StockChart Version 4.0.0 - by Gary Leive

The best way to describe StockChart is to ask you, the reader, to IMAGINE!

Imagine seeing closing price histories on your Palmtop

Imagine a portable tool, right in your pocket, which can analyze your portfolio! In the airplane, standing in line at the Supermarket, on the beach, by the pool, in your hammock!

Got the picture?

Here are some screen shots:

View of price history

Regression Analysis

StockChart™ features the following:

Download Required Software

You may download the software listed here to try out StockChart™.
StockChart™        StockChart™ self-extracting archive
Stockdoc.exe       Documentation self-extracting archive            Our Line Disconnect program 
Get.exe            Our Unattended Web document retrieval
Keystuff           Copyrighted freeware by Craig Payne
MaxDOS             Copyrighted freeware by MeW
WWW/LX             Our WWW/LX Product

How To Order

Use our convenient Order Form. Simply download this file to your computer, then use any text editor (Memo, PE, or NotePad) to fill out the form. Then you can either email the form to or fax it to us. The fax number is right on the form for your convenience. Thank you.

When we receive the order, we will send you by email registration information which will enable the software to fetch stock information from Internet Web sources. In the following weeks, you will receive more information from the author.
