job control area
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

Errors : NJ,NC

11  MT.PRIOR   change a job's priority

Call                       Return
D1.L Job ID                D1.L Job ID
D2.B priority (0-127)      D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0                         A0   base of job control area
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

Errors : NJ

12 MT.ALLOC   allocate an area in a user heap

Call                       Return
D1.L required length       D1.L allocated length
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0   pointer to pointer    A0   base of area allocated
     to free space
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined
A6   base address          A6   preserved

Errors : OM

13  MT.LNKFR   link free space back into a user heap

Call                       Return
D1.L length to link in     D1   undefined
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0   base of new space     A0   undefined
A1   pointer to pointer    A1   undefined
     to free space
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined
A6   base address          A6   preserved

14  MT.ALRES   allocate resident procedure area

Call                       Return
D1.L num of bytes required D1   undefined
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0                         A0   base address of area
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined

Errors : OM,NC

15  MT.RERES   release resident procedure area

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined
Errors : NC

N.B. This only works on Minerva, and even then it is dangerous!

16  MT.DMODE   Sets or reads the display mode
Call                       Return
D1.B -1 read mode          D1.B display mode
     0 : 512 * 256 (MODE 4)
     8 : 256 * 256 (MODE 8)
    12 : 256 * 256 (MODE 12)

D2.B -1 read display       D2.B display type
     0 : monitor
     1 : TV
D3                         D3   preserved
A0                         A0   preserved
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   undefined

Mode 12 is only available on CST Thor XVI at the time of writing.
Minerva accepts extra DMODE parameters - see the manual for details.

17  MT.IPCOM   Sends a command to the IPC

Call                       Return
D1                         D1.B IPC return parameter
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
D5                         D5   undefined
D7                         D7   undefined
A0                         A0   preserved
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3.L pointer to command    A3   preserved

14  MT.BAUD    sets the RS-232 baud rate

Call                       Return
D1.W baud rate             D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0                         A0   preserved
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

SMS-2 documentation calls this SMS.COMM.

19  MT.RCLCK   reads the clock

Call                       Return
D1                         D1.L time in seconds since 1961
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   preserved
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

20  MT.SCLCK   sets the clock

Call                       Return
D1.L time in seconds       D1.L time in seconds
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

21  MT.ACLCK   adjust the clock

Call                       Return
D1.L adjustment in seconds D1.L time in seconds
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

22  MT.ALBAS   allocate Basic program area

Call                       Return
D1.L num of bytes required D1.L number of bytes allocated
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined
A6   base address          A6   new base address
A7   User Stack Pointer    A7   new USP (maybe!)

Errors : OM

SMS-2 documentation calls this MT.ALMPA (Movable program area).

23  MT.REBAS   release Basic program area

Call                       Return
D1.L num of bytes          D1.L number of bytes released
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0                         A0   undefined
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined
A6   base address          A6   new base address
A7   USP                   A7   new USP

24  MT.ALCHP   allocate common heap area

Call                       Return
D1.L num of bytes required D1.L number of bytes allocated
D2.L owner Job ID          D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0                         A0   base address of area
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined

Errors : OM, NJ

25  MT.RECHP   release common heap area

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   undefined
D3                         D3   undefined
A0.L base of area to free  A0   undefined
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   undefined
A3                         A3   undefined

26  MT.LXINT   link in an external interrupt service routine

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1.L entry address, 4(A0)  A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

27  MT.RXINT   remove external interrupt routine from list

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

28  MT.LPOLL   link in 50/60 Hz poll routine

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1.L entry address         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

29  MT.RPOLL   remove 50/60 Hz routine from list

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

30  MT.LSCHD   links in a scheduler loop task

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1.L entry address         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

31  MT.RSCHD   remove scheduler loop task from list

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

32  MT.LIOD    links in I/O device driver

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1.L entry address         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

33  MT.RIOD    remove I/O device driver from list

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

34  MT.LDD     links in directory device driver

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1.L entry address         A1   undefined
     A1 -> 4(A0)
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

35  MT.RDD     remove directory device driver from list

Call                       Return
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3                         D3   preserved
A0.L address of link       A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved
A3                         A3   preserved

36  MT.TRA     Set up Translate Tables (use TRA instead!)

I/O Allocation TRAP #2

This is only mentioned here for the sake of completeness, as it cannot be
called with DIY Toolkit QTRAP calls.

TRAP #2 calls have parameters in D0 between 1 and 4. They should be accessed
through normal OPEN, CLOSE. FORMAT and DELETE commands, or Toolkit variants.

I/O utilisation TRAP #3

Like TRAP #1 calls, these expect an operation code in D0. They also use
a channel ID (returned by OPEN, or read with BPEEK_L or CHANNEL_ID) in A0,
generated by QTRAP and BTRAP from a SuperBasic Channel number.

Use QTRAP by default; use BTRAP only when the buffer or data addressed by 
A1 is inside the SuperBasic task memory area.

Register values that are 'undefined' after a call may have interesting
values in them, but you should not expect these to be consistent between
ROM versions. It is best only to use results that are explicitly documented
here; they should not change as Qdos develops.

The type of the channel determines the operations that may be performed.
If an operation is not defined for a particular device, all these routines
can return ERR.BP (Bad parameter, DATAREG = -15 after the call). The code
in DATAREG after a call depends entirely on the parameters and the channel
or device in use; new devices could potentially return ANY error code.

  QTRAP 0  IO.PEND     Checks for pending input

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,EF

Beware: this is not reliable if used to check for console
input on early Qdos versions (such as "JM" or "AH" ROMs).

  QTRAP 1  IO.FBYTE    Fetch a byte

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1.B byte fetched
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,EF

2   IO.FLINE    Fetch a line of characters

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1.W number of bytes (inc. LF)
D2.W length of buffer      D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1.L base of buffer        A1   updated pointer to buffer
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,EF,BO

3   IO.FSTRG    Fetches a string of bytes

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1.W number of bytes fetched
D2.W length of buffer      D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1.L base of buffer        A1   updated pointer to buffer
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,EF

4   IO.EDLIN    edit a line of characters

Parameters                 Results
D1.H cursor position       D1.W Line length
D1.W current length             (including terminator)
D2.W length of buffer      D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1.L pointer to EOL        A1   pointer to end of line
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,BO

5   IO.SBYTE    sends a byte

Parameters                 Results
D1.B byte to be sent       D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,DF,OR

6   Unused System call (IO.SLINE, redundant; ERR.BP)

7   IO.SSTRG    sends a string of bytes

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1.W number of bytes sent
D2.W number of bytes       D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1.L base of buffer        A1   updated pointer to buffer
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,DF

8   Unknown unimplemented System call, reports Bad parameter

9   IO.EXTOP    invoke extra code as part of SCR/CON/MEM driver

Parameters                 Results
D1   Passed to extension   D1   Passed back by extension
D2   Passed to extension   D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   Passed to extension   A1   Passed back by extension
A2   Start of extension    A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,BP or potentially ANYTHING returned by code at A2!

10  SD.PXENQ    Results window size and cursor position in pixels

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1.L base of buffer        A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

PXENQ and CHENQ store four words in a buffer addressed by parameter A1:

0(A1) = X-dimension of window
2(A1) = Y-dimension of window
4(A1) = X-position of cursor
6(A1) = Y-position of cursor

11  SD.CHENQ    Find window size and cursor position in characters

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   preserved
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1.L base of buffer        A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

12  SD.BORDR    sets the border width and colour

Parameters                 Results
D1.B colour                D1   undefined
D2.W width                 D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   preserved
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

13  SD.WDEF     redefines a window's position & border

Parameters                 Results
D1.B border colour         D1   undefined
D2.W border width          D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1.L base of buffer        A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

WDEF expects parameters in a buffer of 8 bytes addressed by A1:

0(A1) = X-dimension of window
2(A1) = Y-dimension of window
4(A1) = X-origin
6(A1) = Y-origin

14  SD.CURE     Enable the cursor
Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

15  SD.CURS     Turn off the cursor

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

16  SD.POS      Position cursor at character row & column

Parameters                 Results
D1.W column number         D1   undefined
D2.W row number            D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

17  SD.TAB      Position cursor at column

Parameters                 Results
D1.W column number         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

18  SD.NL       Position cursor on new line

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

19  SD.PCOL     Position cursor on previous column

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

20  SD.NCOL     Position cursor on next column

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

21  SD.PROW     Position cursor on previous row

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

22  SD.NROW     Position cursor on next row

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

23  SD.PIXP     Position cursor using pixel coordinates

Parameters                 Results
D1.W X-coordinate          D1   undefined
D2.W Y-coordinate          D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,OR

24  SD.SCROL    Scroll entire window

Parameters                 Results
D1.W distance to scroll    D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

25  SD.SCRTP    Scroll the top of a window

Parameters                 Results
D1.W pixels to scroll      D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

26  SD.SCRBT    Scroll the bottom of a window

Parameters                 Results
D1.W distance to scroll    D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

27  SD.PAN      Pans all of a window

Parameters                 Results
D1.W distance to pan       D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

28  SD.PANTOP, unimplemented system call

29, SD.PANBOT, unimplemented system call

30  SD.PANLN    pans cursor line

Parameters                 Results
D1.W distance to pan       D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

31  SD.PANRT    pans right side of cursor line

Parameters                 Results
D1.W distance to pan       D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

32  SD.CLEAR    clears all of a window

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

33  SD.CLRTP    clears the top of a window

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

34  SD.CLRBT    clears the bottom of a window

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

35  SD.CLRLN    clears the cursor line

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

36  SD.CLRRT    clears the right side of the cursor line

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

37  SD.FOUNT    sets or resets the character founts

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   base of fount 0       A1   undefined
A2   base of fount 1       A2   preserved

Errors : NC, NO

38  SD.RECOL    recolours a window

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   ptr to colour list    A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

The colour list consists of 8 bytes which contain the new colour for
each old colour, in order from 0 to 7, or 16 bytes for Argos MODE 12.

39  SD.SETPA    sets the Paper colour

Parameters                 Results
D1.W colour                D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

The SuperBasic PAPER command sets both PAPER and STRIP, but this call
sets only the PAPER colour used beneath characters printed with OVER 0.
Thor XVI MODE 12 intensity is controlled by bits 14 & 15 of D1.W

40  SD.SETST    sets the Strip colour

Parameters                 Results
D1.W colour                D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

41  SD.SETIN    sets the ink colour

Parameters                 Results
D1.W colour                D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

42  SD.SETFL    sets MODE 8 flashing on or off

Parameters                 Results
D1.B flash flag (0 or 1)   D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

43  SD.SETUL    sets Underlining on or off

Parameters                 Results
D1.B UNDER flag, 0 or 1    D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

44  SD.SETMD    sets text and graphics OVER mode

Parameters                 Results
D1.W OVER flag 0, 1 or -1  D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

45  SD.SETSZ    set character size and spacing

Parameters                 Results
D1.W text width, 0-3       D1   undefined
D2.W text height, 0 or 1   D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

46  SD.FILL     fills a rectangular block within a window

Parameters                 Results
D1.W colour                D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   ptr to block def      A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

Thor XVI MODE 12 intensity is controlled by bits 14 & 15 of D1.W.
A1 points to four word parameters in a buffer:

0(A1) = width in pixels
2(A1) = height in pixel
4(A1) = X origin (relative to window)
6(A1) = Y origin

47  SD.DONL      Perform a pending newline, if any

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

48  SD.POINT    plots a graphics point

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   arithmetic stack ptr  A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

This expects two floating point parameters, passed on the maths stack:

0(A1) = Y coordinate
6(A1) = X coordinate

49  SD.LINE     plots a graphics line

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   arithmetic stack ptr  A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

This expects four floating point parameters, passed on the maths stack:

 0(A1) = Y coordinate end of line
 6(A1) = X coordinate end of line
12(A1) = Y start
18(A1) = X start

50  SD.ARC      plots a graphics arc

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   arithmetic stack ptr  A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

This expects five floating point parameters, passed on the maths stack:

 0(A1) = angle subtended, in radians
 6(A1) = Y end
12(A1) = X end
18(A1) = Y start
24(A1) = X start

51  SD.ELLIPS   plots an ellipse

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   arithmetic stack ptr  A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

This expects five floating point parameters, passed on the maths stack:

 0(A1) = orientation in radians
 6(A1) = radius
12(A1) = eccentricity
18(A1) = Y centre
24(A1) = X centre

52  SD.SCALE    sets window scale

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   arithmetic stack ptr  A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

This expects three floating point parameters, passed on the maths stack:

 0(A1) = Y coordinate of the bottom line
 6(A1) = Leftmost pixel X coordinate
12(A1) = length of Y axis in your units

53  SD.FLOOD    turns area filling on and off

Parameters                 Results
D1.L Flag, 0/1             D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

54  SD.GCUR     sets graphics cursor position

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   arithmetic stack ptr  A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

This expects four floating point parameters, passed on the maths stack:

0(A1) = graphics X coordinate
6(A1) = graphics Y coordinate
C(A1) = pixel offset to the right
12(A1) = pixel offset downwards

55, 56, 57 unimplemented/unknown system calls

58  SD.TOPW     Moves a Thor window to top of the pile

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

This Thor windowing TRAP also directs keyboard input to the window.

59, 60, 61, 62, 63 unimplemented/unknown system calls

64  FS.CHECK    checks all pending operations on a file

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

65  FS.FLUSH    flushes buffer for file

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

66  FS.POSAB    Move file pointer to absolute position

Parameters                 Results
D1.L position in file      D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,EF

67  FS.POSRE    position file pointer relative

Parameters                 Results
D1.L offset to file ptr    D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,EF

68  Unimplemented system call, once reserved for RENAME

69  FS.MDINF    Gets information about storage medium

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1.H Unused sectors
                           D1.W Usable sectors
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   10 byte name buffer   A1   past end of medium name
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

70  FS.HEADS    sets start of a file header

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   length of header set
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   base of header block  A1   end of header definition
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO

Please see DIY Toolkit volume F for further details of file headers.

71  FS.HEADR    reads a 64 byte file header

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2.W buffer length         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   ptr to read buffer    A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,BO

72  FS.LOAD     loads a file into memory
Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout (use -1)      D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   EVEN load address     A1   top address after load
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NO

Some books say D2 is 'length of file' but existing drivers load the
entire file regardless of the parameter value, unfortunately.

73  FS.SAVE     saves a file from memory

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2.L length of file        D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout (-1)          D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   EVEN address of data  A1   Just past end of data
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : DF,NO

This is the end of the calls implemented on standard QL systems.
Others need Toolkit 2, CST Thors, Minerva or hard disks to work.

74   FS.RENAM     Changes the name of a file

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   address of new name   A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved


75  FS.TRUNC    Truncate file to current position

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,NO,RO

76  FS.DATE     Set or read file dates
Parameters                 Results
D1.L Date/-1=READ/0=SET    D1   undefined
D2.W 0-2 Update/Ref/Backup D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NO,NC

77  FS.MKDIR     Makes a file into a sub-directory

Parameters                 Results
D1                         D1   undefined
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,IU,BN,RO,DF,NO

78  FS.WATER    Read CST Thor watermark
Parameters                 Results
D1.W Field 0 or 1          D1   Length of field read
D2   Buffer length         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   Base of buffer        A1   Top of buffer
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NO,NC,BO,OR

78  FS.VERS     Set or read Miracle file version number
Parameters                 Results
D1.W Number/0=Read/-1=Bump D1  Version number, 1-65535
D2                         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1                         A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NO,NC

79  FS.XINF     Interrogate the file system

Parameters                 Results
D1.W Flag: 0 = everything  D1   undefined
D2   Buffer length         D2   preserved
D3.W Timeout               D3   preserved
A0.L Channel ID            A0   preserved
A1   Ptr to result buffer  A1   undefined
A2                         A2   preserved

Errors : NC,IU,BN,RO,DF,NO

D1=0 to read all the information. Set bits in D1 request specific fields 
e.g. D1=7 for a 32 bit MDINF equivalent, D1=57344 for the full name, etc.
The exact contents of the buffer may vary, depending on the system you are
using and its age; CST (Argos 6.37), Miracle and Rebel implement FS.XINF.

SuperBasic A6 relative TRAP #4

This makes the next TRAP #2 or TRAP #3 call relative to A6, for SuperBASIC.
Use BTRAP instead of QTRAP to get the effect of calling TRAP #4 directly.

    Source: geocities.com/svenqhj